The Don

The only realm protectors left were the one in the ocean and the one in the mountains. Since we did not know the exact location of the realm protector in the ocean I had my Aethon scout the mountain realm protector.

*Caw* with a quiet caw he was off,  flying into the distance.

It took hours but eventually the Aethon was back, though from the ruffled feathers and disoriented look it didn't seem as if whatever he saw was good.

Seeing as he was in no mood to explain as he had nestled into my hair, I used my skill Dream on the Aethon to confirm what he had seen.


With a quiet squawk I was off, in the direction of the mountains. Soaring in the sky I could feel the lack of birds. 

None of the usual species were here, none to torment.

I frowned or at least as much as a frown as I could manage.