A VIP Job (part 3)

Gyun stood silently, Jiyu walked forward and spoke up for him. "He's my driver, he gave me a ride back home, he's fine so settle down."

She waved her hand dismissively but the pair of guards looked unconvinced. "But why is he here?".

Jiyu clicked her tongue, "Aiya I said it's fine, he's here because I owe him gas money, and I'm asked him to solve a problem for me, you know that problem that you guys couldn't handle despite the amount of money we pay you."

"Our apologies miss, our mistake", they pushed the door open they had embarrassed expressions on their face. Jiyu walked in as Gyun followed, -I see they must've gotten in a lot of trouble for having one of their own beat up by Minsu.-

They entered a large lavish living room with a view of the city, and a fireplace with couches and furniture dotting the room, and a large TV above the fire place.

"Here sit down for a moment, would you like a drink?" Jiyu said as she directed him to a leather chair near the fireplace. "Uh no, you don't even have to give me the money you know i just got a pretty decent amount of money from Chungsan so I don't really need money right now and I really need to get back to my house."

Jiyu smiled and ignored what he said, "I'll be back in a minute I think I have some spare cash in my room."

Gyun was sweating he tried to hide as much as possible in the chair, -I need to meet the CEO anyway if I want to forge a relationship with the Shin Group. But in a neutral environment! And on my terms! This is walking into the tiger den, I have no information on him at all, I'm not prepared, please please don't be here.-

Gyun heard someone coming from his right, from the direction Jiyu headed in. "Who are you?", Gyun was surprised the voice sounded young, he turned to look at who spoke.

"Ah your her brother, I just gave Jiyu a ride home and she insisted on giving me gas money because she felt bad." Gyun answered nonchalantly, -well it's partially true, she was pretty insistent-.

The brother who Gyun was positive was the younger brother based off the school uniform he was still wearing, he seemed to be in middle school. Gyun remembered his name from the information he read on the elevator here. -He's the 15 year old Junseo Shin it seems like, as long as it's him it shouldn't be a problem.-

"Ah but uh why are you in our house?" the boy scratched his head, -best to be honest- . "Honestly I don't know" Gyun sighed -well I don't really have a plausible excuse anyway-.

Junseo had no response to that he sighed, he moved to the chair next to Gyun, "I see, so what's with the motorcycle helmet, we're indoors you know?" Gyun again decided to speak the truth since he didn't have a plausible excuse, "I'd rather not have people see my face".

"Why, are you ugly?"

Gyun chuckled -why is this familiar?-, "no quite the opposite".

Junseo didn't seem satisfied with the answer, "can you take off your helmet?"

Gyun scoffed, "no"

"What about for 100,000 won?"


"why not?" Junseo said in a annoyed voice


"Fine, do what you want."

Gyun decided to make a proposition now that it crossed his mind, "if you ever have a request you can contact me through your sister".

Junseo face contorted in disgust, "what type of request?!"

Gyun almost laughed out loud at the reaction, he waved his hand. "You're misunderstanding me, I'm a mercenary who works on commission, if you ever want your school cleaned up of bullies or delinquents. You can contact me through your sister, my price starts at 10 million won."

"Oh I see" Junseo relaxed, "in that case I'll keep that in mind".

A voice rang out as someone came running from the other side of the house, "hey 'Zero' I've got your money". Soon Jiyu appeared rounding the corner, but she slowed down as she saw Junseo, "ah Junseo what are you doing?".

Junseo smirked, "I think I should be asking that why is a guy in the house, how are you going to explain this to mom and dad". Gyun got up to grab the money, but Jiyu crossed her arms, "I plan on introducing him dad anyway since he's going to solve the Minsu problem I've been having lately".

"I figured as much, he was telling me to contact him through you if I had a problem I couldn't solve or if I was in Gangbuk."

Gyun turned on his heel, -lets get out of here before the parents arrive-, "ok I'm gone, see you later".

Jiyu seemed hesitant, "ok then bye"

Gyun walked through the doors and down the hall past the two bodyguards, he pressed the button to call for the elevators.

"thank god, I don't have the bargaining power to deal with the CEO ri-"


The elevator opens, to reveal a man in a business suit who had a handsome appearance despite being in his late 40's. It was the face that came up next to the Shin Group, the CEO, Junyeong Shin.

-Fuck! He didn't hear me right?-

"Were you talking about me?" He cocked his head, he stepped out of the elevator he had two bodyguards in tow.

-Shit he heard me- Gyun spoke "yeah your daughter will fill you on the details, but I've got to go." Gyun tried to step into the elevator but Junyeong put his hand on his shoulder, "who are you and what bargain are you talking about."

The guards moved to block the elevator, -well shit this is not how I wanted us to meet-

Gyun calmed himself, he's gone head to head with leaders of the 3 factions in murim and the king of the western empire, he could handle a businessman.

" Well this is not the circumstances I'd hoped for us to meet under, but I guess this will have to do. Allow me to introduce myself I am 'Zero' a mercenary. Your daughter happened to hear about me and contacted me with an offer to deal with the son of the JL chairman. Whom I'm told has been harassing her, he even attacked the bodyguard assigned to her."

Junyeong cocked his head, -since I've showed that I know he can't immediately dismiss me as a nobody, he'll probably test me first-. "Is that so? Then follow me, you too" he got back in the elevator gesturing gestured to the bodyguards at the end of the all protecting the door. By the time the elevator doors were closed Gyun was surrounded by 4 bodyguards as Junyeong stood nearest to the door.

He pressed the button for floor 28, -isn't that the gym floor, oh I see he wants to test my skills-. Junyeong spoke "since Jiyu approached you first she must be certain of your skills and discretion, but I like to be more certain" the elevator opened .

There was a hallway and there were three doors, Gyun assumed the two on the left and right were locker rooms and the one straight ahead was the gym. They walked in, and walked past all the exercise equipment to the back of the gym to an empty area, where the floor was covered with mats. Junyeong turned to the guards "change out and get some headgear and gloves".

"But sir if we leave who will protect you" one guard protested and the others affirmed.

"It'll be fine he's a mercenary he's here for a job interview after all, he wouldn't hurt a potential paycheck".

He turned to Gyun "are you going to take your helmet off, I can't have my guards punching your helmet. -This guys's a true predator, he's confident but knows what his opponent thinks and is not afraid to show his dominance . He's extremely skeptical of me but he has no choice but to take me seriously since I already know the thing that could harm his perfect image. I need to demonstrate my skills, I'll have to make show of skill.-

"No need if they touch me I accept my loss and will give up on the commission, and I'll take all four at once." Junyeong smiled, "I like the confidence, that's what it takes to work under me, now let's see if your confidence is not unfounded. My bodyguards are all from our private security firm and ex-special forces from across the world they won't be easy one on one but four on one and your saying you won't be hit, truly you are confident."

The guards came back they had changed their shoes from their dress shoes to some athletic shoes and had taken off their suit jackets and ties. They now sported red headgear, mouth guards and mma styled gloves.

Gyun moved onto the center of the mat, and turned to face them. -Lets end this as fast as possible-.

Junyeong's voice rang out through the gym as he shouted "let's begin your interview Mr. Zero".

The guards moved simultaneously to surround Gyun, -I can't let that happen-. Gyun moved for the guard on the left first, he feinted a left overhand causing the man to bring up his guard. The other guards recognizing the opportunity to attack closed in, Gyun stopped his momentum and threw a heel kick catching the one behind Gyun on his chin knocking him out immediately.

Gyun then continued his momentum with the kick to transition into a roll in the direction of the knocked out guards direction. He dodged two attacks from the guards who had tried to attack him. Gyun created some space to analyze his opponents, -they're well trained and experienced, they'd be easy one on one but the problem is they know how to work together-.

Gyun launched forward into a flying knee, crashing into the middle guard, he weaved past a punch from the guard to his left and countered with a an uppercut. KO'ing the guard instantly, Gyun wasted no time throwing a back kick towards the guard from the left who was dashing forward. It caught him in the stomach, sending him reeling and coughing, the guard who Gyun had launched a flying knee against recovered and threw out a body kick aimed at Gyun's liver.

Catching it, he swept the man's leg causing him to fall down from top position Gyun gave him a single punch to the face knocking him out. Gyun turned towards the the guard who was struggling to get back up from the back kick when raucous laughter interrupted.

"HAHAHAHAHA , very good you pass,I can't believe you really beat them without letting them touching you. You're very good to the point I'm surprised I haven't heard of you before especially with your skills. Why don't we let them recover for a moment? Me and you can discuss terms now that you've showed your more then capable in terms of ability. Now the last question is whether or not your discretion matches your fighting ability."