Chapter 27: Arriving

It has been a month since I felt the Avatar's presence and nothing has happened. Though I wanted something to happen it never came. Continuing my journey I arrived at Omashu to complete the promise I made with Old Mo. Entering the city I became amazed to see the delivery system that they have.

Creating large ramps throughout the city and bending the goods to where they need to be. Exploring the city first I found a place to eat ordering two large plates with meat, and veggies, with a side of dumplings, and down it all with a bottle of sake. After finishing our meal Dhara and I found an inn and we spend the night away. Soon the sun came alongside a rooster call waking up the whole city.

Washing up and getting dressed I went to the military office to find the person I am looking for. Arriving I was stopped by two guards asking what business I had here as I showed them the bracelet Old Mo gave me. Having a shocked look they let me in as they began to whisper. Passing through the doors I saw how busy it actually was inside as people went back and forth carrying paperwork. As I went to the receptionist's desk she ask what I need help with.

Telling her that I was looking for someone that was in the military years ago. Asking for the name I told her it was Bumi giving me a look. Telling her if she could help she told me that to make an appointment with the king I need to go to city hall. Thanking her I left the building asking for directions from one of the guards in the front. They told me that it was in the middle of the city with green banners and that I could not miss it.

As I went to the inner part of the city I saw the large building as I began to enter it was even busier than the military office. Asking for help from the receptionist I told her I am here to make an appointment with king Bumi. As she looked down and back at me she told me that King Bumi's schedule is full for the next month and that I could not see him till then. Beginning to be irritated I told her that I am the grandson of his friend as I showed her the bracelet.

Seeing it she began to apologize to me and told me to follow her as she led me to the top floor. Following her as we arrived in front of two large doors. As she knocked a voice was heard saying "Come in" as the doors began to open. Walking in we saw a hunched shriveled old man with a green robe and a crown with feathers. "What do you need don't you know how busy I am" as he was building a card castle. "Sorry for the intrusion my king but you have important guests today".

As he look passed the woman he looked at me and said "who's the boy" "he says he is the grandson of a friend of yours" having a curious look "oh he is so tell me boy which of my friends are you related with?" As a smile was beginning to show I lift my arm showing him the bracelet. His smile began to change to one of a crazy man telling the woman to give us privacy.

As she left he told me to take a seat doing so he began to giggle "so how's Fan Mo doing?" "Not sure I left him at the border five years ago but knowing that crazed fool he's doing just fine" "good so what business do you have with me, boy?" "You can call me Jack instead boy Old Man" "a feisty one we have so what business do you have with me, Jack?" "Nothing much just completing  a promise made with Old Mo to defeat a demon of a man that he could not defeat"

"Hehe, so that's why you came here to have a brawl with this old sack of bones" "yes" "fine let's go to a much more suitable place to fight". About to leave the same woman came back notifying Bumi of a teenage boy named Aang that has caused some trouble and destroyed some buildings in the city. As he heard this he began to laugh maniacally "my my what a day meeting with old friends left and right". "If you don't mind I would like to mess with some people today if want you can tag along with me" having a devilish smile matching his I told him "no problem but as long as I could mess with them too". "I like your style"

A few hours in the past:

Arriving at Omashu Aang told us that he used to come here all the time 100 years ago stopping to get supplies. As we entered we became amazed at the large building and how they transport their mail and goods using the ramps. But Aang had other ideas telling us that he used to ride them with a friend of his. Convincing us to do the same soon we began to get chased by the city guards.

Trying to escape their reach during our run we caused a lot of damage. Destroying roofs of buildings and a cabbage cart as we fell to the ground we got captured right away. Getting arrested we were led to meet with the king for our punishment. Met with an old hunched man with a feathered crown and alongside him a tan-skinned boy about my brother's age but much taller than him.

Every time I look at him I kept getting entranced by his looks his shape face long black hair and his light green eyes that if you started for too long he would attack. As he looked at me I began to blush and averted my eyes away. "You three have caused a lot of property damage I would have locked you up for the next 5 years for what you did but because of my nephew right here I won't instead I'll give you three challenges if you pass them all I'll let you go" "what type of challenges?" said Aang.

"Now what's the fun in that now, how's idea was it to use the transportation rams as a slide?" As Aang began to say it was him. "You'll be the one completing the challenges for getting your friends in this mess you must get them out do you agree?" "Yes" "good then let's raise the stakes" as he snapped his finger Sokka and I were grabbed and rings were put on us.

You have the rest of the day before your friends become in case in our special fast-growing crystals. As they began to grow around our arms "you can't do that?!" Aang shouted "but I can y'all are criminals and I am the king my word is the law!" For your first challenge, "I lost my key to my lunch box and I forgot where I left to get it and you complete the first challenge". As he pointed to a waterfall as a key was hanging by a key chain.

Back to Jack's POV:

Tagging along with Bumi's plan we met up with the people that got their buildings and stalls destroyed. Talking with each person and assessing the damages they had I saw a man that I recognized "James how are you doing?" "I am doing well and look at you you changed so much" talking with James I told him that I'll handle what happens to his cart and to meet up late on. Agreeing he left as I am curious about what the Avatar looks like.

Flowing Bumi as we entered I saw the three captives that they had. Two boys a few years younger than me and a girl the same. Seeing their clothing I noticed two of them are siblings and are from the water tribe and the bald boy with the Avatar tattoos.

As my eyes fell on him Vaatu began to shout in my head and anger almost took over me. Screaming at him to calm down and wait a bit soon will challenge him and scare him to death.

As Bumi was talking I noted the girl named Katara was staring at me as our eyes meet a blush began to show on her. Soon I felt someone look at me and I noticed it was the Avatar named Aang feeling his ill intent I knew I would enjoy messing with him. After Bumi told him of the challenges I watched him.

Seeing Aang run I noticed he was fast as he jumped he opened his staff and transformed it into a glider as he flew and grabbed the key. Returning the key the crystals began to cover both the sibling's arms. Grabbing the key Bumi tied it to a bunny and let it go in a ring telling him the second challenge is to return his fluffy.

As he entered the ring he began to chase the small bunny but as he did a behemoth of a rabbit showed up and chased Aang. Grabbing snacks and eating them enjoying the show soon he grabbed the bunny as he did Bumi said stop fluffy the behemoth stopped and licked Aang. Returning Aang noticed Sokka and Katara were fully covered in crystal. Demanding for his next Bumi said you must fight my Nephew as I walked up I was taller than him and Aang only reached his shoulder.