At the end of the period of mining and the great excavations and the search for gold, which became, according to newspapers and news, an abandoned place at the end of the 30's, it happened at the end of the golden age, when there were some abandoned cities in the end of the gold cycle, and the gold rush.

When several mines between California and a part of Gotham became depleted, when they became depleted and several mines were abandoned, if that was also in the 1930s, and they became ghost towns, and they changed their Bronx headquarters to East 149th Street in Manhattan.

He was just watching the big changes between the New York gang wars of the late 20's to the 1930's period, however this brazen move led to a smuggling war with the Irish New York Mafia led by Jack Legs Diamond. .

Occurring during the time he stayed

In the early hours of October 16, 1928, Noe was shot several times outside the Chateau Madrid, an Epeak Easy at 231 West 54th, although seriously wounded, he managed to survive, in which he managed to return fire, and he was as if he were a phoenix, in which was a blue Cadillac, which was seen crashing into some parked cars and losing one of its doors before speeding away.

When police found the car an hour later, they discovered the body of a Louis Weinberg (no relation to Schultz gang members Abraham "Bo" Weinberg and George Weinberg) in the backseat, came with the distractions that came with it, the war that followed.

It took place between the two factions that were among the survivors, in which they and made them lose interest between the exact value of what they received and a real value of collection between kickbacks, bribes, in which their supposed taxes and gains that occurred between confiscate the values, they had no control over where they were going to send it, or charges for their services that they deserved, but how they had no control.

Between the carriers, and the trucks that did the transport, it was easy to deviate from the path between the ghost towns, and take a small amount, pass the bakeries, between bread and cakes and the false bottom bottles and the entrance between the stores and houses. of herbs and teas, and who would suspect ladies, anything the countless, raids and thefts of trucks and goods.

The culprits were always rivals, not those who owned the trucks, nor where they went that was the way, nor would they suspect truck hijackings, in which these that never reached their destination amid gang wars, and accusations between both factions, who would say otherwise after all.

No one is responsible or good in account who could actually add up to the true value, so they didn't know how much they actually got, they didn't have anyone to really add up to an ideal value, and they believed whatever they said was the ideal value.

They were engaged in their own wars to really figure out how they were managing or receiving, Noe's wounds became infected and he died on November 21, and what culminated in a war, in which Schultz was angered and distraught over the loss of his friend and mentor.

The retaliation began a few weeks later when Arnold Rothstein, a Jewish mob boss, and each of them attacked the other amid a spate of disagreements, in which he was found shot to death near the entrance to the Park Central Hotel on Nov. 1928 , and the trucks and intrigues culminated in more intrigues.

Although George "Hump" McManus supposedly killed Rothstein, it wouldn't be him, not exactly, but a henchman of his, and because of a bad gambling debt, in which everyone was believing Schultz ordered the murder in retribution for Noe's death, he did. wanted to negotiate, and before he could, one of his henchmen got into disagreements on both sides, and ended up in slaughter.

Both were equally drunk, but as he was a henchman, so it was his fault, and they couldn't say they were in the safe houses where the drinking was going on, it was illegal after all, in which it would come that the first person McManus touched after the murder was his wife. Schultz's attorney, Dixie Davis.

Schultz's trusted lieutenant Bo Weinberg then grabbed McManus and pulled him away from the crime scene. McManus was later exonerated of the murder, there was no one to say he was, also that he wasn't, there was no real culprit, other than the drugs in the drinks, but there was no doping test that year, or any other type of expert test. .

With forensic hematology and toxicology tests coming many years later, and no one would believe it at the time, on October 12, 1930, Legs Diamond was shot and wounded at the Monticello Hotel.

On the West Side of Manhattan, there are those who say they could have negotiators intercepting hired killers and freelancers who came and went and were not part of other factions, which to anyone was what they said they were taking advantage of.

In which there were mediators, in which any who hired or took to the negotiator and was guilty, because he was a henchman paid to appear strategically at the specific location.

By taking an amount, showing up at the wrong time and in the wrong place, strategically located and diverting the right amount, two armed men magically found him and entered his house that was supposed to be guarded, in which it should have been very secure, but even so they entered. in Diamond's room and shot him five times before fleeing.

Still in his pajamas, Diamond staggered out into the hallway and passed out, when asked later by the NYPD Commissioner how he managed to get out of the room, Diamond said he drank two shots of whiskey first.

Diamond was rushed to the Polyclinic Hospital in Manhattan, where he ended up recovering, he for a man shot was a bull, and he visited him, whereupon he was broaching the matter at hand, then advising that he should flee as he was marked, if not apparently they would not give up, as soon as possible.

In that they as the mob's money manager, would he ever be to blame, without the mobsters who would the money go to next?

Even if they wouldn't care who they were with, run away I'll take care of your money, it's protected, and what was fact, I wouldn't be back anytime soon, your rich money would be in good hands, on December 30, 1930, Diamond was dismissed from the Polyclinic.

After recovering from his injuries, he left New York for a long stay in Europe, where there was a total conflict of interest within his mafia group, everyone believed that Diamond kept the money in his house, which there were many rumors about it. , but even if they were invading they didn't even find the smell of greenbacks well.

During his absence, his gang was forced to leave town, and most were never seen, the money either, as there was nowhere to look, in which they fled in a hurry, there was what could be said that they ran threatened, as they were likely to be hunted, there was no money manager.

When he returned home, Diamond began carving out new territory for himself in Albany.

He was killed in a cheap Albany home at 67 Dove Street by two gunmen in December 1931, and again had no one to manage the money.

The catch was that none of the mobsters knew about each other, and as for what the other knew, and that there was the same administrative bank, with the disappearance of mobster money, so whoever stayed was the one who kept it, and nobody ever found it, if and which he once kept.

Schultz also had to deal with his own group's internal strife and discontent, and within his own gang, they seemed to despair, in which a new rumor emerged that there was a mobster killer nearby picking and chasing the gangsters. , and who were disemboweled, as they saw the viscera of gang members.