Chapter 11: New training 2

After coming back to the human world I saw Dhara wrapped around my body like a pelt.

As I moved she began to tighten her grip around me and started rubbing her face with mine showing her affection.

Wondering how long I was gone Old Mo walked in asking if I got what I wanted I needed nodding my head answering his question.

I asked how long I was out he told me 2 days.

As I open the book up flipping through the pages I soon realized I could not understand anything.

Seeing my confusion Old Mo asked if I knew how to read shaking my head sideways.

Calling me over as he began to teach me how to read and write.

Like his training learning something from him was still hard.

But for some reason, I was able to understand everything he thought me with some ease remembering everything.

It only took me a week to fully understand the language.

Seeing that it took me such a short time to read and write fluently Old Mo understood that I was a talent for both fighting and learning.

Thankful that he has found a worthy student to pass on his teaching to.

A devilish thought came to his mind and along with a smile to match.

"Get ready Jack I'll be putting you in pain that you have never imagined hehe".

Soon for the next year, I would begin my medical path.

Reading the book that night I learned about many new plants that I had to find and stay from.

being able to create beginner class ointments for wounds and how to properly wrap them.

On my 8 birthday, I went to visit Wu to get the second book.

As I went to the spirit realm calling for Wu I soon saw a branch pointing to a path as I followed it leading me to his cave.

He greeted me sitting down I began to take his test.

I must pass two of his test to move on to the next Book but for some reason, the test felt easy

Zooming through his question answering them all and moving on to the hands-on test of making ointments and wrapping bandages.

After passing his test without fail I got handed the second book as Wu taps my forehead sending me back.

After returning I continued my studies for the next few years until I reach the fifth book.

4 Years Later

I am now 12 years old during the years I have mainly been practicing my medical skill.

But I have not slacked off from my training either as I am now able to carry a third-weighted bracelet on each limb now able to carry 600 pounds of weight in total.

With time my earth bending became more masterful becoming a high master bender like Old Mo.

But I still am not able to defeat him but in a few years, I believe I could.

After becoming a high-class master my bending started to look smoother like it was crafted by a master stone carpenter.

I have also created a few new moves thanks to my medical study.

I have learned how to stitch and use pressure points from Wu's book

After learning pressure points I tried mixing them with my current fighting style.

While practicing on a dummy Old Mo saw how a kept attacking the vital areas.

Seeing this he told me a story of how he fought people in different parts of the world where they have mastered pressure point fighting.

Asking for more information he told me their style is called White Crane Fist.

Like your style, they have mastered it to the point they can block chi point not allowing you to bend.

Finding out that their people out there having the ability to block my bending.

I soon came up with a way to block their style by covering my body with a thin layer of earth under my clothing.

Being so well hidden you could not tell unless you touch my body.

I also created a style called Black Rhino Fist.

My style relies on strong impaling power at each pressure point causing the most damage and fastest immobilization on a person.

The key to my style is wrapping the tips of my fingers with earth creating a sharp point like the horn of a rhinoceros.

But this style also has another form that is a little more humane.

By removing the tip to a rounded surface I can still cause significant damage to my enemy without killing them.

After finishing creating my style I tested it on Old Mo with a spar.

I tried to hit him with my pointed tips but he blocked me with an earth wall as my hand went through this like butter.

Old Mo band me from using the pointed style on anyone for it will rip them apart only allowed to use my rounded tips.

After are spar I took the last test with Wu being the last exam I studied very hard before taking it and with my perfect memory, I passed with flying colors.

He then handed me a medical bag to store my herbs and on it a kanji sign saying, healer.

For the next three years, I continued my training

creating better medicines and improving my fighting style till I was as strong or stronger than Old Mo.