Global auction

He finally arrived at the western forest again after some time.

He then summoned the Undead wolf again to ride it and get helped

in hunting.

His goal for now was to earn as much as possible , so that he wouldn't

have to go to job again.

It could be considered quite hard to earn that much in the game after only releasing 3-4 hours ago , but it was different for him , he could summon the Epic tier Wolf and hunt to his heart's content.

It was a piece of cake for him to earn money inside the game now.

It was one of his plans to come out at the top in the whole world.

He didn't know if he was dreaming but he knew that the game had

given him a chance , a chance that no one got. That's why, he was

working very hard to not miss this chance.

As soon as he summoned the Wolf , sudden darkness started to emerge out of the air, after a few seconds , the darkness disappeared and only a wolf with large fangs , dark black skin , and flames on it's body could be seen.

It now looked like a very terrifying beast. It seemed no less powerful than a dragon.

Rey was dazed with its appearance and the aura it was emitting , but soon , he snapped out of it and mounted the wolf .

He then ordered the wolf to head deeper into the forest to meet better monsters.

It was very obvious that the stronger monsters resided in the deeper parts of the forest.


After 3-4 minutes of riding the wolf , he finally arrived at the inner parts of the forest .

It was very dark in there , Sounds of rustling of leaves and bushes were echoing everywhere.

Howls and roars were all around the forest , many different beasts were looking for their prey .

When Rey saw all this, he already took out his sword from the inventory and ordered the wolf to find a prey , a strong one.

The wolf didn't wait for the command and rushed towards the bushes , Rey was still mounted on it's back and it was quite hard to balance at first , but he managed it after a while.

The bushes were very tall and deep dark . They were almost as tall as a man in his twenties .

If it wasn't for his wolf , he wouldn't be able to wander around in the tall bushes easily.

The wolf was very tall, it was even taller than the bushes , that's why , it was easy for Rey to easily enter the bushes without his sight being blocked.

The wolf started running faster as it found it's prey . Rey tightened his grip on the wolf as he was quite afraid to fall down.

After a few seconds, he noticed a very large tiger in on the other side of bushes running towards them.

He quickly grabbed his sword and ordered the wolf to attack the tiger at full force.

He also took an offensive stance to finish the tiger in one blow.

The tiger was as large as the wolf and he knew that it would be hard to defeat it , but not that hard with the help of his wolf.

As the two sides got closer , the tiger showed its sharp claws and fangs while the wolf and Rey took an offensive stance to finish the tiger in one blow.

As the tiger came inside their attack range , both Rey and the wolf attacked it to finish it quickly.

The tiger didn't even get a chance to attack as both the wolf and Rey attacked it swiftly.

The wolf attacked it with its fangs and pierced its neck in just a few seconds of time.

The tiger's body fell on the ground with a loud bang and blood splattered everywhere , the ground was stained red with blood.

Rey didn't even bat an eye at the scene in front of him . He didn't feel any pain or regret for the tiger , he couldn't continue his long journey to the top if he got sad over these little things.

He knew that sooner or later , He would have to slaughter many beasts that's also why he didn't hesitate to kill the tiger.

The tiger's body was huge, he knew that it would atleast sell for more than 30 -40 gold coins .

He then identified the tiger quickly.

//Holy Fngs Tiger//

//Level- 30//

//Grade- Black Gold//

//Skills- Holy fangs, Mighty Roar, knife claws, Slaughter//

//Cannot be tamed - (Dead)//


Rey was quite shocked after inspecting the tiger's stats, because it was stronger than his wolf before evolution.

It would have been too good if he could tame it because he could give it the title of 'Second pillar'. He felt pain in his heart but then the pain in dissapperead as he remembered his main goal.

He had to sell the tiger , so he put its corpse inside his inventory.

The corpse weighed more than 3 tons , so he had to directly send it the his inventory.

Now that all the work was done , He received a series of messages at once.

//Ding... Player 'Crimson' has successfully slain a black-Gold grade 'Holy tiger', As the first player in the world to slay a black-Gold grade beast , you are hereby rewarded with 200 gold coins and the title 'Beast slayer'//

//Ding... Host has successfully leveled up by 1//

//Ding... Host has successfully leveled up by 1//

//Ding... Host has successfully leveled up by 1//

//Ding... Host has successfully leveled up by 1//

//Ding... Host has successfully ...//


//Ding... The Global auction will be held after 3 days , All the players are notified to collect money if they want to participate. Players with less than 30 gold coins are not allowed to enter//


All the players fell into disbelief.

Some were shocked about the player 'Crimson' While some were excited about the Auction.

Large guilds started to arrange meeting about 'Crimson' and the auction.


Meanwhile , somewhere in a deep dark forest, A young man riding on

a giant wolf could be seen.

The young man was filled with happiness and joy , his eyes as always cold, but still a wide smile on his face, he headed towards the city again.


(Author- guys, this was a short chapter as always , but remember , chapters maybe short but I will try to give my best on the story, Ty)