
early in the morning little one was up but hailin was still sleeping he don't dare to wake her up after all he is too young to die right.

so he seat in the courtyard and start making basket that can be easily carried on the back little three was also wake up after sometime he start cooking so both of them don't have to go empty stomach.

Meanwhile hailin who was sleeping on the blanket was actually having nightmare she was traped in dark she kept running and running after running for quite sometime she saw light in the shape of ball when she touch the ball.

The darkness around her suddenly vanish she close her eyes cause of the brightness when her eyes adjust with the light she saw herself in the middle of battlefield under her feet was a dead body she panick and step back only to end up bumping into someone.

when she saw the person whom she had bump into she was stunt cause the person infront of her was the original owner father his forehead was covered in blood his eyes was fiercy he had sword in his hand fighting with an enemy.

she try to match the man infront of her from the memory of the original owner but nothing match the father in the memory of original owner was gentle and his eyes was used to filled with love she sign.

she follow him where ever he go he only shed blood dropping the dead body of the enemy she was seeing his every single movement she suddenly realised that his every move match with the moves learnt by the original owner of the body.

The only difference between both of them is the way they do the moves his movement is fiercy, fast and killer while her movement are clumsy, fast and clever he used strength while she use brain hailin is learning all these moves for the past three years by her father.

her father know that she will not be able to marry so he train her so she will not being bullied by other kids in the village his decision was right not only the village kid are scared from her but even the villager don't dare to mess with her.

everything was going right her father and other solider was defeating the enemy and they almost win the fight not until the enemy soldiers start showering the arrow one arrow fell beside her feet she take out the arrow and realise that there was something on the arrow.

it was poision she was stunt she open her mouth to shout but soon realise that no one hear her voice she can only see people being killed she suddenly thought of her father she start searching for him she doesn't found him in the battlefield.

she run toward the camp side and check every single camp but her father was no were to found she curse under her breath she suddenly felt that the temperature around her drop she felt chills and heard the sound of multiple horses.

she turn around and saw a man dress up in black wearing mask covering his face his eyes was sharp there was murderous glint in his eyes the aura around him was like of grim reaper ready to take people soul out from them.

she come back to her sence when she saw the person already had gone away she just had relax when she again heard the sounds of horse she held her breath and turn around only to see few more people on the horse she also saw her father in that group.

she also follow behind them but she can't match with the speed of horses but still she catch up with them soon but what she saw infront of her eyes was terrifying the man dress up in black was killing without batting an eyes where he go only blood flow she had seen her father fighting but it was nothing compare to this god of death infront of her.

The whole battlefield take a whole damn turn of event with the appearance of the man in black and other few people all the enemy solider had to retreat cause they were not to able to defeat the man in black.

the battlefield was filled with sounds of cheer and shout of victory but no one saw one of the enemy solider hiding in the middle of the solider the enemy solider place the arrow on his bow and aim it at the man in black but no one notice it.

hailin shout to be careful but no one can hear her and the enemy solider realise the arrow it was aim at his heart but before it can hit him someone take the arrow for him when the person fell down on the ground then she realise that the person was her own father.

The surrounding solider quickly capture the enemy solider while other rush to her father they take him toward the camp she also follow them but in the mid way her surrounding suddenly change and she woke up she look around and found her three brother looking at her with worried eyes.

"older sister are you okay" little four ask her with worry written on his face he only relax when he saw hailin nodded her head.

"when I saw that it was getting late so I come to wake you up but then I notice that you have fever I was so scared" little three added after little four was done speaking.

it's was then she notice that her forehead was little hot she was indeed sick maybe cause she had no habit of sleeping on floor or maybe cause of the nightmare but she had gotten sick she press her lips together in dissatisfaction she want to go to mountain but now she can't go to mountain.

"We will go to mountain on other day" little one doesn't say anything he also know how much his older sister want to go mountain but cause of rumor of ghost mother lu never let them go there.