In capturing the galaxies, everyone believed that the total value of what was stolen from Constajuran was around 900,000 silver marks, plus quasars.

The Venuzians received 150,000 of them, which was their due, while the refugees and barbarians who roamed the galaxies were left with 50,000, additionally 100,000 were divided between them.

The rest was stolen in secret by the refugee knights and barbarians who roamed the galaxies, when the Ladon inhabitants of the enemy forces of Constajuran, in turn, had the opportunity to take revenge on the Ladon Massacre of the enemy forces of 1182.

Among the attacks, looting and invasions, robberies of palaces and boots of ships and planets where the mercenaries and barbarians of the dark and isolated sectors passed.

Result, in which they induce and pull with the gravity waves and the magnetosphere of each of the affected planets, inducing to pull and attract each of the planets with it.

We often think of supernova explosions as inevitable for large stars without fuel, with the process seeming logical and linear, pulling planets with it as its gravity collapses the star's core which then explodes. But is it always the same?

When long ago of research, in the midst of cosmic wars, which overcame all cosmic forces of destruction, it was long ago that astronomers thought that at least one type of large star did not end up with a conventional supernova, it was the cosmic bomb that exploded and killed everything around it, swelling and exploding taking entire galaxies with it.

Ancient wars that took place thousands of eons ago, before the times when humans could exist.

In which the most massive known magnetic waves hit planets and pulled them towards solar waves, forcing solar flares caused by atomic explosions, which ended their lives with a silent collapse of their core.

Then becoming black holes, but a new discovery of genocide, killing trillions of lives in its path, which revealed that they may after all become supernovae and the very solar bombs they took planets with them.

Wolf-Rayet-Dek stars, when at the end of their short lives, rather than simply running out of fuel and exploding, push through their outer layers with an extremely powerful stellar wind.

The end of a star that was induced by artificial cosmic energies, launched by ion cannons towards the nearest planets.

The energy released by the explosion, which produces a surrounding nebula rich in ionized helium, carbon and nitrogen, but almost no hydrogen, forcing the destruction of the atmosphere that generates a surface temperature of the remaining star that can exceed 200,000 K, making them the brightest stars known, to self-destruct.

society and everyday life

When observers discovered eons ago, the danger zones' where asteroids might not be detected by satellite, but since most of that light is in the ultraviolet range, they turn out not to be particularly bright to the naked eye, as well as blinding anyone. are looking directly.

Even with the outer layers of a Wolf-Rayet star discarded, the central star is still much more massive than the Sun, following the idea that they would shed enough outer layers that the remaining core would end up collapsing directly into a black hole, thus having a supposed cosmic death that would take other planets with it.

As supernova destruction has become commonplace, some astronomers have begun to wonder if Wolf-Rayet stars really did die a silent death.

According to the procedure, at least some stars of this type go supernova, using in galactic wars, and the team analyzed the spectrum of a supernova known as SN 2019hgp.

With its explosion its spectrum had bright light emission igniting, eating and baking, which was indicating the presence of carbon, oxygen and neon, but not hydrogen or helium, following the experiment.

Being that when destroying towards the planets, one after the other, first a bomb towards the atmosphere which would cause a general asphyxia, in moments those who didn't die from there dies burned, the clouds are covered, then the heat comes, finally everyone died.

Using the magnetosphere pulling it in with the radio wave, in which he analyzed the data more closely, he found that these specific emission lines weren't caused directly by supernova elements, instead.

Since they were part of a nebula expanding away from the star at more than 1,500 km/s, even with the birth of a gaseous planet, similar to Jupiter in the ancient Solar System where Earth now inhabits, billions of years ago. behind.

Ending society and everyday life, in other words, before the supernova could occur, the progenitor star was surrounded by a nebula rich in carbon, nitrogen and neon, lacking the lighter elements like hydrogen and helium, following with the nebula's expansion. must have been driven by strong stellar winds.

The whole description fits very well with the structure of a Wolf-Rayet star. So it looks like SN 2019hgp is the first example of a Wolf-Rayet supernova, since then similar supernovas were also detected in several locations as the explosion expanded like a virus that propelled each star to barbecue on its planet.

The image of this supernova, identified by the spectra of the surrounding nebula, still makes it clear that the explosion was an extremely powerful supernova from a more complex hybrid process, in which the top layer of the star exploded.

As the core collapsed directly into a black hole, proceeding to eat its planet to pull it out and eat it, finally determining the details will take more than a few seconds to eat it well, like barbecued on a skewer.

Being that the explosion and the process were very evident with everyone there not surviving, however, it is that at least some Wolf-Rayet stars did not go on to integrate the darkness of the Universe in a silent way, when she was a voracious glutton jumping around bouncing around. and eating other planets in its path.

It was like that, until the Beast of the end appeared, eating her like spaghetti, as she wanted to fill her stomach with light and energy.

Meanwhile, amidst the barrier of other planets, in the midst of creating one of Constajuran's most formidable walls of energy, they were unable to protect their galaxy.

According to the Partitio Imperio Galactico de Runianniae, a pre-agreed agreement between the conquerors, the Empire was divided between the Galaxy of Venus and the refugee and barbarian leaders who roamed the galaxies, which resulted in the founding of the Empire of Ladan.

Heading towards the galaxy Boniface was not elected as the new emperor, even though the inhabitants considered him as such, while the Venetians believed that he had many connections with the old empire because of his brother, Rainerius of Monferrato, who had been married to him. Maria Comenica, empress of the galaxies from the sectors of DC-1170 to the galaxy of DC-1180.

Instead, they raised Baldwin of Spinner, with that, in facing the previous kings was when he ascended to the imperial throne, crowning him in the cathedral in the middle of the palace of Zunarn, in which Bonanino, and Bonifacio, in turn, managed to found under his command the vassal Kingdom of Thessalonica.