Logia Village

Tusk walked towards the village, when he arrived at the village entrance he saw an old man standing in front of the gate.

Tusk approached the old man, saw this then the old man greeted tusk and said.

Old man: welcome, I've been waiting for your arrival, said the old man.

Tusk was stunned and he finally asked the old man.

Tusk : sorry sir if I may know who are you waiting for?

Old man : of course I'm waiting for you son, I know you brought a letter from the queen, try to remove the letter.

Tusk took the letter he had kept and handed it to the old man.

Seeing this letter the old man took it and opened the contents of the letter.

The old man muttered incoherently who said.

Old man : will the end come too ahh what a very bad life.

Hearing the muttering of the old man, Tusk began to ask questions.

Tusk : sorry sir if I may know what is the contents of the letter?

The old man turned his head and told tusk the contents of the letter.

Old man : the contents of the letter from the queen said to leave this village immediately, but if you do it now it will be very difficult because there are many things to do.

Hearing this, Tusk finally made a request to the old man.

Tusk : sir I will help the process if you want to leave this village. "said tusk"

Hearing this the old man smiled kindly at tusk and said

Old man : thank you kid I know your good intentions but it's better if you help to move these villagers to another place, I'm afraid they will be affected by this war.

Tusk nodded and said.

Tusk : okay I will help to take care of the transfer of these villagers.

Hearing this the old man immediately invited Tusk to enter his village, and while walking the old man introduced himself.

old man : sorry boy i forgot to introduce myself, you can call me Pharas, i am head of village here.

Pharas : and the name of this village is Logia village.

Pharas : actually this village has been around for a long time and if you want residents to move it will be a little difficult because this village has a long history that has been passed down.

Hearing this Tusk immediately knew the problem from this and he said.

Tusk : village chief you don't need to worry about this I will escort the villagers to find a safe place, before finding that place I will never leave this villager.

Seeing the answer from the tusk pharas nodded and immediately walked into the village to gather the villagers.

Pharas : thank you boy, if I may know who are you called boy?

Tusk who heard this immediately answered the old man.

Tusk : village chief you can call me tusk.

Pharas nods in response and continues inside the village.

After arriving in the middle of the village, the pharas began ordering the villagers to gather and then explaining the problems they would face, hearing the explanation from the pharas, the villagers put on sad and scared faces, and finally the residents listened to the old village head's advice.

Seeing this pharas sighed a little and finally he decided to take these villagers away from here.

After a rather long preparation, all the residents finally returned to the village field, Tusk was waiting for the arrival of these residents, not long after that Pharas came and told Tusk that everything that had to be prepared had been completed.

Hearing this, Tusk nodded for a moment and then said to the residents.

Tusk : logia villagers if, you all don't need to be afraid during this trip I will definitely protect you. "Tusk said"

The villagers nodded for a while and finally they saw the old village chief, seeing this the village head nodded for a moment and said to the tusk.

Pharas : tusk we will leave tomorrow, now you should rest first.

Tusk nodded and finally followed the village head, the village head escorted tusk to his house and let him rest.

After night came, the tusk who was at the village head's house went out into the courtyard and he saw the old village head standing looking at the night sky.

Seeing this, Tusk approached the village head, seeing the arrival of Tusk Pharas finally sighed and said to Tusk.

Phras: hah, it's really beautiful to see the night sky today." Pharas said with a sigh.

Tusk nodded, then the village head spoke.

Pharas : hey tusk are you ok to listen to a story?

Tusk : of course it's okay village chief, what story do you want to tell?

Pharas : I want to tell you a story of this village.

Tusk nodded, and finally the village head started his story.

Pharas : actually this village has been around for a long time and there is some history about it, coincidentally the queen used to come here and learn the magic she is using now.

Tusk who heard this was shocked because he just found out that Irene had come to this village to study magic.

Pharas looks at the tusk and laughs for a while, he finally continues his story.

Pharas : first the queen accidentally passed this village, because she heard the story that there is a village guarding the east border, finally the queen decided to travel here but she got lost in the forest across the road because in that forest there is an illusion magic formation that can misleading those who pass by it.

Pharas : coincidentally I also passed through the forest and finally met the queen, the queen said to me if she wants to visit this village, I will bring her to this village.

Pharas : after the queen got here she asked me if it was true that this village was guarding the eastern border, I replied that this village had indeed been the guardian of the eastern border but that had long since passed because no one in the village could learn magic because of a curse from a dragon tail.

Hearing this tusk asked the pharas.

Tusk : sorry head of the village if I may know what kind of curse is this?

Pharas : this curse is called a mana breaker, where this curse will cut off the mana in a person's body, long ago when our ancestors guarded this village they fought with a dragon which the result of the fight made the dragon almost die.

Pharas : and before his death the dragon burned mana and his own body in order to activate the curse he was casting at this time, because the curse was not only used on 1 person but all residents in this village.

Hearing this, Tusk finally learned the history of this village.

Pharas continued her story till the end and she looked at her tusk and asked.

Pharas : I know you must be curious about how the ancestors of this village fought the dragon right.

Tusk nodded and the pharas told him how his ancestor had killed the dragon.

Pharas : In the past, the ancestors of this village had an inheritance magic which was passed on to the residents of this village, and this is the reason why the queen came to this village to learn magic because with this magic it can make a witch have powers that are beyond common sense but there will be something must be sacrificed.

Tusk hearing this couldn't help asking the village chief.

Tusk : village head if I may know what is the name of this magic?

Pharas : the name of this magic is the ancient forbidden magic of exchange and substitution where what we want to exchange to get a suitable substitute.

Pharas : In the past, the ancestors of this village used their memories as an exchange to get the power they wanted, the bigger the fee, the bigger the power they gave.

Pharas : And also the magic that the queen is currently mastered is a magic that comes from a simplification of this ancient magic where no payment is required for its use.

Tusk couldn't help but have a bit of interest in this magic because from the village chief's story he had a hunch that this magic would really help him even if it had a risk.

Seeing tusk silent beside him pharas knew that maybe this boy has an interest for this magic so pharas said.

Pharas : tusk I will give you this ancient magic on condition that you must be able to protect and maintain the safety of these villagers.

Tusk : I will definitely keep the villagers safe chief, but that ancient magic isn't that valuable if you use it as payment, I don't want something as important as that to be a payment.

Pharas hearing this smiled at tusk and said.

Pharas : this tusk is my wish because this magic will disappear if no one can use it, especially since no one in this village can use magic.

Pharas : I don't want my ancestral property to be a useless thing, if it can be petrified it's better for me to give it to someone else, than to become an ancient antique.

Tusk was speechless and didn't know what to answer, seeing this the pharas continued to say.

Pharas : tusk forgive this old man's selfishness, I hope you will accept this ancient magic as it is of no use to me and this villagers.

Finally tusk nodded and said.

Tusk : village chief sincerely I will accept the kindness you have given me, I promise to protect all the inhabitants of this village with my hands. "Tusk said with a serious face"

Pharas : thank you tusk I hope you can make this magic brilliant again.

Pharas also invited tusk into a room in his house, then he took out an ancient black book.

Pharas : for several years I have been researching this magic from the results of my research so far there is a way to eliminate the side effects of this magic.

Hearing this, Tusk couldn't help but be stunned by the village head's words.

Pharas : I've researched this magic even though it's not certain but there are several ways to withstand the side effects.

Pharas : from my result of researching this magic for many years there is a way to withstand its side effects where you don't need to sacrifice anything but you will compensate it with the addition of other magic.

Pharas says I have made some series of magic to turn sacrifice into sealing.

Pharas takes a book from cupboard and gives it to tusk.

Pharas : this is the way I managed to come up with, too bad I can't use magic, but I will pass this on to you.

Phras: just consider this a gift from me." Phras said smiling

Seeing the ancient black book and notebook of the pharas tusk sees the Pahrs and thanks him for the help he gave.

Tusk : village chief I am very grateful for everything you give.

Pharas: hahaha it's okay, tusk, this is what I have to do for the younger generation." Pharas said with a laugh.

Pharas : tusk if I may know what do you want?

Tusk heard this with laughter and excited tone replied.

Tusk : hahaha village head my dream is to become a great magician and to make a world where we can live in peace." tusk said"

Hearing the answer from the tusk the village head answered.

Pharas : tusk I hope with this you can achieve your wish hahaha." said pharas with laughter"

Tusk : of course headman I am very grateful for what you have done, and surely I will make my wish come true.

Finally after that conversation pharas left the tusk in the room and went back to his room to rest.

Tusk, who saw the pharas leaving, finally made a promise in his heart that with what the pharas gave him, he would make his wish come true.
