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Max says "Why? They cost money I can't just burn them" Flare's eyes go even further into madness and she says "You will burn them I won't let you cheat on me" Max says "How could I cheat on you with playboy?" Flare says "By mentally cheating on me with the girls in those playboys of yours" Max says "I won't burn them and!" Flare says "How dare you cheat on me right in front of me" Max says "Wait no you got it all wrong" Flare uses her Vampire powers to break both of Max's feet causeing him to scream in pain she says "Ok if you won't burn them than I will" The playboy appear in the room and Flare burns them as Max looks on in horror Flare says "Now than that's that" Max says "How could you do that?" Flare looks at Max and says "Anymore playboy?" Max says "No!" Flare says "You were quick to say that are you lying? You should not lie to your girlfriend" Max says "I have a few more but I gave them to Tommy and so I nolonger have them" Flare says "Your brother does he have a girlfriend?" Max says "Why?" Flare says "So I can tell her about the playboy so does he have a girlfriend?" Max says "No he doesn't have a girlfriend yet please leave him out of this" Flare says "Ok so I guess that's all we need to discuss about the playboy so tell me why was there a teenage girl at your house?" Flare uses her Vampire powers to break Max's legs leaving him cripled than she lets him fall to the ground as he screams in pain he says "That was my younger sister why did you do that to me?"