Farewell Forever

The next day, under the guidance of his grandfather, Tusk began to learn the magic he inherited from his grandfather.

As time went by, it didn't feel like 2 years had passed. You saw a young man wearing black and blue clothes with long hair that reached his shoulders, had a rather gentle face with rather sharp eyes, doing exercises near the river.

That young man is none other than tusk after 2 years of training he was already 13 years old, now a boy has started to become a teenager and beside him is an old grandfather with white hair and beard watching him train, that grandfather is none other than razor which is tusk's godfather.

After practicing the tusk resting for a while and staring at the hole in front of him, the hole was the result of the magic that the tusk had trained on, then his grandfather came closer to the tusk and started laughing and saying.

Razor : hahahaha my stupid grandson how are the results of the 2 years training you have been through?

Tusk saw his grandfather coming and answered.

Tusk : well grandpa see this what do you think hahahahaha, said tusk while laughing.

Razor : I think this result is not bad, but you still have to increase the attack power again because from the explosion I can see that the attack power is still too small. "reveal razors"

Tusk who saw the hole in front of him began to think about how to increase his attack power, because when his grandfather used this magic he could create greater destructive power compared to what Tusk did.

After that the grandfather comforted his grandson a little by saying.

Razor: My stupid granddaughter I think you have to step by step because magic cannot be done instantly, it requires practice that must be done every time and it takes a little time to be able to maximize what you practice. "reveal razors"

Razor : and one more thing that I will tell you, remember and never forget because this is very important because it affects your future development.

Tusk with a serious face started listening to what razor was saying.

Razor : remember this is my grandson magic is a miracle and magic is freedom which means you can cultivate magic freely without any rules because magic is a character from yourself." said razor with a smile"

Tusk : of course grandpa.

Tusk who listened to what his grandfather said smiled a little because he knew this a long time ago when he started studying magic inherited from his grandfather, and tusk had already created several types of magic that he could use for battle and defense.

In Tusk's previous life, Because he really liked watching Naruto anime he got some ideas to make some new kinds of magic, and among the ones he made there was a magic similar to Kazekage Gaara's skill in Naruto which he named Sand Dragon Scution and several types of magic. which is similar to gaara's technique.

Finally, after a few days Grandfather called Tusk to talk about the current situation at work and the upheaval of this war.

Tusk who heard this news couldn't help but sigh and had to be ready for the approaching opponent.

But after a few years, Tusk watched his grandfather's body, which for some reason suddenly changed from the look on his grandfather's face. He got an uncomfortable feeling that might be a sad thing for him to go through.

Actually grandpa tusk already knew that his last day would not be long away and finally now he will tell his grandson about the problems that will occur when his grandson uses his dragon slayer magic.

Grandfather also started talking about the impact of using this dragon slayer magic.

Razor : hey my stupid grandson today i will tell you about the side effects of using this dragon slayer magic that you learned.

Tusk : does this magic have a bad effect?

Grandfather : of course there is no magic that doesn't have bad effects on the user unless it's a weak magic.

Grandfather: the magic that I inherited is the magic that is used to kill dragons, which means that this magic was created to kill dragons.

Grandfather : However, this magic can only be learned when there is a dragon that passes it on to humans, if humans want to make or learn it themselves they most likely will not be able to because the origin of this magic is the energy of a certain dragon that is put into the human body. "reveal razor"

Tusk : means that if a human learns this magic without the energy of a certain dragon then this dragon slayer magic will not be able to be used even though the human already understands the basics of this magic?" asked tusk"

Razor : maybe not really, maybe there are other possibilities that can be used, for example if someone learns this magic without having dragon energy, by the way he has to use the blood of a dragon.

Razor: because in every part of the dragon's body there is energy from a dragon which may not require him to get energy from a certain dragon, but the pessimism is that those who use dragon blood will gradually lose their identity and will become a dragon because, in the blood The dragon has enormous power and can make people who use it lose control and go crazy.

Tusk : do you mean if you use that dragon's blood then they will turn into dragons when they continue to use this magic?

Razor : Of course, nothing is free in this world you stupid boy, that's what happens with this inherited magic.

Tusk : You mean this magic that you inherited can turn me into a dragon if you keep using it?

Razor : that's for sure hahahaha..

Tusk : damn grandpa then why are you passing it on to me I don't want to be a damn dragon." Tusk said while letting out his anger"

Razor : hahaha isn't that great my granddaughter, if you become a dragon then you will officially replace me hahahaha. " said razor while laughing "

Tusk : damn grandpa I will beat you up. "said tusk while holding back tears"

Tusk started running forward to beat up his extrinsic grandfather.

Then the grandpa resisted the tusk's movement by turning into its original form.

Razor: hahaha try hitting me my stupid grandson let me see how you've grown in these 2 years hahaha.

Tusk begins to fight against his grandfather using everything he has learned over the years.

Tusk : Damn grandpa feel this, Sand Dragon Roar….

Razor saw that roar he fought back using his body then said.

Razor : Hey stupid grandson that roar isn't like this but like this, Sand Dragon King Roar…..

Seeing his roar that was defeated by his grandfather, Tusk dodged and made another move.

Tusk : damn feel this sand dragon suction.

Seeing this magic razor was shocked for a moment then smiling inside his heart he said

Razor : really great in just 2 years he has developed this magic "said razor"

Seeing this magic razor let himself be sucked in while feeling the impact of his grandson's power.

Tusk who saw this opportunity didn't waste any more time then continued his attack by adding another move.

Tusk : feel this damn grandpa Sand Dragon Talion

Gathering sand around him, Tusk transformed the sand into a dragon's tail and waved it at his grandfather.

Razor who saw this smiled slightly seeing the magic his grandson had made and let it hit his body.

After the two magics hit razor he saw that the impact it gave slightly affected his body, and razor prepared to put up a bit of a fight against his grandson.

Finally, after a long battle, Tusk ran out of magical energy in his body. Seeing this, Razor stopped his attack and said to his grandson.

Razor : hey stupid grandson it looks like you've run out of magic energy hahaha. he said laughing

Tusk who was out of breath saw this and laughed bitterly then said.

Tusk : hey grandpa damn you just wait I will definitely pluck your beard "he said breathlessly"

Hearing this razor laughed and said.

Razor : hahahahaha what a good spirit if that's the case let's continue this battle again.

After these words razor started to continue his attack, tusk which had run out of magic energy could only withstand the impact of the attack using his body where his body started to turn blue from receiving the impact of the attack.

The battle ended when the tusk could no longer withstand attacks from his grandfather and fainted from the physical exhaustion he was facing.

Seeing this his grandfather stopped and approached the tusk while saying.

Razor : hey-hey until he passed out he never gave up on the attacks that I gave him hahaha, it's not in vain that I raised and taught him from a young age, seeing his determination in facing problems and never giving up I'm really proud of that. "said razor while smiling seeing his grandson who fainted in front of him"

Razor : after he wakes up I'll tell him how to make him not turn into a dragon.

Razor : and today is a really happy day that I had hahaha, seeing my grandson's desperate face that really makes me happy hahaha, even though there will be farewells but I hope he will find a new family that will treat him well hahaha. razor said while laughing

After being unconscious for 5 hours, Tusk woke up and saw Razor standing in front of the river near his guan, Tusk, who woke up, staggered slightly after experiencing that tense battle.

After stabilizing his body, Tusk walked slowly to Razor who was in front of the river, then when he was next to Razor Tusk said to Razor.

Tusk : hey grandpa can't you hold back a little bit, look at your grandson you made battered like this "sigh tusk"

Razor : hahahah no way stupid grandson, this is an important lesson you have to remember because when you face another dragon you already know how strong that dragon is.

Tusk nods in agreement because from this battle he knows how strong the dragon is.

After a moment of silence razor started talking to tusk

Razor : hey kid, for the matter of the dragon slayer magic that you're learning, I've thought of a way so you don't turn into that dragon.

Tusk : hey you won't lie right grandpa?

Razor : of course this idiot concerns your future how could I joke with that.

Tusk : so grandfather how do I not turn into a dragon if I use this magic? "Task Tusk"

Razor : before that I will tell you this important matter regarding where you are going in the future.

Tusk paused and listened to what razor would explain.

Razor : ok stupid boy, you've lived with me for 13 years and I haven't had the chance to tell you that actually my life time is not long. "rascal lift"

Tusk : hey grandpa you're not going to joke anymore right?

Razor : of course not this is the truth that I will tell you. "razor said with a serious face"

Finally razor told his grandson that in fact he lost the war 20 years ago when the dragon from the west attacked ishgar and he received a serious wound which could not be healed and has become a permanent wound, the wound has made razor's body weaken over time, and finally razor began to think about finding the heir to his magic.

However, she couldn't find a suitable candidate because most of them had bad thoughts and only wanted to gain her magic, and when Razor became desperate and accepted her fate, she happened to find Tusk who was still a baby and started to babysit and raise him.

And from that moment razor knew that his grandson's character was the heir that matched his magic.

Listening to this story, Tusk was speechless and didn't know what to answer because from that story, Tusk knew that maybe this would be the last time he spoke to his grandfather.

Seeing the look on his grandson's face, Razor sighed and said to his grandson.

Razor : hey stupid boy remember this, if there is a meeting then there will be a farewell and where at the time of parting you have to give a warm and happy smile so that the person you are parting with can leave in peace." said razor with a smile "

Tusk who was listening to this started to feel the bad thing he was thinking, and when he saw that grin from his grandpa.

Tusk started to have tears flowing from his eyes and couldn't hold back the sadness that was happening.

Seeing this razor comforted his grandson by saying.

Razor : hey stupid boy even though I can't be beside you anymore I will always be there to watch over you, you don't need to be sad I will always stay in your heart because if you always remember me then that memory will always be engraved in your heart." said razor while pointing to the position of the heart tusk"

Tusk : but I already consider you as my grandfather, and if you go then I will be alone here.

Razor : hey boy i know you will find a place for yourself and your new family i believe in it.

Razor : hey kid as a grandfather I have to do something to protect my own grandson, that's my responsibility as your grandfather.

Tusk : but grandpa…..

Razor : hey stupid grandson, quickly wipe your tears, do I not remember what I taught you?

Tusk : I know Grandpa but this is not easy for me. "Tusk said with tears running down his cheeks"

Razor : hey stupid boy, listen to me" razor said firmly"

Razor : Men have to be strong even when they are sad, keep smiling, don't get lost in sadness, keep moving forward, this is what real men do, "shouted Razor"

Tusk : wipes away his tears and looks at his grandfather for the last time.

Tusk knew that if his grandfather had decided on something then it could never be changed, and by his grandfather's nature he would not take back the words he had said.

Looking at his grandson one last time razor smiled sincerely then he said.

Razor : And before that I will do one last magic to keep you human.

A magic circle started to form from Razor's body and Razor's body immediately started to glow, then Razor said to his grandson

Razor : even though I'm not with you anymore I will always watch over you my stupid grandson.

and the magic that was done by razor came into effect where his body began to gradually disappear and became a lump of light, after becoming a lump of light as a whole it began to enter tusk's body and began the process of merging.

Before the light fully merged, tusk heard a whisper in his ear, which sounded

My stupid grandson, forgive your grandfather's selfishness, grandfather hopes that you will find a warm family and accept you as a whole, grandfather will always be with you and you don't need to be sad because of my departure, I will always be in your body to make antibodies so you don't turn into dragons and maybe I will sleep long inside your body.

After those words finished the whole place became silent, and tusk fell silent and his tears couldn't stop flowing out.

Finally he knows that the magic used by the dragon slayer in the anime, there is a big sacrifice that must be made and finally he knows why the magic is said to be lost magic.

As night fell, the tusk that stood silently in front of the river began to remember the memories he had with his grandfather where his grandfather taught him to read, laugh together, fish together and all the good memories with his grandfather.

Once again sadness flooded Tusk's heart, finally he remembered the last words from his grandfather and looked at the beautiful night sky, but even though the view was very beautiful, Tusk's heart still contained sadness that could not make him enjoy that situation.

And when tusk decided to go in to see his grandfather's cave he found a letter and a note on a rock, in which his grandfather wrote a short message that read.

My stupid granddaughter, if you find this, it means that I am no longer with you, and I hope you don't dissolve in the sadness you are experiencing, I just want you to live happily, find your real family and protect what you want, even though you are sad at this time, don't get carried away too deep, because there are still many adventures waiting for you ahead step forward, grandpa will always watch over you.

Reading the contents of the note, tusk's eyes suddenly flashed with sparks again and his heart had made up his mind that he would move forward and would use the power that was passed down by his grandfather to guard and protect what was important to him.

And at the end of the note his grandfather said, if you go to the dragnof kingdom go west from here and you will find the kingdom, then look for a person named Irene , give this letter that I left to him and he will help you in the future.

Tusk decides to travel to the Dragnof kingdom to deliver the letter his grandfather gave him.

Seeing that, Tusk returned to his cave and prepared his equipment to continue his journey, not forgetting to put his grandfather's letter in his bag.

The next day the sun began to shine from the west and tusk had prepared everything necessary for his journey, looked at the cave where he had spent time with his grandfather, tusk smiled and started walking towards the rising sun.

As he walked, Tusk remembered to go west as his grandfather had said, after several hours of traveling he passed through the forest and saw a connecting bridge, when he crossed the bridge he saw a large and magnificent city standing on the other side of the river, finally Tusk knew that his destination had been reached. was before his eyes.
