Will She Defy the Royals

I whispered a final reassuring word to myself.

With resolve, I pushed open the massive doors of the meeting room.

Their piercing gazes, a mixture of curiosity, disdain, and judgment, fixated on me. In that moment, I was their leader, and they were all bound to me.

Their eyes tracked my every move, as if I were the central figure in a grand performance.

Standing in the vast room's center, I slowly lifted my head.

Before me, their presence and aura exuded even greater dominance.

As I scrutinized their faces, I noticed a striking woman with auburn hair, a man with silver locks, twin girls with vibrant red hair, and at the heart of them all, a woman on the highest throne.

Her countenance exuded arrogance and pride, her eyes bore an icy indifference.

I recognized her as their leader and locked eyes with her.

Her lips parted, delivering words as cold and haughty as her demeanor.

"State your purpose," she commanded.

"I request an audience with the werewolves to discuss an urgent matter."

"Why is this matter significant?" she inquired, her tone unwavering.

"As you may be aware, my mother has recently passed away, reduced to nothing but ashes. She was murdered, and we suspect a connection to the past events involving Vincent and Xander."

With a smug smile, she retorted, "No."

"What?" I stammered.

"You shall not meet with them," she asserted firmly.

"But we have received intel that—"

"I said you shall not meet with them. Any further attempt will result in punishment."

"Punishment?" I questioned.

"Meeting adjourned!" She declared, dismissing my protests. "Exit the premises!"

I ceased my objections and silently left the room, aware of the multitude of eyes upon me, all likely pondering a single question: "Will she defy the Royals?"