Chapter 32: Meeting Some Girls

The next day came quickly waking up I decided that I would head back to meet with old Mo. Packing my things and leaving my room the way it was when I arrived. Heading to say fair well to Bumi I saw that he was talking with the others.

Walking toward them and they saw me I got in front of them and told them I'll be off. When I said this Aang's face was grinning while Katara was showing sadness. While Bumi and Sokka showed indifference saying fair well I walked away.

But as I was about to leave Katara grabbed my hand and asked where I was heading. Telling her that I was heading toward the border of the Earth and Fire Nation. After telling her I told her may we meet again in the filter kissing her hand and seeing Aang get furious.

Heading towards the farmer's market to say goodbye to James. Arriving I saw how busy he was as waiting till it calm down I got in line arriving at the front James had a surprised look. Looking at me with confusion I told him that I would be leaving the city. Hearing this I bought a cabbage and told him goodbye as Dhara wrapped around him.

Leaving the city I opened the map to see where we needed to go. Finding the road we need to take finding it and estimated it would take me 2 months to arrive at the border. Grabbing my flute I began playing.

Azula POV:

After picking up Ty Lee we headed straight toward the border. Arriving in a month we began our search by changing our clothing to that of normal civilians.

Looking around every village in the area began heading to the right side of the border. Following the border, we found nothing even after asking the villagers if they heard any news about any strong benders. Getting nothing I began to believe the mission my father gave me was just to get me out of the capital.

Beginning to doubt my father's mission I kept hearing Mai's complaints. Hearing her my annoyance almost reached the limit. She may seem calm to others and to herself, but she complains about everything, and here I thought Ty Lee would be the annoying one.

Leaving the camp I began to walk around the forest to calm myself I started to burn some trees to let off some of my pent-up annoyance. Starting to burn trees from left to right soon I heard a beautiful sound. Following it I got closer as it became louder I soon began walking faster and faster skimp I was in a full run.

Passing through some large bushes I saw someone taller than my father. Looking at the man I saw that he had a straw hat and black and gray clothing saying Knowledge on the right chest. In his hands, he was holding a silver flute as he played I heard the bird sing along with him. But soon he stopped as our eyes meet his light green eyes like that of a beast ready to be unleashed. Soon a long gray-haired best on him began to hiss at me.

Asking him what business he has in the forest all he told me was to mind my own business. Hearing this from a stranger I would have burnt him and his pet alive but I couldn't blow my cover. Soon he began walking away and started playing his flute.

Seeing him walk away as his back became further and further away. Until I could not see him anymore heading back to the camp and into my tent. I could not keep my mind off him as if he put a trance on me. Falling asleep and waking the next morning we head to the next town.

Jack POV:

After 2 months I arrived at the board and found an inn. Staying there for the night till the morning I woke up grabbing my things as I headed towards the military camp. Stopping by a lake I started to wash myself and Dhara. Getting in the cool water and relaxing I began pushing the water back and forth still only able to do small waves. Getting tired I sorted to leave the lake soon I heard voices coming towards me.

Leaving the water and grabbing my towel trying to put my clothes on soon three beautiful girls came out of the bushes. As they saw me put on my pants leaving my torso exposed as my hair was stuck to it as the water dripped. Running through my abs and muscles hitting the ground.

Having our eyes meet the three girls began to ogle my body as a light blush could be seen on them. Looking at them they were wearing two-piece suits and holding soap and towels. Soon my eye came across the girl in the middle looking at her closer I knew I saw her from somewhere but I could not put it.

While we started at each other Dhara came out of the water she wrapped around me hissing at the group. When Dhara hissed she broke the awkward silence as the girl with pale skin and a cold look threw a kunai at me shrugging Dhara off me.

As it was about to hit me I grabbed it spun around my finger and throwing it back at the girl. But when I throw it she blocked it with another one. Then the girl all the way to the right with brown hair and eyes rushed me.

Throwing punches at my pressure points I blocked and redirected most of them but one of them hit my arm. As it went limp I pushed the girl back I tapped the same spot she hit revitalizing my arm back. Saying out loud White Crane First as a surprise could be seen on her face from hearing me say her fighting style and moving my arm once again.

Regrouping with the rest of her group I got into a fighting stance waiting for the next move soon they got in one as well. The pale girl soon threw many kunai at me as the brown hair girl rushed me. Trying not to hurt them that badly I grabbed the fist kunai and commenced to block the kunai she threw.

While blocking the kunai with my right and using my left hand to block the brown-haired girl's fist. While she tried to hit my arms again I expanded one of my bracelets. When she threw a hit at me I grabbed her hand and moved the bracelet to her wrist shirking it.

As her hand fell straight to the ground when her friends saw this the middle girl with black hair and eyes rushed at me. Kicking blue flames from her feet dodging it with a split as her attack went over me. But before she could retract her leg I tried to grab it and hit her points. But when I tried a kunai was aimed at my hand not having much time I blew a gust of wind from my mouth.

Rolling on the ground a few feet back as we all stared at one another. They surrounded the brown-haired girl helping her up she was barely able to move her hand. Dhara soon got back on my back as her hair stood up showing her teeth and missing at the three girls.
