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Max says "I don't know how to say this but I am looking for Flare me and her are" Flare's dad's voice gets deeper and more intamadteing as he says "Oh you are looking for Flare?" Than he says in a less scary voice "Oh you must be the boyfriend come right in" Flare's dad lets Max inside of the house he says "I will take you to her" Two minutes later Max is taken into a room by Flare's dad she says "Honey glad that you could make it" Max says "Hi Flare looks like I found you" Flare says "Yes it is about time you kept me waiting for nearly half an hour" Max says "Only 20 minites" Flare says "Anyway these are my parents I told them a lot about you" Flare's mother says "I was hopeing I would be able to meet my daughter's boyfriend and soon to be husband" Max says "Boyfriend? Husband?" Max almost has a heart attack Flare's father says "Yes I was wondering when you would come" Flare's mother says "Yes I am so glad as a mother to see my daughter to be getting married" Max says "my dad did not give her permisson for the marriage" Flare's father says "Yes he did I heard her talk about that it made her very sad so I payed your father a visit" Max says "Flare what did your dad do to my father?" Flare says "He convinced him to give me his bleesing" Max says "How?" Flare says "Mind control after all it can fix any problem but don't worry we won't use it on you" Max says "Oh that is a releif but you know I won our game so that means"