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Broly walks towards them in slow motion and a grin on his face. Flare attacks Broly buts gets grabbed and hit with a ball of destruction. Jasmine attacks and she is hit with a beam of Destructrion. Max attacks and gets his arm broken. Broly puts a hole through Max ripping out a heart and absorbing it. This brings back his next form and causes him to stop moveing for a minute as he yells out in pain and the next form is brought back to life. John takes advantage of that very moment and stabs Broly in the back of the head defeating him. Max gets up but was badly hurt. Broly gets back up in his third form everyone was stunned at his power up. Broly smiles and knocks everyone to the ground picks up Jasmine and breaks her arms than throws her at John. Than he picks up Flare and breaks her arms than throws her at Max. John hits Broly with a right hook. Broly smirks and grabs him placeing him in a bearhug. Jasmine goes to attack Broly she grabs both of her axes and throws one at Broly. Broly turns around causeing the axe to go through John instead. Jasmine falls to her knees shocked at what she just did. Broly says "Oops looks like you killed him but don't worry I will help you join him in the afterlife real soon" Broly lets go of John corpse. Broly vanishes and reappers in front of Jasmine holds her down and puts both of his hands through her chest and rips out two hearts absorbing them both. Broly falls to his knees and screams out in pain as his next two forms are revived. Flare puts her right hand through Broly's skull using her Vampire claws.