Beginning of Training

The next day after a long night and the bitter incident that happened, Tusk got up and came out of the cave.

Tusk saw the clear morning sky then washed his face in the river ahead, after a few minutes the dragon came and landed in front of his cave, then the dragon said.

Razor : hey tusk come here I have a task you have to do " said razor "

Tusk : fine

Razor : okay tusk the first task I give you is to run around this area for 3 times, then do some punches on the rocks next to this cave.

Tusk : You mean run around in this forest?

Razor : yes, go around this forest and study all the areas so you can remember all the places you passed, I'm too lazy to explain about all these places.

Tusk : i-i- this is not possible shout tusk.

Razor : hey-hey now you serve me you have to listen to my words human if you fight I will eat you. said razors.

Tusk was silent and could not answer anything else, then Tusk with a bitter heart started the task given by the dragon.

While looking at the tusk that started running in the forest razor smiled and laughed

Razor : hahaha my grandson's training starts now.

Razor : I hope you can be strong for the next 4 years, because my time is getting closer "said razor"

Tusk who had been running far away didn't hear what the dragon said.

After running for half a day the exhausted tusk returned to the cave and rested for a while then he looked at the dragon and said.

Tusk : mighty dragon I've been running around this forest for half a day can I rest a bit?

Razor replied

Razor : hey smelly boy continue by hitting the rock next to the cave, razor shows the big rock next to the cave.

Tusk looked at the boulder with wide eyes and said

Tusk : no way a rock this big where can be hit. "tusk said"

Razor gave a roar and answered

Razor : roar… hey, stinky boy, have you dared to fight, huh?" Razor said.

Seeing this, Tusk started running to the rock and hit it until his hand hurt.

Tusk : damn this hurts so much, shouted tusk "while hitting the rock"

Razor : hey stinky boy stop screaming and hit that rock, and from tomorrow do this again until I give another training.

Razor saw what his grandson was doing and smiled faintly and thought of what kind of training to give after this physical development process.

In his heart razor said "I'm sorry but I'm doing this for you so you can pursue what you dream of".

After the task given by the dragon, Tusk felt very tired, because the task really drained his energy.

And finally the sun set then the dragon told the tusk to stop and said

Razor : hey smelly boy stop and rest, tomorrow you will continue this task every day hahahaha...

Tusk stopped hitting the rock and sat down immediately, then breathed a sigh of relief and said

Tusk : hahhh really my suffering starts again.

Tusk remembers his grandfather's training and starts to cry.

Damn 10 years ago I also did this why is this almost the same as what I experienced tusk roared in his heart.

But luckily this dragon was kind enough to see the fish caught by the dragon and said, fortunately the dragon gave me food, I can no longer move my body to look for food at this time.

After today Tusk's days of doing the task given by the dragon began..

After a few months the dragon came and told tusk that he would be out for a few days because he had something important to do

Razor : hey smelly boy come here. "shouted razor"

Tusk went to the dragon and for some reason after a few months with the dragon tusk got used to all the characteristics of the dragon and somehow remembered his grandfather a little, because there are some traits that are a bit similar.

Tusk : hey what's up dragon monster?

The dragon answered

Razor : hey smelly boy i'll be out for a few days, i give you a task to do some of these things." razor said"

Tusk looked at the note the dragon had written on the ground.

First do the rejection of the load by carrying the rock on the back

Both dives in the lake for 20 minutes

Third, inhale and hold your breath and then remove it from your mouth, do it every time

Looking at the three tasks Tusk was stunned for the first and second he understood and the last one he was still asking what this meant.

Seeing tusk razor's confusion also provides an example.

Razor : Why would the boy refuse him? "Ask Razor"

Tusk : no I just don't understand the meaning of the third task. "tuck said"

Razor : hey-hey that's an easy task what are you confused about, ok I'll give you some examples watch and see.

Razor also gave tusk an example of the task and how to do it.

Seeing the way the dragon exemplified, Tusk began to try it, and after a while he began to understand how to do the third task.

Seeing that Tusk had started to do his training, Razor got ready to leave and said

Razor : hey stinky boy as long as I'm gone don't let you not do the task, if you dare I will eat you.

Tusk: okay.

Tusk knows the words spoken by the dragon he never did and Tusk knows that the dragon really loves humans after several months with him.

Razor got up and flew away, seeing the dragon's departure, for some reason Tusk started to feel a strange feeling in his heart that reminded him of his grandfather again.

After razor left tusk started to do the task given by the dragon.

Back to razors

Razor, who has flown away, goes to the kingdom and wants to tell Irine and several other dragons about the magic he has made.

Because the location of his grandson's training ground was quite far, Razor needed several hours to arrive at the Dragnof Kingdom.

When he arrived at the razor kingdom, he immediately flew towards the mountain behind, and when he arrived at the mountain he shouted.

Heyyy you bastards smell like grandpa coming to play today hahahahaha….

Hearing that loud voice igneel was the first to come and scream, hahahaha grandpa smelly finally you come too look at the heat from my fire.

And finally what happened a few months ago happened again.

After that short battle five dragons and a woman came to the back of the mountain and the people who looked familiar were igneel, grandine, metalicana, skiadrum, weisylogia, belserion and Irene.

Everyone gathered and listened to what razor had to say.

Razor started to speak, I came here today because I have something important to tell you.

Everyone looked at razor and seemed to see the seriousness on his face, and irine also said.

Irene : razor what important thing do you want to tell us all? Irene asked.

Razor : hey little girl the thing i want to tell you is about the dragon slayer magic that you are developing.

In unison all the dragons looked at razor, and belserion asked.

Belserion : razor can you tell me more clearly what it means?

Razor : okay "book brain calm down and listen, I hope you will understand the meaning of" me soon.

Finally razor started talking about dragon slayer magic and what will happen to humans if this magic is made without any preparation.
