CHAPTER 15 Marry Me?

My mom and I had a great relationship, and things with Dylan were going smoothly. Life felt amazing, and I cherished my vampire companions; they were like family to me.

I watched the moonlight gently creep into the room, casting a soft beam of light on the floor. I was eagerly awaiting Dylan's return. Lately, he had been staying by my side more often, offering me comfort and a sense of security. I loved how he eased me into sleep.

However, tonight, he was running late. I wondered why he hadn't returned yet. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. When I opened it, I found my mother and Caytln, both elegantly dressed in beautiful gowns.

"Hi!" Caytln greeted enthusiastically as she entered the room.

"Why are you two all dressed up?" I inquired.

"We have an important event to attend," my mom replied, guiding me toward the dressing table.

"What event? Are you hosting it?" I asked.

"You'll see when we get there. We're sort of hosting it," my mom answered cryptically.

"Okay. Have you guys seen Dylan?"

"You'll find him at the event. He probably forgot to mention it to you," my mom assured me.

Caytln called us from inside the closet, her hands in a mysterious position.

"Come here, both of you!" she exclaimed.

In her hand, she held a stunning long red dress adorned with black lace at the top and bottom, adorned with sequins.

"Try it on," she urged.

I changed into the dress in the dressing room. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was astonished. The dress hugged my body perfectly, accentuating my curves, and the black lace added a touch of elegance.

"I knew I picked the right one," Caytln said proudly from behind me.

Before I could respond, my mom led me to the dressing table to apply makeup. Just like Caytln, my mom did an impeccable job, keeping it subtle except for the red lipstick.

Once I was dressed and ready, we headed to the special event. We walked together towards the ballroom, but my confusion grew when we turned toward the veranda.

I followed them into the veranda, but when I turned back to ask a question, they had disappeared, and the door leading back inside was locked. I was alone on the veranda of this castle-like mansion, and panic started to rise. Where had they gone? Had someone taken them? I looked around, but there was no way for me to leave without risking harm.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a figure emerged. In seconds, the person was beside me, embracing me and patting my head gently. The touch sent a jolt of electricity through me, and I felt comfort and safety.

"Dylan?" I said, turning to face him.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you," he said, concern in his eyes.

"I'm fine. Where's my mom and Caytln?"

"They're getting ready."

"For what?"

"This," he replied, turning me around to face a burst of fireworks lighting up the sky.

The fireworks spelled out the words "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" with a heart at the top. I turned to see Dylan on one knee, his left hand behind him and his right extending a beautiful silver ring.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes," I answered, and he slipped the ring onto my finger, pulling me into a warm hug.

Caytln exclaimed, "Aaaaah!" as she and everyone else appeared, congratulating us with tight hugs and warm smiles.

I couldn't help but gaze at the ring on my finger, a symbol of our commitment.