Mercenary Job (pt 3)

Chen Ji woke up breathing heavily he, his eyes showed he was terrified. -Well getting knocked out the way he did was brutal, but I don't really care-. Gyun slapped him again "get your shit together, me and you we're going to talk business".

-How long is that bastard going to take?- Gyun thought with exasperation. Chen Ji started to speak "hey wait do y-". Gyun interrupted him "ok Chen Ji shut up and listen I'm going to tell you my conditions and you can choose to accept them, or I break your leg, sound good to you."

Chen Ji nodded as he relaxed a bit, -that's a fucking lie, I can see the defiance in his eyes, did he figure out that the guy on watch escaped....meh doesn't matter I was planning on it anyway.-

"Listen up option 1 : I take your 37,298,500 won and claim the bounty and break one or both of your legs depending upon how I feel and you never see me again. Or 2 which I personally prefer I take some of your money and leave you with 30,000,000 won, claim the bounty maybe break a finger or two. But Golden Age gets dissolved and becomes my crew, so how about it."

Chen Ji hesitated, though nervous and silent on the outside, internally he was thinking. -Motherfucker you think you can devour us when you got me with a surprise attack... if it weren't for the fact that I haven't recovered yet I'd have beaten the shit out you right now. But after that knee I can't even stand up yet, I need time and this crazy fuck might actually break my legs if I refuse. Plus I don't see Chungsan with the rest of the boys, so he must've gotten away and is getting the rest of Golden Age, so I just need to stall.-

"Option 2, we accept option 2" Chen Ji said as regretful and beaten as he could, -You're fucking dead when the rest of Golden Age gets here.

Gyun observed Chen Ji's face, -he's pretty good at acting and he knows when he's at a disadvantage, he could be dangerous later on well I can always replace someone of his level-. Gyun pulled out his phone, he took a picture of Chen Ji and one of the unconscious crew members, Gyun opened his messenger app to send the photos.

He quickly typed up a message,

Pay me in cash at school, and don't forget my bonus I broke his nose so you better pay up

-That should be good enough fo- Gyun's thoughts were interrupted as he heard a a large amount of footsteps from a distance and a few motorcycles. -Ah there finally here-, Chen Ji broke out in a fit of laughter as he stood up though his legs were shaking. "You might have beat us but we have over a hundred members you fucker, and I pay my boys exceptionally well, and I'm sure Chungsan brought the whole crew, your so fucked now!"

Gyun stood up and leg kicked Chen Ji in the calf, sending him to the ground in a fit of pain. Gyun passed by him looking out as more then 70 or so Golden Age members came through the gates, some on bikes or on foot. "So there's quite a bit more then I thought, but that's good, that means this one time will be enough. Chen Ji watch and learn what true fear is, since I'll be sure to beat it into your boy's."

Gyun turned heading to the stairs, Gyun took of his coat and shirt, -with this many someone getting a hold of me will be lethal. Honestly it's going to be harder not kill someone, but given the numbers I think 50% will suffice.-

Gyun waited atop the stairwell as they began rushing through and up the stairs, Gyun waited as someone rounded the railing before launching himself down at them. He began the violence, despite the numbers his nimbleness allowed him to dodge most attacks, and what couldn't be dodged he took and dolled out 4x times as much.

Chen Ji who recovered from the leg kick enough to walk, had moved to the top of the stair well to watch Gyun get beaten couldn't believe his eyes. "What the fuck?!", -That guy he's beating them with raw power and speed, he's using everything his arms, knees, elbows, and even head. It's like watching a tiger fight chickens, what power, it's terrifying, he's not even using his fists he's using his hands and nails to cut them and make them bleed then knocking them out-.

Monster was the only word that came to Chen Ji's mind, as his legs lost strength and he fell back in fear.

Gyun wasn't tired at all yet, in fact he was fired up at first he had wanted to show them absolute violence. But he obviously couldn't kill or cripple any of his future crew members, so he opted for using his hands to cut them and use just raw power. Even after he'd dealt with more then 30 members, he had yet to tire, he pushed them back from the 3rd floor to the first floor in the stairwell. And it became increasingly obvious to the rest of Golden Age what a monster Gyun was, with the massive amount of blood coating the stairwell, Gyun's size, physique and large scars all over his upper body.

Gyun looked like a monster, and that monster was smiling with glee as he with a savage elbow upper cut sent there number 3, down the stairs falling into their crowd with a broken nose.

"Fuck this! I ain't fighting a monster like that!"

"Hey, back the fuck up he's only beating us because he's taking advantage of the narrow space!"

"You're right Chungsan-hyungnim!"

"We can win if we surround him"

They all hurriedly funneled out of the crowded stairwell, while a trio held Gyun off. Gyun beat them with raw strength smashing their heads into the walls and delivering vicious knee's to the body.

Gyun turned to see the door to the stairwell open as a semi-circle of Golden age members some of which had picked up weapons stood a few feet from the door surrounded the door.

Gyun's expression soured as he saw the weapons, most were metal pipes and wooden sticks, but some were hammers and other left over tools.

Gyun's expression hardened, his voice lowered and was laced with venom "Hey if you use those I might really have to get serious and send you all to the hospital".

There was a nervous laugh from some pig in the back as he stood on some fallen pillar holding a bat. "Don't listen to him he's just scared and trying to intimidate us! He's on the ropes! No matter how strong you are a bat to the head will hurt! We can beat this bastard! Hold your ground!"

Gyun turned to the the stair railing behind him, -it's not that thick-, Gyun kicked it with all his power and cleanly kicked through it and tore it off. He swung it once -it's about a a foot and a half long, to short to be a sword well against these guys it will be enough, its been a while hasn't it.-

He walked through the door's wearing a menacing smile showing he was truly going to enjoy this. "Let's keep tonight between us" he said just before jumping forward swinging fast into the nearest members thigh, breaking it , and delivering a clean uppercut at the same time knocking him unconscious before he could even scream.

Everybody paused for a moment, "well aren't you scared yet!" Gyun screamed at the top of his lungs, "we've got a long way to go on discipline so let's fucking go!"

He yelled before jumping right into the middle of the group swinging with power and speed never seen before, despite the broken bones nobody screamed in pain, because Gyun never gave them a chance too.