He arrived at that same restaurant and warehouse, he had to find out more about what happened in the city...

- So what is it about here that everyone hates Williams and Emily? - Tsuki questioned.

- Let's eat to talk. - The lady said, stroking the heads of the two dogs, happy, who licked her. “You've been through a lot of trouble, boys. - She said, putting food on two plates for the dogs, who sat around the two, to eat.

- You will soon know about a city problem. - Then, bringing more food to the table, with your bedpans...

- People here are always so rude. - He said.

- It wasn't always like this. – The other woman said, continuing her crochet sitting on a chair in a corner, when there was a circle of ladies.

- When they tried to bring progress to the city, with the promise of change, they forgot that the place was built on top of a fissure and that there are tremors.