The Goblin's House (Last part)

After 1 hour of hardwork, he had finally reached at the boss room (30th floor) of the Goblin's House Dungeon.

"Let's go, wolfie." He instructed the wolf while standing at the front of the Giant Iron door that leads to the boss room.

"aooo..." The wolf gave out a loud howl in response.

"Get ready." He told the wolf to get ready for any incoming attacks after entering the boss room.

He then moved forwards and pushed opened the giant door using his full strength.

It wasn't even hard to open the giant door with his high strength.

"Creak..." The door slowly opened while leaving a small creaking sound.

After the door was opened, a completely new sight become visible to their eyes.

A dense forest came into sight as soon as Rey and the wolf entered the boss floor of the dungeon.

After checking the surroundings carefully, Rey noticed a few goblins that were hiding behind trees.

He then understood that it would not be easy to kill the boss without killing these minions.

He then scanned for any other traps or formations in the area and suddenly noticed a formation of goblins.

At the middle of the formation stood a giant goblin that was carrying a large wooden club that could turn any newbie or animals into paste.

Even after all this... Rey didn't fear the goblins a little bit.

"Lets go wolfie." He ordered the wolf to attack the goblin formation directly and not giving them any chance to escape.

The wolf charged at the nearest goblin and knocked it down with one swipe of its powerful claws. The wolf then proceeded to bite the head off of the fallen goblin.

This is fun! The wolf thought while eating the body parts of another fallen enemy.

Rey freaked out after seeing this side of the wolf he had tamed.

He took out his sword from its seath and sliced open the throat of the next closest goblin before it could even react. The wolf also attacked the goblin by jumping on top of it and biting its neck repeatedly until it stopped moving.

It had to be said, the wolf really deserved to be a diamond rank beast, it could even kill any black gold rank beasts in seconds so what were these puny goblins, they were smashed till they became meat paste.

On the other hand, Rey was receiving many notifications from the AI.

//Ding... You have obtained 900 exp by killing a level 9 goblin warrior//

//Ding... You have obtained 1000 exp by killing a level 10 goblin warrior//



//Ding... You have attained a level 23!//

He had now advanced to level 23.

This progression speed was really monstrous for normal players but Rey didn't have the luxury to celebrate, and nor did he want to celebrate.

With a level 23 and the current exp gathered, Rey should be at top of the global level leaderboard.

He just grinned at the level up message and started slaughtering the goblins again in front of their boss.

The goblin boss had gone mad at this moment, Rey had killed all of its subbordinates and family.

The giant goblin chanted a spell all of a sudden, giving Rey no time to dodge.

"EKHATRA!" The goblin boss used a language that was foreign to Rey.

suddenly, two pillars emerged from the ground and surrounded Rey from 2 sides.

Rey tried to dodge but it was too late, the pillar that was heading toward him hit hard and sent him flying.

The wolf had almost caught up with Rey's fall and jumped onto him immediately.

"Phew..." Rey let the wolf lick his face clean. "It's ok, I'm fine." He patted the wolf on it's head.

The wolf's eyes turned red and its head turned towards the goblin boss.


The wolf let out a loud howl and then charged towards the goblin boss in anger.

Rey also glared at the goblin boss who was still chanting spells and preparing for its next attack.

"You didn't seem to have any trouble while fighting me? Then try to fight with my friend here." He pointed at the wolf and said to the goblin boss.

The goblin boss paused in casting its spell and looked fearful after looking at the wolf as if it was some sort of god.

The wolf leaped forward and bit the goblin's head as hard as possible.

"Khaaaaah...!" The goblin screamed in pain and fell down.

The wolf then tore apart the body of the goblin with its sharp fangs.

Rey then went closer to the boss and slashed at the giant goblin's chest with his sword.

Suddenly, he received a notification.

//Ding... you have successfully slayed a gold rank level 19 goblin Champion, obtained 7000 exp//

//Ding... obtained a silver grade sword and shield//

//Ding... congratulations player 'Crimson' for becoming the first player to clear the 'Goblin's House dungeon. You received a silver grade armor set for this achievement. //

//Ding... congratulations player 'Crimson' for becoming the first player to solo clear the 'Goblin's House dungeon. You received a level 1 territory certificate and 100 merit points//


After this series of notifications, the whole global server fell into chaos.

"Damn it! Just who is this player Crimson, search for him, now." The guild leader of the top leading esports guild 'Pheonix guild' shouted at his guild scouts and info team.

He wanted to get player 'crimson' means Rey, in his guild.

The scout leader quickly got his orders.

"Yes sir. We will find this guy." The information officer replied. "The scouting team has already alerted the guild, we are sending out the spy team right away."

He then contacted the scout team leader and briefed him about his task.

"... Yes sir. I'll inform the team and get them ready. It shouldn't take long at all." The scout team leader said.

"Good, then send a party of 20 people to investige and find this new player. Make sure they find his wereabouts at any cost." The guild leader said.

The scout team leader then immediately sent out the message and prepared himself for this mission.

After some time, a small group of men and women appeared outside the guild house and reported to the guild leader.

"Alright, good job scouting team. This is your target." The leader gave the message to one of his most trusted subordinates.

"Thank you sir. Please give us full authority." The scout leader replied.

"Go ahead. I've given you full authority to do whatever is necessary. But , make sure to don't kill anyone unless you have to." The leader said.

"Understood." The scout leader saluted and left the guild hall.

His team members followed him out of the building.
