Elusive Trails 1

I collapsed onto the floor, exhausted from training. Despite my powers being a bit more manageable than last time, I still struggled to control them effectively.

Turning to Hilda, I saw her sitting across the room with her legs crossed and eyes closed. She meditated peacefully, her calm face matched by her even breathing. My heightened hearing came in handy.

Focusing on her breathing helped calm me too. I moved closer and admitted, " I'm not great at this. I doubt I'll ever get the hang of it."

She opened her eyes, revealing her serene hazel gaze. "Your progress is impressive, young one. Your dedication is what matters most. Remember, perseverance is key"

I smiled at her encouragement.

Suddenly, Jake burst into the room, his urgency evident. 'We just got intel. They've found a lead on Vincent and Xander.'

I jumped up. 'Really? Where?'

'Around a place called Schattenberg Reich,' he answered.

"Let's not waste time. We should go!" I exclaimed.