my soul floats around in a dark void or should I say realm for what feels like eternity, I have no clue what had happened to Yuna and Freya.

I had appeared in this dark void or realm whatever it is by myself as i have been floating here It's is as if time does not matter here.

I wonder if Yuna and Freya are in the same predicament as I am even though sometimes I see or sense small blue lights or energy and I absorb them.

As I am something happens as a large white light appears blinding me after it flashes.

I open my eyes to feel sensations that feel like I haven't felt in years.

I look at my hands and my feet as I move them around and sigh in relief to have a body again.

I look around to see I'm somewhere as if I'm standing on water and the sky looks fiery orange do to the sunset.

That's when I hear voices that I am familiar with as tears start to fall down my cheeks.

I turn around to see two familiar faces and I see Yuna and Freya as we run to each other.

When we reach each other me and Yuna hug as we kiss it's full of longing and desire for each other. Showing that we don't want to be separated from each other as, Freya jumps in and hugs us saying with tears guy..guys we meet again where together again.

Not wanting to stop kissing we separate our lip as all 3 of us are in a group hug with our heads together as tears run down our faces but we also have smiles on our faces.

A screen pops up in front of us separating us, we each have our own white screens that says the same thing.

[system/screen: congratulations you 3 will be able to reincarnate into a new world. This world contains different species and a variety of monsters as well as animals and its is ruled by royalties. You 3 will be able to pick your species and design it to look how you want and whatever ability, superpowers, aura, and magic skills you want but the 3 of you will not be reincarnated together as in coming for the same parents only 2 of you might and if that happens you girls will not remember each other until adult hood. If the 3 of you meet the memory of knowing each in your past lives will be blocked until adulthood. But all other memories that you have of your past lives will be accessible.]

Yuna so we will be able to live again but there is a chance that we are separated again and if 2 out of 3 of have the same parents the part of our memory of knowing each other will be blocked until adult age of this world we are going to.

But if we all come from different families all our memories will be intact.

I say I think it's worth it, it's not like we won't meet again and that we will be able to start new lives and live again.

Freya says that's true but we are going into a world we know nothing about with different kinds of species and variety monsters with zero information.

I say that's true but were geniuses to be even more frack we are the top 3 geniuses ahead of our era well 3 out of top 4 geniuses as we go quiet.

I say I hope Selene is doing ok and that she is living her life.

Freya says I'm sure she is after all she my twin as she smiles.

Yuna says yea after all she would try to make sure that our names stay in people minds as she kept her grade to remind others that there were 3 others just as good as here.

I say so are we willing to give this a go as they nod at me, as if knowing we made our decision the screen Change and show categories on our screen with section species/core, character creation, ability, superpowers, magic skills and in the corner it's show SP meaning skills points.

I say so being that we get skill points means that the world we are going to revolve around leveling to get stronger that's good as they agree with me.

Freya says so as long as we level up and get SP we will be ok.

Yuna says yea at least we have some info now but that means we will be having to fight monsters that want to kill us so we can level so I want us to be on our peazes and ques got it, we knod at her.

I start in order by clicking species/core It shows 2 lists of different species one Hybrid and the other normal I pick the hybrid list and it shows all different kinds of Hybrids with the genders

white tailed fox-lion male/female(sp300)

black bear-tiger male/female(sp500)

tiger-lion male/female(sp900)

witch-panther male/female (sp700)

rabbit-Jaguar male/female (sp850)

hedgehog-lion male/ female (sp750)

panda-tiger male/female (sp900)

koala-panther male/female (sp600)

then it shows special species and the god/goddess level species because they are of futas and they are Androgynous and Hermaphrodite.

[Androgynous: is a rare gender that allows you to have women reproductive system and a man chest if is a female the opposite of male.]

[Hermaphrodite: is a rare gender of having both male and female reproductive system so if you a female you have breast and a male reproductive part along with the women reproductive part it opposite for male.]

The listed species that have A to represent androgynous and a H to represent hermaphrodite

special list

Dragons-nine-tailfox male/female A (sp3000)

Dragons-nine-tailfox male/female H (sp3000)

Phoenix-Dragon male/female A (sp3000)

Phoenix-Dragon male/female H (sp3000)

Nine-tail-Dragon male/female A (sp3000)

Nine-tail-Dragon male/female H (sp3000)

Dragon-Vampire male/female A (sp3000)

Dragon-Vampire male/female H (sp3000)

Phoenix-Werewolve male/female A (sp3000)

Phoenix-Werewolve male/female H (sp3000)

then it shows the god/goddess list

Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Vampire/phoenix A (sp10,000)

Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Vampire/Phoenix H (sp10,000)

Dragon-Phoenix/Werewolve/Nine-tailfox A(sp10,000)

Dragon-Phoenix/Werewolve/Nine-tailfox H(sp10,000)

Phoenix-Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Werewolve A (sp10,000)

Phoenix-Nine-tailfox/Dragon/Werewolve H(sp10,000)


I look to the corner where my sp is I see 2 000000000000 SP my heart almost jumps out of my chest when I see that number as I go back to look at the species.

I choose to go with the Nine-tailfox-Dragon/Vampire/Phoenix H next I do core as it shows a list for it

Beginner color white(sp25000)

Amateur color pink (sp30000)

Average color silver(sp35000)

Intermediate color Bashe(sp40000)

Experienced color Black(sp45000)

Advanced color Turquoise(sp50000)

High caliber color Blue(sp55000)

Firstrate color Lavender(sp60000)

Divine color Gold(sp90000)

I pick Divine as the species category disappears leaving the other 4.

I keep going in order and click the character creation and a mirror shows up I look up towards the other and realize we have been quite the whole time.