We are rich now.

when those students saw her with little two they were curious about her background but they heard little two calling her older sister they know she is his sibling who has came to visit him it's not like there family not came to see them so they retreat far away from his room so they can talk freely.

when they enter the room she saw lot of books stack together in orderly manner the study table was neat and clean everything in the room was orderly arrange she nodded her head in amusement cause she is not very orderly person her old room used to look like trash cabinet rather then room.

"little two open the box that I has given to you" she was looking around the room and grab the book the language in this world is slightly different from the one from her world do she was sure that she in parallel world luckily the original owner father has teach her some basic words to read and write so it's not hard for her to read things written on the book but her attention was attract by the gasp.

"s-sister th-this" his hand tremble when he point at the things inside the box little four let out laugh at his silly reaction even hailin couldn't help but smile at his reaction her eyes was filled with tenderness while her lips has gentle smile when she look at them little two was much more shock from her smile then the things in the box the number of time she has smile can be counted on one hand as she very rarely smile.

the only time they had seen her smile was when there father came back from the border but since they heard the news of there father death they has thought that they will never seen her smile but today is like snow has fallen in spring it's weird phenomenon yet a beautiful one they were in daze by her smile she is the most beautiful woman they has ever seen in there life.

"what happen to you both" she was not aware that her simple smile can make them daze it has been a month since she has came in this world but she has never seen her face she realy want to get herself a mirror to see her face the only things she know is that this body has unique feature which make people think her as monster but at the same time she is very beautiful girl.

"huh n-nothing happened sister it's just I was shock with this amount of money where did you got this money" he frown when he think about it he don't think if hailin has did something wrong cause he know his sister very well she is very prideful there no way she is going to do anything wrong so he can only look at them for answer.

little four was the one who start telling him about the things happening in the past few days he felt disappointed when he heard that there grandmother has plot against his sister he was angry, sad and disappointed in them but she was shock with the news of them receiving sudden wealth he don't feel comfortable to accept the money so he stuff back the box into hailin hand.

"sister I'm still very young why don't you take care of this money on your own" he spoke while stuffing the box back to her but she tightly held on the box as she narrow her eyes he couldn't help but gulp in fear he has seen her smile today so he think she is in good mood and forget about her fearful image that they has seen in there childhood he drink back in fear.

"this amount is just a tiny portion of the wealth we has received so just take it" every word of her was filled with authority he was scared and don't dare to reject her this time he also thought about her word 'this amount is just tiny portion of the wealth' he can't even imagine how much money they has received he only know that they has receive lot of money while he thinking about it hailin open her mouth.

"ten teal of gold"

'hisss' he suck in cold air when he heard the amount this is not small amount at all there few generations has eat there fill without doing any work with this amount of money but he was not interested in this money he only to study hard and bring glory to his family with that thought he keep the money to himself without any hesitation.

"why don't we buy a house here in few days I'm going to send other here they also need a place to stay and it will be much better for you to study in silent place let's go and buy a house do you have suggestion about house little two" he was stunt but he quickly acknowledge her intention and told her about a house which was empty and broker is trying to sell it he has gone to see the house with Prince but he don't like it so it's still empty but he quite like it.

"okay then let's buy it" she get up from the chair both quickly run behind her to catch up with her cause her speed was very fast they walk in the bustling street before reaching the house it was simple courtyard made-up of limestone and tiles it can be consider a good house she also like it so she buy it the broker was smiling from ear to ear not only she buy the house but she also settle the payment at once.

After taking with a carpenter for furnituring the house they leave the courtyard she hand over the house deed to little four she told him to keep it carefully they leave little two to his old rented house and head toward the carriage that they has bring from the village the whole carraige was filled with various things she suddenly has thought to buy a carriage for themselve to make it easier for her mother to go anywhere with the babies.