For the future

After the battle, Tusk began to realize he found that he was in a room, and finally he was a little confused about the result of his fight against Igneel, but Dai knew that he must have lost because it was very difficult to fight a dragon with the current situation.

Finally there was a knock on the door and finally a woman entered the room.

Tusk, who saw her, was no stranger to this woman, who was none other than Irene.

Seeing that tusk was already conscious, Irene started to say

Irene : how are you?

Tusk: it's gotten a little better even though it still feels a little sore in the body.

Irene : of course even if you are healed by grandine's magic there will still be a little side effect because of your very big battle.

Irene : I don't understand how can you fight like that even though you already know the result.

Tusk : hehehe I know that I still can't beat a dragon but I wonder how it feels to fight against that dragon.

Irene was silent listening to what tusk said, finally tusk asked how long she had been unconscious.

Tusk : hey Irene how long was I unconscious?

Irene : more or less 2 days because you run out of magic energy that makes you unconscious for that long.

Tusk : 2 days means I've missed your meal 6 times!.

Grruuuu. The tusk's stomach finally growled because it couldn't hold back the hunger from its stomach.

Irene who heard the belly tusk growling couldn't hold back her laughter, then she burst out laughing.

Irene : hahaha this is the first time I see someone like you tusk, usually when other people are afraid something bad will happen to their body, but you only think about the food you haven't eaten yet hahaha." Irene's laugh"

Tusk's face was red because he was embarrassed to hear what Irene said, but his stomach could not be restrained, because of the hunger he had experienced during the 2 days of fainting.

Irene burst out laughing listening to the belly sound again

Tusk was even more embarrassed to want to find a hole to hide.

Finally Irene came out of the room and asked the chef at the palace to cook some food for tusk.

After a few minutes the chef came to bring food to the room where Tusk was, Tusk who saw the food in front of his eyes couldn't hold back anymore and started eating it.

Tusk : chef please one more portion.

The chef rushed to bring food for tusk, maybe because it was still not enough tusk asked the chef to make another 12 servings of food.

The groaning chef was suddenly shocked because it was the first time he had seen someone who could eat that much.

Tusk who saw this was embarrassed for a moment but he still put on an innocent face, because he had slept for 2 days, Tusk's stomach was very hungry.

Finally the chef brought the food Tusk ordered.

After finishing all of his food, Tusk finally felt his stomach full and thanked the chef.

Koki came out and let tusk continue his rest again.

A few hours later Irene came to see tusk again and asked.

Irene : tusk how is your stomach full?

Tusk : Irene is quite full thanks Irene, sorry to trouble you

Irene : it's okay it's just a small problem.

Irene : tusk there are some important matters that must be told to you.

Finally Irene reveals the serious problem she has to deal with to tusk.

Irene : tusk actually I want to ask your help to deal with this problem.

Tusk: The problem with this future war?

Irene : hmm, this is related to the future that will happen, maybe your grandfather has told you about this war.

Tusk: Grandpa already told me, but I'm afraid because I won't be very petrified in this war, my magic is still not able to match the real dragon. "Tusk said"

Irene : I know about that, that's why I want you to join in this war because it can help your growth.

Tusk was silent because he didn't know what to answer, he knew that fighting a dragon was difficult because after his fight with Igneel he knew that he wasn't strong enough.

With his current magic and physical capacity he can only issue his ultimate move 3 times if it's too much then his magic energy will run out.

Irene, who saw Tusk's face, knew about the problem he was facing and therefore Irene said.

Irene : tusk i know the problem about your magic capacity, and after your fight with igneel i have some ideas about helping you.

Tusk who heard that suddenly looked at Irene and asked

Tusk : Irene you're not lying right?

Irene : Of course not. "he said with a smile"

Tusk : Is it possible to increase the magic capacity in the body?

Irene : of course you can increase its capacity but there will be pain that must be borne by your body.

Tusk : if that's possible then do it I want to be able to hit the dragon soon.

Irene : you have to be patient little boy, this magic concerns your life and death, I don't want you to have an accident while learning this magic.

Tusk who heard this smiled slightly while looking at Irene.

Tusk : Thanks Irene.

Irene : it's okay tusk your grandfather has helped me a lot at that time.

Tusk also looked out the window and looked at the blue sky with a sea of clouds and then said

Tusk : What a beautiful sky. If I could, I hope everyone will live peacefully.

Irene who heard it replied

Irene : if your wish is that then do it, nothing is impossible if you struggle" said Irene smiling"

Tusk : Of course I will do it, even though I know it will be difficult.

Tusk's eyes flashed with a passion that he couldn't hold back, because there are dreams and desires that he wants, so he will fight to get them, even though that road is a difficult road to go through.

Irene who saw this sighed and said earnestly to tusk.

Irene : tusk from your last fight what did you get?

Tusk : I know about my weakness and I have to find a way to cover it up.

Irene : it's good that you realize that because during the war there will be no one who can take care of you other than yourself.

Irene : and from what I observe you can only issue your ultimate magic 3 times.

Tusk : true Irene because of my magic capacity I can only issue it 3 times because it is very draining.

Irene : as time goes by your physique will get bigger and your magic capacity will definitely be enough to cast all the magic you have learned.

Tusk : but time can't wait, this war is near and i will fight for a bright future.

Finally, Irene told Tusk that tomorrow morning he would come to the field in the palace and he would teach Tusk how to store additional energy in his body.

Irene : prick tomorrow morning come to the inner field where yesterday I will teach you magic storage where.

Tusk : ok tomorrow I will see you Irene.

Iren : okay now you rest first, I will prepare training for tomorrow first.

Tusk : ok thanks Irene.

Irene left the room, and finally the tusk who was there himself started thinking about this coming war.

Tusk : this war is approaching i have to prepare myself as much as possible in order to take care of myself.

Tusk : From the magic that grandpa taught me, dragon claw, dragon flick, and dragon punch are basic magic but if it's against a dragon whether it can give a scratch, I didn't have time to think about it when fighting igneel.

Tusk : maybe this magic needs to be increased because the energy expenditure is not much and can be used for a long time.

After thinking this tusk finally made a training plan to improve his magic.

The next day, as promised, Tusk came to the field where the battle was yesterday, and he saw Irene standing there and told him to come closer.

Tusk approached the field and as soon as he was there he saw a dragon starting to fall from the sky, when the dragon almost landed, Tusk, who saw it, instantly recognized the dragon.

The dragon was none other than igneel who defeated tusk a few days ago, tusk who saw this gritted his teeth and screamed.

Tusk : heii smelly red dragon let's fight again hahaha.

Igneel who saw this suddenly laughed and said.

Ingeel : hahaha smelly boy looks like you need to be beaten again.

Irene who heard this finally covered her forehead and felt a little headache because these 2 people in front of her were fighting madmen.

But before that happened there was a white dragon that landed next to Irene, that dragon was none other than grandine then she said.

Grandine : stop for a moment igneel, hishh and you're a kid why is your character really similar to your grandfather.

Finally after a while the other dragons came, and they all started to pay attention to the boy and then a dragon said.

Hey kid, your nature and character are really similar hahaha it's not wrong for you to be that person's grandson.

Tusk who heard this looked at the dragon and he was curious why the dragon was like shiny iron.

Finally tusk said

Tusk : shiny dragon before you talk about my grandfather you better introduce yourself including the others, I'm really getting dizzy seeing this.

All of the dragons suddenly saw the little boy in front of them and wanted to give him a punch.

With the nature of this kid, maybe in the future there will be many people who want to beat him up.

Finally after taking a breath they all started to introduce themselves.

Hey kid remember this is my name igneel and next to it Irene is grandine, the silver one is metalicana, the black one is skiadrump and the white one is weisslogia. "ignal said"

Hearing this tusk nods and remembers them all but igneel continues and explains that there is one more dragon but he is sleeping inside Irene's body.

Igneel : there is one more but he is sleeping in the body of that girl, the dragon named belserion maybe in the future you will see it.

Hearing this, Tusk immediately saw Irene and his curiosity began to be piqued.

But Tusk held back his curiosity because this wasn't the time to ask.

After this pause, Irene finally started talking and explained to Tusk about the energy storage magic she had made.

Irene : I made this storage magic tusk 2 years ago where its function is to store energy reserves in the body and can activate it when the energy is almost depleted it can be replenished.

Tusk was a bit confused by what Irene said then he asked.

Tusk : Irene you mean the energy that is almost depleted is the magic we often use, right?

Irene : of course stupid boy, if your magic runs out then you will immediately faint like before.

Irene : which means that this magic can be used to replenish the depleted magic that has been used in a way that you have to save enough reserves into this magic.

After a little explanation tusk began to understand how the magic works and tusk said to Irene

Tusk : ok Irene teach me this magic now.

Irene : Are you ready?

Tusk : Of course.

Irene : last question are you ready? "said irene with a mysterious smile"

Tusk who saw this smile started to feel an unpleasant feeling.

Tusk : of course I'm ready, if not what am I here for.

Irene who heard this suppressed her laughter a bit and finally started demonic training to the tusk.

Irene : well tusk you're ready and I hope you don't regret it.

Finally the bad feeling tusk felt started to happen.

The five dragons who saw this finally started laughing and igneel couldn't help looking at tusk with a pitiful face.

Tusk who saw this finally started to regret his choice and before he could speak metalicana who was beside skiadrump finally took a tusk and immediately flew away from the field.

When the tusk was grabbed by metallicana he screamed.

Tusk: Damn!!!!!!!!

Tusk muttered in his heart if i knew this I better run away "sob" what a bad time. "with a sad face tusk to mourn the days ahead"
