Chapter 30: Bumi vs Jack

Following Bumi to the same arena where I fought Aang. There were only the two of us seeing that he wanted to give our fight some privacy. Entering the ring I took off my shirt only leaving my pants and weights on and Bumi did the same. But when he took off his clothing his hunched back went straight and his shriveled body was one of the tightly toned muscles.

"What a deceptive old man you are Bumi." Looking at him I was shocked to see his body transformation but when I look at his limbs I saw that he had metal braces. Asking how much each one weighed he told me about 100 pounds per brace. Beginning to laugh Bumi looked in curiously asking why I am laughing. Telling him that I thought that you would wear heavier ones.

Looking at me he asked how much I holding telling him that each bracelet is about 50 pounds and with 4 on each limb 800 pounds in total. Beginning to laugh maniacally "my what a monster that Mo created to fight me!" Getting in my stance Bumi told me the same rules when I fought Aang and threw a pebble in the air staring at it and once it hit the ground we fight.

Throwing it in the air I stared at Bumi not taking my eye off him waiting for the pebble to hit the ground. Staring at Bumi as a second went by but to me, it felt like a minute. Waiting for that sound to ring through my ears and it came. Rushing at Bumi launching a fist at his head.

Seeing me rush at him so fast surprised him as he leaned back. Missing his head I stomped the ground creating a mini earthquake and making Bumi lose his balance. About to fall he tune turned around landing on his hands as he double-kicked me in my chest sending me a few feet away. Taking that hit head-on gave me chills as my excitement grew and formed a smile and the same one was on Bumi's face.

Seeing me take that kick like nothing Bumi began to launch boulders at me. Punching every last one leaving shards of earth on the ground. After destroying the last one I stomped the ground as all the broken earth shards jumped from the ground as I punched the air. Launching them at Bumi forming a rain of knives.

Seeing this Bumi encased himself in the earth creating armor as he took the hit head-on. Thinking he would create a wall to block the hit I did not expect him to create armor. To counter this I surround my fingers with earth smoothing it out as I rushed at him. After the rain stopped Bumi was covered from head to toe looking like a porcupine.

Rushing at him I tried to strike his left should but when I did he redirected my attack. Knowing full well what would happen to him if my hit landed. Launching strike after strike while Bumi was on the defensive I remembered what Old Mo told me. Before throwing another strike I lifted two of my fingers as a pillar hit Bumi in the chest.

Hearing his gasp I decided to strike landing a hit on his shoulder but I was not successful in hitting the point. Having his armor cushion my attack I began to throw another but soon he pushed me back. Laughing "that Mo told you what I did to him in the past didn't he?" Nodding my head as he rushed at me.

Now being on the defensive I kept on getting stunned seeing how an old man could be so agile and have such fast reflexes. Taking his hits I knew that all his skills were forged over the years after every battle. Blocking or redirecting his attacks I grabbed one of his wrists as I began to tighten my grip breaking his armor. Creating cracks on his armor I slammed my palm on his chest breaking it.

Falling to the ground I kicked him crossing his arms and blocking the blow. He was sent back slamming my palm to the ground as I lifted it a spear was created. Begging my strikes pushing Bumi back swing left and right in a pattern. Making him get used to the fight knowing that I would sing left Bumi moved to the right. Falling into a pit I created while fighting him.

Falling down Bumi extended his arms and legs gripping the wall. Sliding down stopping halfway sensing him stop I began to break the earth creating sand. Begin to fill the hole seeing me do this Bumi lifted his chin as the bottom of the pit began to rise. Before I could react Bumi jumped out of the hole and took the sand out.

Jumping out Bumi's foot was covered in earth kicking me but before it could hit me I grabbed it. Holding on I began to spin around as I slam him onto the ground. Causing him to spit saliva out starting an axe kick about to hit his chest he rolled to the left. As my foot went straight throw the ground leaving the upper part of my knee free.

Getting stuck Bumi began to throw boulders one after another. Not able to move as freely I was soon overwhelmed I created a dome pulling my leg out of the earth. Launching the dome at Bumi but he sliced it with an earth blade. Diving into the ground as he did this I lifted my arms as Earth spikes rose from the ground.

Feeling a sharp pain in his foot Bumi jumped quickly as the whole arena was covered in sharp earth spikes. Encasing his feet in the earth waiting for the next move. Sensing him wait I created four earth pillars to rise at the same time I do. Going to the surface 5 earth clouds were created Bumi launched attacks at 3 of them but they hit nothing. While the other two clouds were still settling a drill was shot out of one of them.

Dodging it by a hair I came out of the could with the spear I dropped throwing it at Bumi's body. Seeing where he would dodge he grabbed it. As he spun it around I launched boulder after boulder as he sliced it in half. Seeing that we're in a tie I thought of something to create a high rise.

Going up in the air I jumped off and slammed onto the ground grating a large earth wave. Seeing this Bumi created a dome to take the hit. Knowing he would do this I went behind the wave as it went over Bumi's dome. Passing over it I kicked the ground 3 times sending earth blades two of them in an x formation and the third vertically in the middle.

Falling down the dome was left in pieces reviling a smaller one. Beginning to crack it broke showing Bumi out of breath. "Jack your such a little demon if I did not create that second dome I would have died." "But you didn't tho." Laughing at one another he fell on his back muttering a few words. "I wish I was 10 years younger and maybe then this fight could have gone much longer". Falling asleep I picked up Bumi taking him to his bed.

Before the fight:

"Aang, Katara, and Sokka listen to me carefully later in the day wait at the arena and hid as best as you can. You will see how dangerous this world is." Listing to Bumi's words we left for the arena waiting for an hour about to leave soon Bumi and Jack enter. Seeing them get in a stance and start the battle we became entranced.

Seeing two high-class master benders fight one another. Destroying the arena overhearing them talk about the weights they carried and that Jack was holding 800 pounds the whole time. Hearing this Aang became glume that Jack was holding back so much while he played him like a fiddle.

As their fight went on for the next hour leaving Bumi too tired to attack making Jack the winner. Seeing them leave we waited till they were gone. Going back to our rooms and we saw Aang upset Sokka and I tried to cheer him up. Telling him that we just need to train harder to catch up to Jack.

But that did not help but make Aang more upset going to his room. We left him alone to calm down going to bed. The next morning Sokka and I saw Aang training seeing this encouraged us to train as well. Soon Jack came in and begging his training.
