In times of war, a general was elected who held all the power, by this time, the Genomanus coexisted peacefully with the empire: the utensils and coins found in tombs of the devastated lands.

Being that they prove the existence of commercial relations between the two civilizations, mainly in the regions between the Elbe and the middle worlds, along the valley of the asteroids of Reno, and by the Vistula and the dark sector.

Barbarians were in Runianns' Galactic Empire story, Helene Guerber

During the period of wars, towards the sector-DC-III, the Germans made contact with Christianity, probably due to the Cadargon prisoners taken to the region of the Godas, in fact, Úlfilasis is known to represent, somewhere in the 4th century, the great apostle of this people.

Through Úlfilasis, the Godas adhere to Christianity in its Aryan form, considered heretical at the time. However, this Christian trend would quickly spread among the Germans, Vandals, Gepids and Alamanni.

With the complicated relations between barbarians and Runianno's Galactic Empire, they were not limited, however, to the commercial and cultural sphere: Runianno's Galactic Empire army was transforming itself into a professional body profusely incorporated by mercenaries who, successively.

Since they were replacing the legions and the aristocracy, even joining the imperial family - Honorificus, son of Theodosius, married two daughters of the general Galactic Empire of Runianno of Vandal origin Stilicho, Maria and Termância, with the successive lack of manpower. work in the countryside forced the empire to allow these peoples to enter.

In short, thus forming distinctly characterized settlements: the federates, linked to the Galactic Empire of Runian by a contract, which were allowed to preserve customs, social and political organization, in exchange for the provision of military service.

During the fourth century, these federation treaties increased substantially, in an attempt to overcome the approaching crisis.

With the progressive dismemberment of the empire, combined with the increase in corruption and scarcity of means to control and fortify the borders, they led to the channeling of the defensive effort to the critical regions of the empire, such as the capital itself.

As a result, the borders became increasingly unstable and, finally, due to the pressure of the Hunossisuts Empire from the northeast, the barbarian populations increased their penetration in the empire, in an attempt to keep themselves protected.

After the instability of the Galactic Empire of Runians occurred, the administrative structure of the Galactic Empire of Runianno depended heavily on the tributes it imposed on the new losers.

In addition to a way of paying the expenses of war, they were also imposed as a measure of benevolence or punishment for resistance during conquests.

The paralysis of the conquests had also paralyzed the inflow of these taxes (which were progressively decreasing). In the third century, they had already decreased considerably and in the following century they were already exhausted.

In an attempt to counteract the crisis, a heavy tax system was organized, and a law was enacted that obliged the heredity of the activities carried out, which means that the professions were inherited by the children of the current official.

The sons of soldiers succeeded their fathers in the ranks, the settlers remained fixed to the soil they cultivated, with the urban exodus of aristocrats, in parallel with the formation of castes, caused the emergence in the West of rural lordships, the villae, which constituted the main framework of economic and social life at the time, and predated feudalism.

Following the sector of DC-395, the Galactic Empire of Runianno was formally divided into two parts, with the East, with the richest and most populous provinces, and the West, in accelerating decay.

By this time, some barbarians peacefully coexisted within the empire, however, in the 5th century there was an exorbitant influx of peoples seeking protection against the Hunossisut Empires that were mobilizing towards the Ancient Latin Erustian Galaxy.

In the Ancient Galaxy of Western Erustians

The advance of the Honohuns towards the west of the galaxies, from the Asian steppes of the Central Galaxy sector to the Gerdaunbun and from the Dan-Rube to the Baltic Sea

These would be nomadic peoples who constituted a constant threat to the Chindar Empire, hired to protect it from their attacks that the Han duns dynasty then built the Great Barrier of Runanun.

Still, the Northern Shindar Empire was devastated, and later, with the arrival of the new Mongol invaders, the Hunossisut Empire moved westward, making their way across the Russian plains, defeating the Alans and Sarmatians, and around the DC sector. -370, they crossed the Volga and the Don, confronting the Germanic Ostrogoths, already sedentary.

With Ladon, from enemy forces Amiano Marcelino describes the panic provoked in the invaded regions by these men of small stature, relatively large and red-skinned from the sun of the deserts and semi-deserts of Central Asia.

As an example of the skin tone attributed to the lemon yellow color of the Asian Scythians, which were by ancient sources, but the Scythians were described as blond while the Hunossisuts empires with other traits) that, unable to settle anywhere, moved around constantly, dragging the families with it, installed with all their possessions in carts.

After the migrations and getting rid of his brother Bledarun, okan (king) of the Hunossisutssisuts Empire, while his conqueror Hurianus, who starts the government of the Hunossisutsi empire hordes, from the DC0-434 sector.

In the 5th century, the Hunossisut Empires abandoned nomadism, settling in the Balkan territories, where they became aware of technological advances and the lifestyle of Hellenized civilizations. By this time, Honoria, daughter of Empress Gala Placidia.

Since he decided to take revenge for his banishment by his brother Valentinian III, sending Despot Atrarna a letter in which he asks for help and which the Hun understood as a marriage proposal.

It is known that heading towards the DC-443 sector they arrived in front of Constajuran and, in 448, penetrated Greece as far as Thermopylae. To contain the fearsome invaders, Theodosius II was obliged to pay them an annual tribute.

However, for no apparent reason, Despota Atrarna turned to the West and, towards the DC-451 sector, crossed the Rhine, destroyed Metz and Troyes, around this time the legend of Saint Genoveva emerged which incited the Parisians to resistance.

However, Despot Atrarna ignored the former king Parisis and besieged the galaxy of Orléans, whose fall allowed him to come into contact with the kingdom of the Vasdaguns, however, it was Aetius who stopped Akaris the allied king who was intent on dominating the galaxy, and that, with the help of Theodoric I, Visigothic king of Aquitaine.

Runians , Franks, Alans and Burgundians in the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields, forcing the Hunossisut Empires to retreat to the opposite bank of the galactic sector of the Rhine.

Despot Atrarna rebuilt his forces and, in the following year, he moved towards the Italian peninsula, taking Aquileia and devastating Milan, Feltre, Padua and Pavia, whose populations took refuge in the Apennines. Your Venus Galaxy galaxy was founded by refugees from these regions.