Royal family arrives

We giggled at Yuna as our parents had watched our little exchange.

That is when the royal family had arrived and came through the door.

We turn to look at the balcony to see the king, queen, Prince, and the princess.

My attention was completely on the princess in her red and black one piece as her beautiful black hair flowed leading to her beautiful red pupils.

The dress had only amplified her curves and showed her plump lips with it red gloss I could not but help myself too admire her.

That's when I felt someone elbow me in my side I turned to see Freya,Cleo, and Yuna pouting as I looked at them.

I realized I was drooling and staring at the princess I wiped the drool away and said.

I can see why Yuna is upset but what are you and Cleo up set with me.

That's when Freya shouts Why shouldn't we be up set with you ogling the princess.

I say shh shhhh, she again shouts Why so you can ogle her some more.

I put my finger up to my mouth and say I'm sorry for whatever I did but please remember where we are. Please don't draw any more attention to us how about this if you promise to calm down and not make a ruckus I will promise to grant any request you want.

With one eye looking at me and the other closed Freya seeing how I'm pleading she says you promise the 3 of us.

with my hands clapped together and bowing my head I say yes so please just sit down.

Freya mhmm and sits down with her arms crossed as she is still pouting.

I stand up and say I'm sorry for the disturbances that we have caused it will not happen again.

When I'm done bowing I see the princess look at me and giggle.

I sit down as a light blush appears on my face when we hear a Mhmm from the king.

He steps forward and says welcome to the noble families that have come.

I am pleased to have all the noblemen and women here for ours and their children's noble debut.

May all the children come and stand with ours on the balcony.

That's when me,Yuna,Cleo, and Freya stand and make our way to the balcony along with 20 other kids from noble families.

I am making my way up the stairs to the balcony when I feel someone push me and i start to fall over the reeling.

My sister with Freya and Cleo are too far away to catch me as I fall over the reeling I see the fear on my sister and cousins faces.

I close my eyes as I'm falling with my hand stretched out as I fell, I felt a brief but yet gentle wind envelope me.

I open my eyes to see long beautiful flowing hair and red pupils as they smile at me.

She flies back up to the top of the stairs and says are you ok.

Realizing it's the princess I quickly move away and bow saying thank you majesty.

When my mom,aunt, and my sisters along with my cousins run up to me as they encircle and ask if I'm ok.

Yuna checks me to make sure I'm ok and then you can see the rage in her eyes but before she could do anything mom stands in front giving her a look.

She sighs and backs down as the princess says I am just glad that you're ok.

She asks how old am I, I say you majesty I have just turned 8 and have come to my noble debut with my sister Yuna who is 9.

She says my name is Mulan you may address me by my name and I would love for you to come by the palace for tea.

Along with your sister and your other friends if they want to join as well.

I say my maj... she cuts me off and says Mulan, I say but her brother along with the king and queen he says there's no use in trying to persuade her just call her Mulan.

When she set her mine on something there was no use in trying to say otherwise.

The king says yes the crown prince is right so only behind closed doors and among us you may call her that.

Before we go and face the person that pushed who are they as i know you 2 are the daughter of Melissa Ishtar Pisces and Yuna but who are the ones that accompany you.

Mom stepped forward and said my majesty this is my sister Miya and her two kids Freya and Cleo as they bow to them.

The king says what is all this Majesty nonsense you are one of the few that may address my and my family by our names.

Begin one of the two main families that have helped build and help me take the throne.

The queen says yes he is right if it were not for you 20 years ago me and my husband would not be here and have our beautiful children and the war would have turned in our disfavor.

Mom bows and says I am glad you and Mark think so highly of me and my family will continue to be loyal to the royal family.

He waves his hand dismissing her and saying enough with all that follow me.

Mom says yes as the king and his family make our way to the assaulter family that are on their knees with the knights guarding them.

Once we reach them they bow immediately beginning for forgiveness for the children and that they will receive proper punishment for the behavior.

Princess Mulan steps forward and asks the kid if you know who you have assaulted and what the punishment is for you doing so.

The father says her name is Julie my lady and she is young and immature.

Julie says I'm sorry it's just I didn't like the fact that you gave her your attention my lady.

Princess says so because of your childish and yet immature feelings you dare to push a child of one of the 2 great families and risk injuring her.

Julie says I'm sorry my lady I did not intend for her to get injured.

Princess Mulan turns to me a gesture for me to step forward.