Unexpected Rot *updated*

[Realm Announcement: congratulations to the remaining crowns on surviving your first day, the chat functions have been unlocked]

[Additionally the friend List and Marketplace have been unlocked]

[Realm server: 100k users]

[Everyone, I panicked and used my novice protection immediately. Now I'm stuck with no water or food, please is anyone generous enough to give me something please...]

[To the person above me have you tried using your special summoning token. I used it and got a tier 9/5 Aether enhanced eagle. He's awesome, he may not have killed anything but he was able to scout and lead me to a safe area where I established my territory.]

[I already summoned but it was just a useless farmer… fml]

[Ha sucks to be you two I got myself a 8/1 Dwarf, he came with shovels and pickaxes we just dug ourselves into the ground]

[LOL Rock and stones bud, rock and stones]

[Did anyone get any talents, I unfortunately didn't]

[I did, bow down to me for I can set wood on fire]

[Lol you might as well not have a talent. A lighter would be more useful than you]

[Speaking of fire, does anyone know how to make one?]

[Send me a unit of resources and I'll tell you]

[F**k that that's a scam, let me run this guy out of business, first you need to find some small twigs for the fire. Then you just run a stick really hard on a price of wood till it sparks, remember to gather some extra logs for keeping the fire going]

[Not very detailed but thank you]

[yeah, thank you] x1000


[Anyone else notice how low the number of people there are in here]

[Yeah I did, but there were no other channels to go to]

[It must mean that humans are spread to many realms]

[It must be there are over 20 billion humans from last years count no way are we the only surviving ones]

I watched as the messages flew by, the time passing as I idly scrolled through. There wasn't much to gleam from the rapid messages other than that there were other reams where humans were sent to and that there were only a hundred thousand of us here. 

Other than that there wasn't much of worth to read through. Though if I was ever bored it might be nice to just watch the messages pass by.

My feet swept from the bed and onto the ground. My eyes were groggy from the sleep though it wasn't only from that. It was also that I was not in the bed that I was used to. It was unfamiliar, a place that I could not relax in.

It had taken me more than an hour to relax my body enough to even get myself to slightly fall asleep then another hour further to actually fall asleep.

That meant, judging by the sun, that I had only gotten about six or seven hours of sleep. It wasn't the worst that I had ever gotten but it still was disorienting. Going from an even eight to nine hours of sleep to about two hours less. 

It was with those thoughts that I found myself staring at the mirror that was in the bathroom. What greeted me was a short androgynous figure about 5'8 feet tall with long whitish gray hair. It wasn't that that had surprised me, it was the weird blue highlights that had appeared at the ti[s of my hair. I had never had those types of things done to my hair nor had I allowed anyone to do that. I liked the natural color that my hair tended towards.

If nothing had been done to my hair by anyone then it must have been something that had appeared after I transmigrated to this world.


My breath was seen in the mirror, frosty air that occurred because of the open window above me. 

I didn't dwell on the new highlights any longer, instead I started to style my hair. I brung it all into one bunch and made a single ponytail that fell over my shoulders with how long it was.

I excited the house and was greeted to the sight of a blazing inferno, Tama tending to it as meat was slowly reheating over it. Yesterday's meal placed upon a stick held by Tama.

I watched on as Tama's head perked up, her eyes glancing over to me before she sat up from where she sat.

Approaching me she reached out her hand containing a single platter of meat. The same one that I had seen roasting over the fire.

"Good morning my lord"

With that single line Tama bowed before leaving to tend to the fire and her subordinates.

In my hand was the food that she had given me. I sat down next to her, the heat of the fire warming me up from the frigid frost that had appeared early in the morning.

With careful bites I ate the food and settled my hunger. It wasn't long before the plate was clear of food. 

I gave the plate to Tama who took it and went into the house where I watched as she cleaned it and put it away.

"My Lord" I heard Tama say as she approached me from where she had been putting the dishes away.

"Yeah" I responded my eyes idly tracking her movements as she grew closer to me.

"Five attacks, there were no less than five attacks upon our territory last night."

My head perked up at that, alarmed at the news. However I was soon soothed from my worry as Tama explained further.

"None of them got close to even piercing through our defenses, my lord" 

I sighed a sigh of relief at that, even if my rational mind knew that I wouldn't be talking if the beasts had gotten through our defenses.

My next concern were the corpses, the meat of them would go a long way towards feeding us. It was why I had asked Tama about them.

"We had no place to put them, so we just placed them in the coldest place that we could find. They were butchered though if that was of any concern." 

"Bring the meat to me then, I want to test if I can store them" 

With a nod to me Tama was off, one of her subordinates following after her. No doubt to lessen the load on her back.


A frown was upon Tama's face as she brought forth the meat into view. My nose crinkled back at the smell. They were rotten, there were even spots of green that seemed to grow mold on them that I saw when I looked closer.

A scowl on her face, seemingly at her own failure, Tama spoke.

"The meat rotted as if it had been left out for a fortnight instead of the single day." 

Again I scowled at that, it was like the system was taunting us. Telling us that we would never be able to hoard food like we had grown so used to back on Earth.