First noble tea party/noble debut part 2

It has been 3 years since then and our first noble tea party had gone well and my big sister stopped trying to hide her feeling for me as much as she did when we were younger and I had never hide mine sense then ever one had known how we felt about each other and dub us the strongest to be husband and wife dual.

At the present time I am planning with my sister for our noble debut I am now 8 and she is 9 as Crystal and Kristal is 9 and 10 as Lenora is 11 and her sister Cleo is 12.

They smile as me and Yuna are arguing about going public about us getting married I say Yuna didn't we agree to what until our 14th birthday for you to tell me how you feel again and that is when one us will propose to the other.

She says yes but now things are different I have a rival that wants to marry you at the same time with a worried expression.

I grabbed her by her chin and kissed her on the lips noticing what was about to do the others turn away as my lips met her I slipped my tongue in and shared a long passionate kiss with my sister.

I separated from her and say you have no need to worry or rush and anything you are my first true love and no one will replace you after you will be my first to have me.

Realizing what I had meant her eyes had widened do to the information she just received and she said you really mean it I will be the first to consummate with you.

I knod at her as I blush I turn my head trying to hide it she says by you let have privilege you do now that means you can not consummate with any other of your wife until you bear a child by me first.

I playfully hit her saying obviously I would have told if I didn't know that she says so you're ok with making Freya wait until then.

I say Big sister how can you ask me that after what I have just said have I not shown you how much you meant to me and how I love you.

She shakes her head It's not that it's that ever since the tea party and mom introduced our cousin Freya as her older sister couldn't make so to her being sick at the tea party it just you and hear have had an unshakeable relationship and when she ask to marry you,you didn't hesitate unlike with me.

I say I didn't hesitate with you just keep hiding how you felt about me I sigh and say I understand how feel but even with what I just told you and what I told you before about us having others she knows still a little and worried.

I sigh again and say big sister you are going to be my official wife and the first to have and here and know I pledge that my love for you will be unwavering I shall not leave you nor shall my feelings be stolen by any one else.

Before I can finish Yuna covers my mouth and says I understand with a little on her cheeks and a smile because a pledge is equivalent to giving your very existence to someone after she removes her hands she kisses on the lips as I open my mouth as if I'm inviting her tongue in.

She accepts the invitation as our tongues intertwine together as we shared a short kiss she said after separated I will never doubt you again and your feeling I will always be loyal to you.

After a cough my sister goes back to her mature but elegant self as a little blush is still present on her cheeks I laugh and say sorry Cleo as she is the stern one out of the other 3.

She says it's fine my lady but don't you think you should continue in private and get back on topic for your 2 noble debuts.

Lenora says with a pout as always big sister can't you just enjoy how love duby they are not wanting her sister to think that she wanted to interrupt their intimacy and have her think she was a straight lace she says nervously Lenora it not that I don't want them to continue I just want them to make sure they remember what our original purpose was.

Lenora giggles at how nervous and scared she is that she might misjudge her Lenora gently places her hand on Cleo and gently rubs says I'm sorry big sister I didn't mean tease you that much as Cleo let a sign of relief go and smile we resumed.

After getting Yuna to agreeing to wait til our 14th birthday to announce our plan of getting married A few days had passed as we make our way to mom she says are you girls ready as she stands in front of the leading to room filled with guess as we are the royal families palace to celebrate everyone ones who's just turned 8 and are having their debut.

We nod and mom opens the door bright light appears as we walk in to go down the twirl stair with a balcony we hear the other nobles gasp as they see us.

I am in an elegant white dress that goes to my ankle as it enhances my beautiful light brown eyes as my black hair was twirled on my opposite shoulder.

As my sister was wearing a light blue short skirt dress that made her light blue eyes and light brown hair pop as both of us are wearing high heels including mom in her once piece dress as her ruby color eyes shined with her long black hair flowing as we reach the floor and seen a table with our last name on it.