Chapter 14: First day in Bi Village

Seeing Bi village entrance there were two guards stationed there.

Walking in we were stopped and asked for the reason of coming here.

About to answer James told them that he was a merchant and I was his guard.

While we were talking Dhara was hiding in the ground under us to not get caught.

Seeing that it was just the two of us they let us in without a problem.

Walking in I began to look around seeing my first village with my own eyes.

As we walked James noticed how I was looking around.

"How long has it been seen you saw a village."

"It has been a while"

Looking around we found an inn deciding to stay for a while.

Walking in I saw the cleric noticing it was a woman I walked up with James asking for two bedrooms.

Seeing how she was about the same age as me and kept staring.

Waking up to her she gave us her attention asking how much it would be for the week.

"It will be ten silver coins per room for the week and an extra two copper coins and you will resize a bucket of warm water every morning".

Handing her ten silvers and fourteen copper coins for the week

Asking about food she told me it would vary per meal on what I ordered.

Getting escorted to my room as James was right next door to me.

Being on the first floor I opened my window and whistled for Dhara as she pops ups right in front of me jumping through the window.

Climbing into my bed as I never felt something this soft I soon fell asleep with Dhara wrapped around me.

Hearing a rooster call in the morning I flung out of bed.

Having the best sleep of my life for the first time.

Getting dressed I left the inn having Dhara leave by the window.

I soon began my warm-up running around the village then after completing my push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.

I noticed that people my age were not that tall only a few inches shorter than me I even saw that I was the same height as some grown men.

Getting stares from some of the girls in the village as I looked at them some of them began to blush and turn away talking with their friends.

Because I was getting so much attention from so many women some of the men began to give me a death glare.

Ignoring them I just went with my day as I passed James' cabbage stand seeing that business was doing well I went over and said hello.

Greeting his attention he handed me a cabbage to eat holding it I asked if there was a library in this village.

Not knowing he told me to go to the center of the village to see if they had a map.

As I walked away I throw the cabbage to Dhara and told her to explore around nodding her head she took the cabbage and went into the ground.

Walking to the center of the village not finding a map I asked some of the local girls that kept looking at me for directions.

Asking two girls with brown hair and brown eyes shorter than me where the library was at.

Telling me that it was around the corner and wanting to guide me there.

Taking the offer they began asking some questions about where I came from and what was I doing here.

Answering their questions "I am just exploring and this village was in my direction".

After arriving they told me if I had any more questions to seek them out.

Entering the library I asked the librarian being an Old Man where the history books are.

Telling me it was at the back corner walking there I saw many books about the history of the great nation and the history of the Avatar.

Grabbing both books I began reading and because of my strong mind, I was able to finish both books in a few hours the day.

Only finding details of some of the battles and great benders.

But the once's that got my attention were Dragon of the west Iroh, king of the fire nation Ozai, water master Pakku of the North, and Jeong Jeong the desert.

Though there are many more benders these are the once's that coauthor my eye.

I also found out that the last Avatar was Avatar Roku and that his best companion was an actual red dragon.

About to put the books up I was surrounded by a group of men about my age.

Looking at them I asked them if they had any business with me.

They soon told me that I should stay away from the two girls that brought me here.

Telling them it's not a problem and I just need the direction of the library not trying to have any problems.

I walked away leaving the library and them inside as I began walking away the leader of the ground came out yelling at me.

As I continued to walk away trying to avoid them but they soon caught up to me.

Still not wanting any problems I asked what else do they want with me?

"I just want you to leave from here tonight and never come back".

As his friends began to smile and laugh I told them that is going to be a problem.

Looking at me ready to fight me soon James came in between us begging to not have any problems.

But not wanting to let James and me go I grabbed James's arm pulling him through the group of boys.

Seeing that I was trying to run away they grabbed my shoulder telling me "who allowed you to go".

Seeing that I was not defending myself

they began to push me around.

As they did one of them tried to swing at my head getting tired of this I dogged one of the hits as I struck him in the neck.

As he got on his knees trying to breathe the other three of them tried to jump me.

But as they rushed at me all at once I began taking one down at a time redirecting one punch from my left causing it to hit his friend.

I then began to kick the one throwing the punch at his neck knocking him down.

Leaving two taunted  them both with my hand as they came charging at me.

Swinging at me I went down as they missed I spun my leg around tripping them both as I punched their neck too as they hit the ground.

Leaving them immobilized I told them next time I won't be so kind.

Also, don't be so rude and laugh at other people take this as a lesson.

Walking away I saw that people were watching me beating them without a sweat walking back to my inn with James.

They began talking under their breath with one another.

Entering the inn I asked the clerk what today's special it being Potato soup with beef shrinks with it a side of bread.

Requesting for two serving as they came James and I ate seeing that he was worried about the groups of boys.

I told him not to worry about it they should have learned their lesson by now.

As we began enjoying the meal I ask if I could meet the chief.

Leading me to the back I meet the mother of the clerk asking what I wanted I asked for the recipe for today's special.

Seeing no harm she wrote it down thanking her I began to smile as I walked back with James.

But soon a group of four grown men came in.