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The Monster Hunter swings his two swords aiming at John's head and his arm. John blocks both swords and and swings both of them at the Monster Hunter's arms. The swords are blocked at the same time the Hologram gets destroyed by Broly who puts his sword through the holograms head causeing it to be destroyed he than vanishes and swings his sword at the Monster huter's arm. Broly manages to break through the forcefeild and hits the Monster Hunter in the right arm. Little damage is done to the arm as it was protected by a very stron armour that took 99% of thr damage. The right arm hurts and is now slower. John goes for the left arm with both swords but they are blocked. Broly stabs the Monster Hunter in the back causeing him to drop to his knees. Broly rips out his heart and throws it behind his back. The Monster Hunter's heart lands near the other Broly. The other Broly absorbs the heart bringing them back to their feet smileing like a crazy man. Warrior Broly vanishes behind John and stabs him in the back with an aze nearly killing him. Warrior Broly vanishes behind Zombie Broly and begin to fuse they both become one he screams out in pain as his power starts to become unbeatable. However the Monster Hunter uses the last few minutes of their life to defeat Broly. The two Broly's are fused but fall to their knees defeated as the Monster Hunter dies. John manages to find the power to stand he drags a single sword with him as he makes his way to his enemy he makes it to Broly lifts up the sword about to end Broly's life once again.