
Chapter 17: The Final Fight

Muzan was furious. Hiroshi, this hunter reminds him of Yoruichi, he was making him feel emotions he thought he lost a long time ago. Human feelings like sadness, pain, and even hate. Hatred for Hiroshi, for bringing out that part of himself he was so desperately trying to hide.

The two mighty fighters clashed in the middle of a desolate battlefield. The intensity of the confrontation was palpable, with quick and precise blows being exchanged between them. Hiroshi showed all of his fighting prowess, gliding through the air with controlled breathing.

Muzan's blows were brutal and violent, showing the anger and frustration he felt. Even without the ability to fully regenerate his wounds due to Hiroshi's Breathing technique, Muzan showed no signs of weakness. His stamina was impressive.

The fight was fierce. Both combatants displayed supernatural abilities, and each blow landed was followed by a swift and deadly counterattack. Injuries piled up on their bodies, but none of them were willing to give in.

Hiroshi was determined to end Muzan, not just for revenge, but also to protect those he loved. He faced the demon with unwavering courage, parrying every blow, even when the enemy's forces seemed insurmountable.

Suddenly, Kanae and Shinobu arrived at the battlefield. Seeing her love involved in such a dangerous fight, Kanae didn't hesitate to join the fray. Both girls fought alongside Hiroshi, increasing the pressure on Muzan.

Muzan, now facing three ferocious opponents, found himself increasingly surrounded. He fought as best he could, using all his demonic powers to try and overcome his opponents. However, the trio's resistance and determination were relentless.

Despite all of his efforts, Muzan was unable to overcome the combined strength of Hiroshi, Kanae, and Shinobu. His body, weakened by the lack of regeneration, finally gave out. He fell to the ground, panting and defeated.

The battle had come to an end. Muzan was dead. The battlefield was silent except for the weary sighs of the victors. The wounds inflicted during the fight would heal over time, but the memory of this epic battle would remain forever.

Hiroshi looked at Muzan, mixing hatred and sadness in his heart. He knew that despite all the evil Muzan had caused, there was a part of him that yearned for redemption. Now that path was closed to him.

With one last breath, Hiroshi, Kanae and Shinobu embraced, celebrating their victory and mourning the losses suffered along the way. They had faced the darkness together and emerged triumphant.