Rōgan and Mikku: an unlikely friendship?

"I cant believe that i have to train with you" mikku says angrily.

"i dont like it either but we get to train under hashirama" we're in the empty classroom alone, im sitting at our senseis desk with my feet kicked up on the table. everyone took the test to become genin hours ago and everyone passed. hashirama told us before we parted that we had to get along or our training would be pointless.

"hey mikku" he looks at me "whats your problem" he looks mad. mikkus always been mean to me, i assume its because im so much better than him at everything.

"if you really want to know ill tell you" mikku says angrily, "i was born after my mother was punched in the stomach at 8 and a half months pregnant, she was hit so hard that i just fell out. the assailant then proceeded to kill her and my father in front of me before throwing me off a cliff, i bashed my skull in hard, its a miracle i survived" (that explains why hes so stupid) "from there i was raised by savages in the forest that would assault me daily, my first time was when i was a week old" (im holding in laughter) "at the age of 3 i ran away to the hidden leaf village where i was bullied ruthlessly and thats how im the man i am today"

"wow man that sounds terrible" i look at mikku in a new light, maybe we can be friends after all