Chapter 50: Leaving the North

Scaring Azual with my gaze shutting her up for the whole way back nothing was said to one another but awkward silence. Seeing the convoy we head straight to the control room to notify the head officer of our departure. Opening the door we saw Mai and Ty Lee talking with him seeing us Ty Lee ran towards Azula asking her where she was.

Looking around the room my eyes meet with Mai seeing that she wanted to ask something I began to explain the situation. From how I let Azula get captured and kidnapped the chief daughter to trade her for Azula's freedom. But for this to work Azula and I would leave the battle and head back to the capital. Hearing this Mai and Ty Lee's eyes were wide open hearing what I did to save Azula and how Azula was Captured.

But hearing that Azula was captured was the most surprising to them. Knowing her from when they were young and how pride full she is in her battle ability and that she could back it up. But when I explain the situation to the Head Officer the only thing that he cared about was Azula and I would leave.

Asking why I would keep my word and leave the battle I gave a look that would have killed a small mouse. Seeing the look in my eyes he did not say anything taking it as a response I asked if I could take a small ship. Hearing what I requested he responded right away telling me that he would lend us a small crew to navigate us back to the capital.

Thanking him I looked at all the girls seeing how serious I was they left the control room. Telling them that we would leave in the morning and that we should pack right away. Hearing my voice and how serious I was and demanding they did so with our arguing.

Going back to our separate rooms Dhara wrapped around me licking my face and trying to calm me down. Patting her head Apollo began to squawk opening his cage he flow around landing on top of his cage. Gathering all my clothing and putting it in my bags I put them near the door along with my spear.

Falling on my bed and closing my eyes I fell asleep right away.

Azula POV:

After getting free from that cell and running back to the convoy I asked Jack about the trade. Hearing that he captured the chief's daughter and traded her for me. Nothing seemed wrong with it until I heard what he said after got me mad. That I would have to return to the capital before I could get my revenge I began to protest. But when I started he gave me a look that I have only seen from my father gave me seriousness and that I had no say in it.

Seeing how his green eyes look at me like that made me shudder in fear. Keeping my mouth silent for the trip back we headed straight to the control room. Explaining the situation the head officer did not disagree and gave us a small crew to help us back. Hearing Jack's order for Mai, Ty Lee, and me to pack from tomorrow morning we did not disagree but did as we were told.

Going to our room I began to pack and think about why the Jack that I knew was in such a bad mood. Trying to figure it out a knock came from my door opening it I saw Mai and Ty Lee. Asking to come in I let them in they took a seat and started to ask why Jack was in a mood. Told them that I did not know Mai being the smart one asked about how everything started.

Starting from the beginning how I was surrounded by five men and captured by them as Jack watched and woke up in a cell. Soon after I was released to Jack and found out I would have to return I started to argue with him about staying. Soon we arrived back at the convoy telling them that they knew the rest.

After a bit of silence Mai came up with the reasons that Jack would be in such a bad mood. Getting all my attention she stated that seeing me captured under his watch could be one reason and that he blames himself for it. Thinking about it he did see me and did chase after me and captured the Chief's daughter to get my free dome.

Then Mai began explaining the second reason that after my freedom I protested about not leaving and that I was making him brake his promise with the chief. Hearing this I looked back on how I acted after getting freed and I did not thank him or show my gratitude. But almost made him break his word after what he did for me made me feel even worse.

Mai and Ty Lee soon left my room to finish their packing leaving me with my thoughts.

Mai POV:

Seeing Azula's face full of regret I grabbed Ty Lee and left her room to let herself down. Telling her good night Ty Lee then asked if Jack did all this because he liked her. Responded that it could be or that he was scared to go back to the capital and meet with Ozai. Thinking about Ty Lee accepted my answer and we both went back to our rooms.

Jack Pov:

Waking up I went to the mess hall to eat not seeing the girls I did not think much of them and thought they were still packing. Finishing my plates I went to the control to see if the ship was ready. Seeing me enter the Officer stiffened asking why I was here.

Telling him if the ship was ready hearing my question he told me that it should be ready in half an hour. Thanking him I began to walk out but he stopped me before I could. Asking what he needed he told me "Thank you for everything that you have done during this battle Abaddon" extending his hand out I shook it and told him may we meet again.

Going back to my room and grabbing my bags I knocked on the doors of all the girls telling them I would be on the ship. Heading to the ship to pick up my room their I meet with Azula. Thinking that she was in her room I place my things down. Soon Mai and Ty Lee came seeing everyone on the ship it began to move.

Heading to the top deck I saw the convoy and the North water tribe get further away.
