A VIP Job (part 1)

"Huh, is that?" Gyun recognized the voice, -isn't that the bitchy insta influencer with the million followers? Did she follow me outside? Wait did she see my face?!-

Gyun stopped and turned back around at this he put down the kickstand.

As Jiyu approached him, she felt the hairs rise on the back of her neck, -why am I getting the feeling he's not happy? Was hiding his face that important?! But why when he's so handsome?! Should I lie about it?-

'Zero' spoke first with an ice cold tone after turning off his bike, "hey, did you see my face earlier?"

"Huh? Oh no I came out just as you were driving away", 'Zero' nodded "good, but what do you want?"

Jiyu stammered as she tried to explain herself, "w-w-well uh, you see um one of the side affects of being famous on the internet is that you get both good and bad fans. And well one of them happens to be pretty obsessive and we-"

Gyun interrupted her "I think I get the gist of it, hop on this isn't the place to talk business" he gestured at the parking lot. -Plus she might have seen my face, the rest of Golden age might have seen my face but I was wearing a hoodie with glasses, and while it was midday, there were no lights at the construction site, so they won't be able to precisely recognize me. But her... -

"Uh but I was with Jeok, I don't think I can just leave him like that". Gyun sighed -do you want me to help you or not?- "text him, you'll be back soon anyway, we're just going with to a nearby cafe I saw on my here, since we're discussing business we should at least act professional, so get on and stop complaining, I'm not the one who need's help". Gyun restarted his bike and tapped the seat behind him.

"Ugh fine", she zipped up her jacket as she got on, she wrapped her hands around his chest. -What's this girl doing now, ugh just let it go, remember since she's famous and the granddaughter of a congressman she's probably loaded and well connected, it will all be worth it in the end.- Gyun gritted his teeth, as he sped off towards the cafe.


3 minutes later

Gyun walked in to the the cafe but was almost immediately berated by an employee as soon as he reached the register, who looked to be in her early 30's and somewhat pretty with blue hair but most importantly also the manager. "Sir you can't wear a motorcycle helmet in here, it's against policy."

-Thankfully I came prepared with a mask and glasses so it shouldn't be to much of a problem-. "Oh my bad let me just change into something more comfortable in your bathroom first please". Gyun's tone was respectful as he bowed.

"Oh uh sure if you need to" the manager was startled, -his voice is pretty damn deep.-

Gyun came out of the bathroom with his mask and glasses which were pretty dark and hid his eyes, he carried the helmet in his hands, he pulled the hood of his hoodie as low as possible. He walked up to the register, Jiyu who was waiting followed behind him. "I'll have a cappuccino medium please, oh and with a straw if you could."

The lady nodded "much better you see, no problem", Gyun stared at her a moment before looking at Jiyu, "order and find a spot to sit I'll be back in a bit". She nodded "sure go ahead"

Gyun went outside, he walked to the bike putting the helmet on the handle bars. "I guess since it seems I'll be riding this thing more often, I should probably get a license for it." He set a reminder on his phone to do so, as he walked back in the cafe.

He looked around and found Jiyu in a corner table with the drinks, secluded from the rest of the customers, -good choice-. He sat down across from her, she slid him his cappuccino "here now ca-".

"Before you tell me I'll tell you my starting price is 10 million won, and I don't do favors or take IOU's". Gyun put his straw in, and took a sip as he observed her.

"Well it's pricey but I can afford it, and it's gotten to the point where I could care less about the price." She stopped to look at Gyun who signaled her to continue as he sipped his cappuccino from his straw.

"Well like I was saying one of my fans is a bit obsessed and he's been following me for a while but recently he's been approaching me in public all the time. And it wouldn't be that bad but it's gotten to the point where it's almost harassment so I was hoping you could deal with him for me."

"So why do you need me to get involved, can't your dad or grandfather to handle this for you, he can't be just a nobody especially since he's got the courage to harass a congressman's granddaughter."

Jiyu sighed, "well your right, I initially asked my dad who gave me a bodyguard, but it turned out this guy is the son of the JL group chairman. And he has ties with the gangsters from Incheon and not high schoolers, the real deal. And he was skilled enough to take down my bodyguard in just a few blows."

Gyun frowned on hearing this, -I've never heard of the JL group but they must be somebody if a congressman can't touch them. I'd be better off doing some private research and making a decision later based on what I find but for now let's ask some preliminary questions and set a base price.-

Gyun spoke, "so you're asking me to beat up and intimidate the son of a conglomerate's chairman, that's a base price of at least 80 million won. But that doesn't mean I'll take the job, I have some questions I'd like to ask, then I'll go home and do some independent research and decide the price and whether or not I'll take the job, understand?"

Jiyu nodded taking a drink of her smoothie but internally she had a small stroke. -80 million won, that's as much as I've made on Insta this year, that's almost all my personal money, at this rate I'm going to have to ask dad to pay. Gyun cleared his throat.

"How old is this guy?"


"Does he travel with anybody?"

"Two friends and a bodyguard"

"What's his name?"

"Minsu Lim"

"When do you see him?"

"He sometimes shows up at my school, sometimes he follows me to restaurants or cafe's or just anywhere."

"Where could I find him?"

"At his house"

"Be specific"

"I don't know, my dad said that the JL chairman keeps a tight lid on his personal information"

"What gang is he affiliated with and is the connection only between Minsu or is it also the chairman?"

"As far as I know it's only Minsu"

"What's the chairman and Minsu's relationship"

"Pretty strained, last year a female employee filed a rape allegation against him but was payed hush money through several intermediaries but my father's sure it came from the chairman. As well there's been signs of him trying to discipline Minsu so he might even be thankful to you as long as your discreet and don't hurt him to bad."

"Ok last question, how much are you willing to pay me?"

"How much are you going to charge?" Jiyu asked with a shaking voice

"Well just from the sound of it at least 200 million won (roughly 160,000 USD for reference), but like I said I'll settle on a price later after some independent research."

Jiyu smiled brightly "good because I don't think I could afford that even if i asked my dad."

Gyun turned to her, "Well your going to be disappointed because I'm not going to go any lower then that, but it can definitely go higher depending on how I judge the situation. And if you can't pay I can discuss with your father himself on how he can pay me."

"Hey! you can't just meet with my dad that easily he's not a congressman like my grandfather but he's been entrusted to lead the family company. Which does not fall behind that far compared with the JL group, he has appearances to keep, and why does the risk matter to you, you took on more then half of Golden Age! The crew that's dominated Gangbuk for 5 years! This much risk shouldn't matter to you, I doubt the chairman can send anybody strong enough to beat you."

Gyun bit his tongue out annoyance, "I guess it wouldn't make sense for you sense your grandfather can cover your mistakes. But someone like me the chairman of the JL group could bury in a heartbeat maybe not physically. I'm sure eventually he'll find my identity and bury me, perhaps taking me to court and ruining me and my financially, I don't have the backing you do. I have no doubt I can deal with anyone the chairman or the gangs send, but their are over ways for a hunter to kill a tiger, and I have no desire to make my life miserable for a few hundred million won."

Jiya twitched, "sure it makes sense a bit, I'll talk with my dad a bit, but I need an answer on whether or not you can take the job by the weekend. I'll give you my number so we can contact each other, and we can negotiate the price later."

"Yeah no, I set the price", he slid his phone across, he drank the rest of his cappuccino and threw it away as Jiyu put in her contact information .

He took it from her, "I'll have an answer by tomorrow so set up a meeting for Saturday with your dad. For now I'll drop you back off at the karaoke bar"

He got up gesturing for her to follow him as he walked toward the door, "o-okay I guess that sounds possible" she said as she got up following him