Chapter 53: New Styel

The next morning came after grabbing something to eat I went to notify Ozai I was leaving. Wishing me luck I left the villa passing by the grounds and I saw Azula training. Seeing her reminded me of our type when we would spare but now that she has changed it's now just a distant memory.

Leaving the city Apollo started to fly around me now that he was free and Dhara dug into the ground. Starting to pay the flute we followed the road seeing where it would lead us. For the next few hours, we would pass villages and people getting further deeper into the fire Natio.

Becoming night I set up camp under a large tree as my eyelids start to get heavy I soon fell asleep. Waking up by the sun's rays I continued to follow the road until I saw a largely closed mine enter. As my curiosity got the better of me I entered leaving Apollo outside knowing he would not enjoy tagging along.

The deeper I entered the darker it got lighting a small flame on the palm of my hand. Entering random tunnels seeing how deep it would go remembering my seismic radar I tried it out. Focusing everything on my left foot I stomped it the hardest I could.

Soon I could see in black and white of all the tunnels seeing one that led the deepest I followed it. Getting deeper into the ground I started to sweat taking off my shirt and wrapping it around my head. Looking at Dhara I saw how she was rapidly panting waving my hands I created a small breeze to cool her down.

Soon I started to see a red light believing that someone was there picking up my speed I soon was faced with a small lake of lava. As I came in front of it Vaatu started to speak "Jack you are a lucky man coming across this". Making me confused I asked why Vaatu he started to explain that I came across a sacred area still not understanding I asked if he could explain a bit more.

Telling me to go to the spirit realm seating across the lake I started to concentrate and waking up. Looking at the lake I saw something move around following the movement I saw a yellow dorsal fin with red stripes. Soon a large red Karp with whiskers as its round eye stared at me. But before I could speak it spoke hearing a deep meal voice enter my head.

"Boy, why have you entered my sacred area?"

Before I could speak Vaatu came out of my body seeing this the Karp started to stutter.

"V Va Va Vaatu when were you released?"

"It has been a while Coulee and as for your question a while back."

Seeing how scared the karp was I asked Vaatu why we were here talking with a Karp. Soon a stream of Lava was aimed at me dodging as quickly as I could as I saw how the attack went straight throw the wall. As it melted rock around I heard the same voice.

"Boy, I am no Karp I am the Lava spirit of this place show some respect or I won't miss next time."

Taking his advice I looked at Vaatu waiting for him to answer my question. Soon Vaatu explained that Coulee would train me in Lava bending. Not believing him I told him that I had never heard of Lava benders.

He started to explain that every bending has various styles of bending like how water benders can freeze water. As my eyes widen I started to think of other bending styles that could be hidden. Lost in thought Coulee started to object.

"Why would I teach a human boy my bending style."

As he spoke this Vaatu started to make the cave shake seeing debris starting to fall I looked at Coulee. Seeing a Sweat of lava come from his skin he soon agreed right away. Going back into my body I asked Coulee what was first.

Calming himself down he stated that I need to understand what lava was. As I listened he explained that lava is just molten rock that can destroy everything in its path or create land for life to start.

Asking if I knew about water and earth bending telling him that I did he then started to describe how to lava bend. Telling me that lava bending uses earth-bending willpower with the control from the water style.

Telling me to move the lava back and forth as I did I had to force it to follow my thoughts. Every time I moved back and forth it became much easier soon Coulee completed me telling me I had talent in this.

Explaining that Earth and Fire bending is my specialty. Soon he told me to make the water rise and fall repeatedly. Doing as he said I started thinking that lava bending is just water bending with molten rock. Thinking of the future when I am able to bend with ease I'll look for water scrolls to increase my arsenal

As I raise and lower the lava coulee told me to hold it in midair as long as I could. As my hand raises I held it as the lava started to slide down soon I saw a small sphere as I pour all my concentration into holding I started losing my grip. As it fell Coulee told me to practice this until I am able to stop the lava from dripping.

Returning to my body I started doing what I learned using the lava pool in front of me. Not being able to tell how many days passed luckily I had enough food rations with me. Practicing and resting until I could form a lava ball. After many trials and errors, I could form the balls but before entering the spiritual realm I wondered if I could condense the ball like a flame.

Holding it mid-air I started closing my hand slowly as it started to shrink lava started flowing out. Seeing that my hypothesis was right I went back to talk with Coulee.
