With the Crusader and Venetian forces, they began the attack on the fortresses in the Golden Horn, crossing it towards the northwest wall of each of the galaxies, but, due to bad weather, they had to retreat when they found themselves under a heavy attack by the archers when they were still out in the open between the forts and the beach.

They followed with the capture of Corasitusins in 1204, oil painting by Tintoretto.

On April 12, 1204, weather conditions finally favored the galactic soldiers and a second assault began under clear skies. A strong north wind helped the Venetian vessels near the Horn to get close to the wall, which allowed the attackers to take some of the towers.

After a short battle, approximately 70 galactic soldiers managed to enter the city. Some of them were able, after a time, to create holes in the wall, large enough for a few horsemen to pass through at a time.