I was relieved that Jeremy didn't find it odd that I had pulled away, as I had no intention of answering any questions. He simply thought I was flustered.

Fortunately, my father wasn't home when I returned.

I couldn't get Dylan out of my mind. Why had he claimed Jeremy was dangerous? Could it be jealousy? That couldn't be possible, could it? What was happening to me?

The next day at school, neither of them was present. Had Jeremy abandoned me? I dismissed that thought when I received a text from him, explaining that he had something important to attend to.

I decided to visit my "secret" spot.

"Why did you go out with him?" I looked up from the book I was reading to find Dylan towering over me.

"I don't need to explain that to you," I replied, keeping my eyes on the book. He sat down next to me.

"He's dangerous. He's not good for you," he cautioned.

"Oh, please don't feed me that crap again. So, if he's not good for me, you are?" I retorted, growing annoyed.

"I never said that, Jess. I just don't want you to get into trouble with him," he replied in a surprisingly gentle voice, perhaps the gentlest I had ever heard from him.

Why was he concerned about me? I wondered.

Just like every other time, he left before I could inquire further.