tournament sign up deadline, one week remains

today is the final day to sign up for the tournament, the limit for participants caps at 13,000 so thats 25 hundred per village plus 500 extra slots for rogue shinobis and those that dont affiliate with a clan not for any reason other than they just dont want to. i decided to sign up yesterday, their aren't many slots remaining.

the way the tournament will be organized is there will be preliminary rounds, the first few will be to weed out the weaklings, first round will cut the number of participants in half leaving 7500. then there will be another round that will cut it in half again leaving 3750 participants. then there will be one final preliminary that will again cut that in half and leave it down to 1875, there will be judges watching the matches and scoring each fighter individually, the bottom 875 will be eliminated leaving 1000 contenders. then there will be another round that will leave it with 500 fighters, up to this point fighters will have been chosen at random to fight, completely random opponent with no factors apart from the fact that both are in the tournament. now fighters will be chosen based on their individual stats, everyone will be scored based on a variety of factors including how many hits landed and how fast you were able to knock your opponent out and if it was a ko or tko. the fighter that ranks first will go against the one that ranks five hundredth, and 2 will fight 499 and so on, so the better you do early on the better chances you have at continuing forward. when there are only 250 fighters left it will be broken into 25 groups of 10, which will leave it with only 25 competitors left, then there will be one on one fights and whoever has scored highest overall will have a pass since there will be an odd number, then there will be 1v1s until theres only one left and that person will become the leader of the ninja world.

~end of the ambassador arc~