Chapter 24


As soon as Gabriela walked out the door of the garden everything basically became chaos. Everyone is wondering what happened four years ago, obviously everyone who knew Dutch, but it didn't take long for them to tell us the whole situation, making us all ask ourselves the same questions.

"Think what could have happened to make her leave. There must be a logical explanation." I said, trying to understand what had happened a few minutes ago in my garden. "Of course there must be, but in Gabriela's head, I really don't have the slightest idea." Nerea answered "In Holland she had to let things be seen, she's not able to put up with things for so long."

"You're wrong about that, if Gabriela sets her mind to it she's capable of hiding things, just seeing how long she was hiding what she felt for Alex gives us a clue." Carlota pointed out "She couldn't stand anything, we all know she wasn't well after he left her. "Not bad blood, man." Sergio apologized. "Don't worry, I understand what I did and I know I'm responsible for it."

"It may be she was bad, but don't you think for Gabriela, what she showed us was little? Besides, after that, you couldn't tell she was still suffering for him." said Carlota "Carlota is right, if she set her mind to it she's capable of hiding things forever." I supported, because at least is true "Thank you Angela, at least someone who knows. Didn't she said anything to you?"

"I didn't even know she had spent a year in Holland, so I guess I don't know the reason either." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "Let's think a little, what could have made her leave without telling anyone?" I asked, to refocus on the topic "A threat from Paula?" Nerea asked. "Paula wasn't the cause" Alex said, completely sure of what he's saying. "Why do you say that?"

"Because she reacted badly when he was there. The man must be the cause, and it must be something considerably bad for Kevin to react that way." responded "So, you think Kevin knows something." I said more than asked, "Kevin knows the reason why Gabriela went to Holland." Carlota responded completely confidently. "I can tell you he had no idea Gabriela was going to Holland, because he was at our house, and when Gabriela told him she was at the airport, he had a surprised look on his face."

"I'm not saying he knew it at the time, but he has to know it now. Keep in mind the other day when I said about Holland, Gabriela practically killed me and when she went out, Kevin left with her." Carlota said looking at Marcos and Alex. "With the two of them together, they won't going to tell us anything."

"We have to separate them." Carlota responded with a smile on her face "And how will we do it? Because Gabriela won't let that happen." Nerea said to which I nodded. "The moment they come home, you all get the information out of Kevin while Marcos, Alex and I try to get something out of Gabriela."

I noticed Alex hadn't said anything for a while, and he looked thoughtful, from the look he had I know something is on his mind. "What do you know everyone else doesn't, Alex?" I asked and that's when all the heads turned in Alex's direction who happens to look at me. He didn't move much because Ana had fallen asleep in his lap after being scared tremendously.

"She told me to take care of Ana and Nerea. And the night they apparently spent four years ago has me baffled." He admitted "And why me? I'm old enough, nobody has to take care of me." Nerea protested, frowning. "What are you saying about the night they spent four years ago?"

"That's what the man said, that they enjoyed it." He answered without looking at any of us "They enjoyed what?" Carlota asked curiously. "I don't know, Gabriela cut him off, but she insulted him." He responded, "At what point did she say that?" I asked, not understanding when my granddaughter had insulted the boy. "The moment they spoke Italian." Alex revealed "Do you understand Italian?" I asked surprised "Yes, grandma taught me, she's Italian."

"Well then we have a point in our favor. At least tell me Gabriela doesn't know anything about you knowing Italian." Carlota asked and my granddaughter's fiancé denied, "I never told her." He admitted, "Well, that has to continue like this, she can't know." Carlota said, "What are you up to, Carlota?" her boyfriend asked

"Just think, at some point I'm sure that guy is going to come back and at some point they will let something slip while talking, that's the other possibility of finding out what happened if the plan to get the information out of Kevin fails." reported "That's another solution, but after seeing how Gabriela reacted, I'm not sure about letting that guy into the house. Besides, there's something that doesn't fit me in all of this."

"The doubt I have is that I don't think even Kevin knows what happened four years ago. Gabriela is not one to worry people out there." Alex said, frowning. "Kevin is the only one who knows that stuff. She doesn't tell the rest of us because she knows we'll worry, and even though Kevin does it too, he understands her, it's something complicated to explain." Carlota informed her friend, "Kevin cares a lot about Gabriela."

"I know, he's the overprotective cousin of her, that's why I told you it's hard to explain what the hell they do." Just at that moment both Gabriela and Kevin appear through the door, the latter relaxed but tense and she looked calm, but it could have been a facade. "Now you're going to sit down and explain to us what happened four years ago. And there will be no excuses that will serve us."

"There's nothing to explain, Grandma." Gabriela said calmly "Of course there is. Why did you hit the guy Kevin? What happened four years ago Gabriela for you to go to Holland without saying anything?" I asked, throwing questions into the air. "By parts." My granddaughter asked, "Okay, in parts, then answer your question first."

"Easy, four years ago Kevin called me one day after a late drinking party and told me he had broken up with his girlfriend. I thought he was going to do something stupid, that's why I went to Holland without telling anyone." Gabriela said and I frowned, because I remember on that period Gabriela had gone to Holland, Kevin had broken up with his girlfriend. "And why would you stay for a year and not come in the summer?"

"I did it because I could stay for a year, and I didn't come in the summer and drag Kevin with me because I wanted him to show me Holland." When they entered, the first thing she did was go sit next to Alex and lean on him looking at us, and I must admit she looked calm, which made me doubt something had happened four years ago and Federico had something to do with it.

"Then it's your turn to answer, Kevin." I said, focusing my gaze on my other grandson. "I have nothing to say." he murmured, crossing his arms. "Oh, of course you have. Why did you hit the poor man?" I asked "Hij heeft grandsons arm. (He has nothing poor)" he muttered "What are you talking about?"

"Kevin, we already talked about it, that man is not the one you think, you were confused." Gabriela said without looking away from Kevin. "Maybe, but he looks so much like that son of a…" he began. "Those words, Kevin." I said, since the last thing we needed is for Ana to hear those kinds of words "I'm sorry, but it's the truth."

"Who does he look like?" I asked curiously. "To a boy who's the worst person you can meet." responded "Why?" I continued asking, "It's better we don't talk about anything else; it took me long enough for Kevin to come to his senses and stop being angry so now you're asking him things, he'll tell it whenever he wants."

I know from Kevin's face he wasn't telling the truth right now. I don't know what these two were hiding, but it couldn't be anything too good. "Okay, we'll stop talking about it, mostly because it's your day and you should enjoy it." I said, not wanting to spoil Gabriela's day any further. "Thank you, all I want is to have a good time, at the end of the day, everything was good news today."

"Well perfect, it's time to toast. Kevin, go get the champagne." I said, looking in his direction "Why me?" I questioned "Because you have to somehow make amends for the blow you gave to Federico." I responded "That's not fair." He murmured, "Of course it is, so come on." I insisted "I'll help you, Kev."

"Nothing about that, miss, you stay sitting where you are." Sergio said before his daughter got up to follow her cousin. "And I can't even accompany him?" She asked, pouting. "I don't trust you not to help him." her father responded, "I'm not going to do it, I don't feel like doing anything."

"Well, all the more reason for you to sit there and do nothing." Gabriela pouted at which Alex laughed, but I didn't want to take the risk now that the pregnancy is going so well by trying to help, I didn't want to did anything Furthermore, she deserved a rest more than anyone, not only because of the pregnancy, but because of everything she has been doing all these years, since she always tried to help everyone, we would have to give her something in return, even though I am sure she didn't care about anything we did to reward her.

"Do you hear that noise?" Gabriela asked, looking towards the door that led to the house. "What noise are you talking about, beautiful?" I asked "That one, it comes from in there." With those words we all got up to go see what noise Gabriela was referring to, because I have to admit she has the best hearing in the family even though sometimes she listened to the music too loud.

"Gabriela, grandma said you should stay…" As soon as Nerea opened her mouth to say that, we all came out and watched as Gabriela came out of the garden, mouthing off at her cousin. Alex's smile becomes evident, and it's at that moment I realize she had deceived us to get her way. "Could you control your fiancée instead of grinning?" Carlota asked in an annoyed tone. "I'm not going to stop her from doing something."

"Even though we all know she's going to make efforts?" Nerea asked, mouth agape. "She won't, she really tells the truth when she says she doesn't feel like doing anything." assured Gabriela's fiancé "And how are you so sure she's not cheating on you too?" Nerea questioned. "First of all, this morning she woke up in a bad mood and without wanting to do anything, and second, because I know she won't do anything, that's all."