Chapter 18


I may have woken up in the morning in a bad mood and not wanting to do anything, but after Andrea told us we would have two little girls, and everything is going well with them I was super happy. I still didn't get the idea, but I'm fascinated by the idea, and by the look on Alex's face the moment Andrea said we would have two daughters, I know she loved the idea, especially because he was the one who wanted to have a daughter so, according to him, she could be his princess.

"You look happier than yesterday." Kevin observed, "I am." I answered sincerely, "I'm glad you're this happy, I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you are right now in my life." He said and I nodded, because I had never felt this happy. "It's just right now everything is great in my life." I assured, "Everything, except it seems like you haven't slept well. What kept you from sleeping, Gabriela?"

And he had caught me. I know I didn't sleep well, I don't need him to remind me, I don't want to remember why I had slept badly tonight, not now I'm in such a good mood and happy. "Well, if you don't want to tell me that's fine, but just know you have me there for whatever you need Gabriela." He said with a smile on his face "I know, Kev. Don't worry, I'm fine, sleep can be recovered at any time."

"If the nightmare doesn't return." I knew Kev was going to know why I wasn't sleeping, it was more than clear, but I didn't want to talk about it, one, because I don't want to remember that moment, and two, I want to enjoy the day, be a normal girl and not be the tough one who doesn't want everyone to know her worries, mostly because today I didn't want to have worries, I would just have to focus on the fact Alex and I would be parents of two beautiful girls and one of them was getting better, that's the only thing What would I care about today.

"The nightmares go away, if I managed to forget it once, I can do it a second time. And I ask you please not to mention the topic again today, I want to enjoy the day and everyone's happiness." I asked and he nodded "Okay, I won't bring it up again, but I repeat, if you need to vent about the topic, anything that has to do with the topic, let me know, okay?" He asked and I nodded "Okay."

With that the car started and we headed to buy what my grandmother needed. I have a suspicion Kev wanted me to come over to ask me why I had slept poorly, but I also know he suspected what was causing me not to sleep well, so I didn't understand why he brought up the subject.

It didn't take us long to get to the supermarket, and once inside we split up to finish sooner. I was in the cereal aisle (typical for me in recent months) when I got a chill that made me turn around and look everywhere, but there's no one there, so I focused again on which cereal to choose.

"Every day you look more beautiful." With those words I turned in the direction the voice is coming from and saw a man I had never seen in my life, but I'm sure I had heard his voice somewhere. "Excuse me, but do I know you?" The smile that appeared on his face and made me shiver. This couldn't be good and to my bad luck, Kevin wasn't around.

"Come on, don't tell me you forgot the night we had four years ago." And at that moment everything fell into place. How the hell did this guy find me? I hoped I wouldn't cross paths with him in my life. At this moment a lot of things were going through my head, things I didn't want to have today or ever. "From your face, I have to assume you remember." He said with a smile on his face, "Get away from me."

"Oh, dear, I don't feel like doing it. I must admit after you, I didn't find anyone who resisted as much as you did. You have been the person I had the best sex with, and I'm still looking for a girl who does it like you, although I would like it to be with you." He revealed this and I pressed myself closer to the shelf to get as far away from him as possible. "Leave me alone, stupid."

"You don't know how hot you're making me right now, darling." He said, "I told you to stay away from me." I insisted, "I'm not going to do it, but you know, I think your cousin Nerea can replace you, or that little girl who practically doesn't leave your side. Any of those two could replace you." How come he knew my cousin's name and that Ana didn't leave my side? At that moment many things began to come together in my head, it's as if all this time I was being watched. He had started to approach slowly and I had nowhere to go, he had cornered me against the shelves, and the first thing that crossed my mind was to punch him, which I did, and with all my strength.

"You're stupid…" He had raised his hand to hit me back, but just at that moment an arm appears to prevent him from hitting me, and when I see Kev right next to me, a little peace of mind runs through me. "Don't even think about putting your hand on her." Kev threatened "She deserves it. Someone needs to put this bitch in her place if no one does." The man said as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "I warn you to go away and leave her alone."

"We will meet again, dear, have no doubt." And with that he left, leaving me and Kevin alone in that hallway. It didn't take long for him to hug me and bring me closer to him. "It's all right… I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise…"

I didn't want anyone to touch me, I didn't want to have anyone close, so I separated from him and started walking towards the exit, I just wanted to get out of here and not come back, at least for a while, but Kevin didn't take long to reach me. "Who was that guy, Gabriela?" Kevin asked in a worried tone. "Kevin, I'm leaving."

"What? Where to?" He asked alarmed "That doesn't matter, I want to be alone. "Tell the others I went for a walk with Camila." I asked "But…" he started, but I denied "BUT NOTHING KEVIN, you're going to tell them and that's it."

He wasn't to blame for anything, I know, but at this moment I needed to be alone, and this time it wouldn't help me to go to the usual beach, I had to go somewhere else, one no one knew about, which It was easy to choose thanks to my sleepless nights, so I went to the first one that came to mind and it wasn't too far from here.