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Both girls scream in pain as they drop their weapons. Jasmine takes her free arm and removes a two foot sword out of her bra and swings it at Flare who had also done the same. Both swords connect with each other they both say "I will never let you have my man!" Than they begin to have a sword fight until both of them hit the other in their sword arm causeing them both to scream and drop their weapon. Jasmine says "I won't let you take John from me" As Jasmine was saying that Flare was saying "I won't let you take Max from me' Jasmine says "Wait you aren't trying to steal John away from me?" As Jasmine was saying that Flare was saying "Wait you aren't trying to take Max away from me?" Jasmine says "No I don't care about Max you can keep him I just want my John" As Jasmine was saying that Flare was saying "No I don't care about John you can keep him I just want my Max" Flare says "Who told you that I was after John?" Jasmine says "Jackson overthere by the door" Flare says "Why don't you say we go pay him a vist?" Both Jasmine and Flare give eachother a mentally disturbing smile Jasmine says "Ok let's go" Flare says "Lead the way" When they get close enough for Jackson to see them Jasmine and Flare are going to attack Jackson. Jasmine reaches Jackson leaps on him knocking him to the ground she says "Flare I invite you in!" Flare walks into the house she says "Ah now first things first making him pay" Jasmine and Flare begin to give Jackson a worthy punishment for having them fight each other. Flare than says "Now than I have to go I need to go and get my boyfriend!"