Day in new house.

Little one had make some bowl and chopstick since there was no table and chair they decide to seat on the floor to eat today hailin take a full bowl of grain rice, pickled vegetables and a egg she give the food to mother lu in the room.

"mother eat the food and rest" she placed the food infront of her when mother lu saw the egg she quickly stuff it back into hailin hand.

"hailin don't give this egg to me give it to your siblings they need to study" but hailin stuff the egg back to mother lu.

"mother eat it there is still some egg for everyone is getting one egg don't worry about us eat it you need some energy so you can feed the twins they can't drink goat milk it's to smelly it take me lot of effort to make them drink it" mother lu doesn't argue this time she also know that the babies can't akway drink gost milk.

after mother lu had esten hailin take the empty dishes outside since there was much bowls she decide to eat in mother lu bowl she notice that her siblings was waiting for her.

"why did you wait for me look now the food had turn cold it won't taste good" she lightly scold them.

"We were waiting for older sister so we can eat together" little four show his white teeth he was very cute in the future lot of women will be willing to marry him in reality all brother are very handsome they look like idol of some places.

"eat now" with everyone start eating she had not make lot of things she only had cooked some rice and boiled some egg third aunt had given totall ten egg to them she had boil six egg in one go so everyone had one egg each she had stir fry the pickled vegetables and add some salt.

but still it taste good in her past she had live alone so knowing cooking is the most common skill for a orphanager like her she had learn cooking from the chief of the orphanage although her food don't taste like too good but it was at least eatable.

when everyone was done eating little one and little two help her to wash the dishes and little three and little four was spreading blankets on the floor so they can sleep the house was very small there was kitchen, one small room in which mother lu is resting and wooden shed where they had kept the goat and hens, a bathroom and hall where they all are going to sleep.

when they come back after cleaning the dishes they lay down on the blanket on the floor which barely stop any cold that night they all sleep very uncomfortably on the floor.

In the morning she announced that they will go to city in the afternoon she quickly cook the same dish from yesterday but today they don't get any egg since mother lu had seen them eating egg yeasterday so she thought that they also had eaten today so she doesn't throw any tantrum and eat silently.

In the afternoon they all walk to city it took them three hour to reach city as soon they reach there hailin throw the basket to the boys they were confuse when they open the basket they saw there school white robe and school suppliments there was also give teal of silver in it.

"what do you think that mother is sick you can slack off from studies now you all better get your a** to school and I'm not listening anything you all already had missed school for three days"

"but older sister" little one want to say something but was silence by her.

"no but go to school if you need money in future you can send a letter to me" she doesn't give them time to refuse and quickly turn around and walk away from there boys can only helplessly look at her retreating your back.

"elder brother what should we do now sister is not going to listen us she is very stubborn" little two ask helplessly to little one he also frown his eyebrow after thinking some time he spoke.

"well it's not like everyone of us need to bevome scholar right we can also do anything else I think only one scholar is enough for our family"everyone agree with little one but little two raised a question.

"but who will be that one scholar in our family" everyone look at each other ready to throw this heavy potato to each other.

mean while hailin was looking around the whole market there was lot people selling this and that all this was very new for her at first she familiarise herself with street of the market she was also hearing people selling there things to other she want to hear the prices so she can buy things without being cheated.

she stand not so far away from the butcher so she heard the prices of pork meat the pork meat was costly but it was most good things to nourish the body and mother lu need it one catty of pork meat cost half teal of silver she grit her teeth and decide to buy two catty of pork meat for mother lu.

"Butcher can you give me two catty of pork meat" the butcher who was sleeping on the chair immediately stand up when he heard someone is here to buy pork meat.

but all his happiness vanish into air when his eyes meet pair of mismatch eye's and head of white hair the girl face was whiter then milk the only thing that was not white was her pair of cherry lips.

"ahhhh monster someone save me" black line appear on her forehead when she heard this she was to busy to think how to get the boys to school that she forget to check for face for the reason of being monster.