Reorganizing (part 2)

Gyun opened the door to the apartment, he set his bag on the table, "I can just finish my homework later." He mumbled to himself as he headed to the medicine, his body and bruises hurt a lot so he needed some pain medication but the best he could find Tylenol .

Gyun sat down on the couch after taking the pills, "fuck, everything's sore", he turned on the TV and surfed the channels for a while. -Ugh, I can't watch any of these shows, all the action shows I used to like just don't like they used to after all the shit I've seen.-

Finally he settled to a romance drama, "I guess this is good enough for now, but this isn't really my type of show."


40 minutes later

"WHAT THE FUCK, HOW CAN SHE DO THAT TO HIM AFTER EVERYTHING!" Gyun screamed in abnormally high pitched voice. Gyun went through a roller coaster of emotions for the whole episode.

When he heard someone talking outside the door begin to open as someone unlocked the door, -oh shit!.- Gyun lunged for the remote to change the channel and reached it just as a key went into the door.

Daegun opened the door, with some snacks and his friends who took a bus ride here from Geum-Cheon to talk with him. "So yeah I'll just drop my shit off and we can go to that new internet cafe, I heard they have a hot idol trainee who works there part-time".

He walked in just as Gyun walked out of his room with a black sweatshirt and sweatpants, "oh you're still here? Well either way wanna go with us?".

Gyun stopped to talk to him he could see his friends, he recognized them as Daegun's friends from middle school and last semester though he couldn't remember there names he knew they were on the soccer team of Daeguns old high school.

-It's a shame I'll never see my friends again..... but maybe I'll make some new ones this semester.-

Gyun put away most of the 7 million won in his drawer near his bed, but he had some money about 50,000 won in his pocket he was going to use for refilling the gas of the bike since he noticed it was half full. But he felt nostalgic all of a sudden so he took it out and gave it to Daegun, "spend it with your friends".

He said before quickly walking out, he felt annoyed at the fact he felt nostalgic for a stupid reason. He put on his helmet, and got on the bike and starting it, -Damn, no matter how much of a hellhole murim and Avalon were, there were still good people there-.

He peeled out of the parking lot with a heavy heart


20 minutes later

Gyun arrived after driving around the block trying to find it because he was relying on Moogle Maps (Google maps stand in). Gyun checked the time on his phone, 6:08, he sighed "well I'm a bit late but they can't really complain right."

Gyun kept the helmet on as it had the feature of a tinted visor, he walked up to the employee who was behind the reception desk. "I'm here to meet with Chungsan, he said he was in room 3?"

The employee nodded with a bit of annoyance in his tone he spoke, "ah your Chungsans friend, yeah they said they would go ahead and order some food for you, but yeah the'yre in room 3."

"Ok thanks" Gyun said as he walked past the desk into the hall, he could hear the vague sound of music from the different rooms. -Ah here it is- he stopped as he found the door marked with a 3 on it, it was a heavy and thick wooden door. Gyun stood their for a moment he could here music and someone singing vaguely from inside but it was pretty light. -I guess the rooms are somewhat soundproofed.-

Gyun opened the door and too his surprise there were not 3 people like he was expecting, there was 8. Everybody paused as they turned to look at Gyun who was still wearing the motorcycle helmet with the tinted visor.

Gyun looked at the people here, though the room was quite spacious about 3/4 size the school classroom. Chungsan felt as though the room was too small as there wasn't enough distance between him and Gyun.

Gyun spoke first as he looked at everybody, "who are these people, I thought you said you'd only bring 2 people."

Gyun was dissatisfied, he looked at the people, 5 guys ,including Chungsan, and 3 girls, he could infer as to the reason why the girls were here as they were all very pretty, especially the one with the long blonde hair in the leather jacket. The same would go for the large muscular dude in the tracksuit who had a large bruise under his chin, and the long haired guy in the button up shirt, they were obviously crew members.

-But who the fuck are these two, they look wimpy except maybe that guy with the bowl cut, he seems to have some courage though its not backed up by anything from what I can see-. He thought as he looked at two kids in school uniforms he didn't recognize sitting in the corner.

Chungsan tried to speak but that day was still imprinted in his mind, "uhh....well uhhh, the guy in the track suit Jeon Han and this guys Seojun Kwon" he said as he pointed at the tracksuit guy then the long haired guy.

He continued after clearing his throat, "Uhhh, the girls are Hayun Kim, Sua Jang and Jiyu Shin, they're all influencers who have over a hundred thousand followers on Insta (Instagram stand in). And Jiyu's account has close to a million followers"

Gyun scoffed, "ok but why the fuck did you bring them, and who the fuck are they?!" he said closing the door and pointing at the two scrawny guys, in the school uniforms. Chungsan and Jeon were quiet but the long haired guy Seojun stood up.

"Hey chill the fuck out! I heard your our new head and all but me and Jeon asked Chungsan if we could bring the girls ok. They rode with us on the bikes, have a drink and chill!"

Chungsan and Jeon went pale as they turned to look at Gyuns reaction, but Gyun didn't explode like they expected him to, instead.

Gyun was pleasantly surprised as he sat down on the seat next to the two scrawny kids, though he kept the helmet on for now. -There's no way Chungsan didn't tell him who I am and what I did, he obviously didn't see me or he'd be acting like Jeon. So is this guy just stupid or does he have some serious guts....well there's no harm in playing along right now, since he did keep some sort of respect for me-.

Unfortunately someone didn't tell the girls any information, as the black haired girl with a bobcut named Sua Jang spoke up. "So your the new crew head, when did that happen? Hey Chungsan what happened to Chen Ji?"

Gyun sighed "Chungsan why don't you tell her what happened to Chen Ji, so she can understand why I'm now crew head." He said with an ice cold tone, "be sure to not leave out any details since we don't have time to waste on clarification later on."