A VIP Job (part 11)

Gyun sat now wearing a mask with the hood of his jacket up and in front of him there were 15 former Golden Age executives.

Gyun could guess who was where in rank as the difference in ability was visible to someone at Gyun's level. They all looked nervous there were was 2 of them who had casts on their arm, Gyun pointed at them "they going to ok with those?"

Chungsan who sat next to Gyun on the steps, chuckled nervously, "they were the former 5 and 9 , they'll be fine."

"Ok have it your way", Gyun stood up, the air became tense despite nothing happening yet.

The former number 3 Sun Li, had never been scared in his life of a person, he had never backed down from a fight and wasn't scared of even Chen Ji he only acknowledged his skill. But this man, their new head 'Zero', he exuded power just from his calm words and cold eyes it was like he was looking at the most calculating predator in the jungle. He subconsciously trembled as the memories of when he was first introduced to what true fear was, it was less then a week ago when 'Zero' took on more then half there members. Sun was so scared he even planned on quitting the crew as did many, but the offer of 10 million won was too tempting. He had his doubts, how could a person of such violence lead the Golden Age the greatest crew in Gangbuk, but this man, 'Zero', was a born leader Sun could feel it, he could not disappoint this man.

He bowed, "the former number 3 greets the current head!" the others quickly followed suit.

Gyun chuckled, "ok ok, calm down, I'll keep this simple Chunsan should have sent you the location, so check your phones."

They pulled their phones out, checking the location, Gyun continued. "As you can see the location is a warehouse in Nowon about 15-20 minutes from here, whats in there is of no importance to you. Now there are 15 of you and about 120 crew members here so each of you take about 8 or so making up one team. Now there are 8 possible exit routes from the warehouse there are 3 major ones here, here, and here. They're big enough that I want 2 teams on each one, and whatever you do, do not go inside the warehouse, and block anybody trying to escape. Make sure all our guys have weapons of some sort because all of the guys we'll be facing will have weapons. Upon completion you guys get 20 million won and the regular members get 10 million won."

Gyun clasped his hands behind his back,as he started walking down the stairs towards them, "any questions?"

The former number 13, Siwoo Kim raised his hand, "If all we have to do is make sure no one escapes from the warehouse, does that mean you'll be going in there personally."

Gyun stared at him but his voice and expression didn't change, "yes I will be the only one to enter the warehouse because I'm the only one who is able to handle this situation."

Siwoo persisted, "what if something happens to you, then do we come in?"

Gyun walked towards him and raised his hand, Siwoo flinched as Gyun's hand touched his shoulder, "under no circumstances are you to enter that warehouse, trust me it's beyond your guys expertise."

Gyun walked past him, "now get your team members leave in 1 minute we don't have time to waste, I'll go ahead oh and bring a few containers of bleach" Gyun waved as he got on a motorcycle that was already on, the owner giving him his helmet. Gyun peeled out as he headed to the Nowon district warehouse.


15 minutes later

Gyun stopped a street away, he took of his white jacket and helmet, and revealed the black long sleeve button up shirt. Gyun moved stealthily avoiding the street lights, he was like a shadow as he moved at full speed scaling a small building, he jumped off the second floor and over the warehouse fence.

He landed softly almost inaudibly, and ran to the nearest cover as he heard talking nearby, Gyun peeked his head over, there were 3 vans around it were 5 men who were in black, unarmed and about 20 feet await. -They each have radios on their hips, but I can take them without raising the alarm, but I'll have to risk killing them-.

Gyun came around the barrel he was hiding against and picked up two pebbles, one in each hand he charged with all his speed flinging both rocks at the temples of the two farthest from him. It was thrown at the speed of a low velocity bullet just subsonic as it hit them in the side of their heads instantly killing them.

He closed the distance, he delivered a heel kick to the nearest guards neck, Gyun felt the vertebrae break. He spun the opposite direction jumped forward delivering a vicious punch, the man went limp but Gyun didn't let him go, he grabbed the back of the mans head and smashed it into the concrete killing the man.

Another man swung with an extendable baton which Gyun nimbly dodged, he caught the guards next swing and grabbed his baton. Gyun caught a glimpse of the last guard trying to get his radio from his belt, Gyun tore the baton out the guard's hand and threw it at the man striking him in the head causing him to drop the radio, Gyun hip threw the guard into the concrete before dashing to stop the last guard from picking back up his radio.

Gyun hit him first in the stomach before smashing the man's head into Gyuns knee.

Gyun dropped the unconscious man then finished off the man who Gyun had hip threw who was trying to grab his radio.

Gyun grabbed the baton and radio, he dragged the dead and unconscious men away out of the light and using raw strength Gyun punctured the tires to the vans with the tip of the baton.

Gyun made a quick circle around the warehouse he found no more guards, and found an open window about 15 feet up in the air on the roof of the warehouse. Gyun climbed up to it with ease though. He peeked through, the warehouse was pretty large, about 80 feet by 80 feet if Gyun had to guess.

The inside of the warehouse was an open area, the limousine and both suburban a were inside and the warehouse smelled of gasoline.

Gyun scanned the inside, 23 people in total the hostages are near the warehouse door in a corner with only two guards and only their hands tied. -They're quite arrogant even if they're just coddled rich kids, but in the end it's to my advantage- Gyun looked at where the other Guards were gathered.

Around 20 of them were loading and sorting through boxes in the back of a trailer attached to a truck while a man in a nice suit was oversaw the process giving orders.

"This is our biggest job ever and probably the biggest kidnapping in all of Asia, if we pull this off we'll be rich beyond rich. We've got ten minutes load everything important in the truck and soak the cars in gasoline, they've got to burn all traces of us, understand?!"

Gyun sighed, he could see various blades and knives sheathed on the mens belts but it was doable if Gyun could kill. Gyun climbed down as he formulated a quick plan as he received a message from Chungsan with the phone he'd borrowed from one of the members.

-We've arrived and are blocking the exits

Gyun chuckled as he found a wooden broom near the warehouse door. "Ok, now I just need some last bit confirmation."

He dialed the personal number Junyeong gave him before during their conversation.

"Zero?! Did you get Jiyu?!"



"Shut up, I've found where they're holding her"

"Really?! Tell me I'll send my men and the police there immediately!"

"Hey be quiet and listen to me or I hang up" though Gyun was whispering to avoid detection, the prideful CEO of the Shin Group fell silent.

-A fool for his children huh?-, Gyun resumed, "You were planning on using this to sway the media right?"


"That's no longer going to be possible"


"Because I'm going to cause a murder scene so I'm just calling you to inform you to hold off the police in the Nowon district for the next 5 minutes. I'll need some time to bleach and burn the area that's all I need"

"And my daughter?!" Junyeongs voice got angry still despite Gyun's threat.

Gyun sighed, " Mr.Shin I can deal with everybody there in a minute or less, I was wondering if you wanted me to bring the leader to you alive, or I can switch to video call and you can watch me kill all of them."

Junyeong stayed silent but a female voice that was similar to the earlier one came over the phone.

"I want to watch those bastards die Junyeong! Those fucking animals who took Jiyu I want to see them fucking die! And I want that piece of shit fuck who ordered this bleeding at my feet!

Gyun spoke, "that will be another 5 billion won madam, for the leader alive and the video call of the me executing them".

Junyeong replied this time his voice ice, "deal"

"Well then I'll get right to it" Gyun switched to video call. He put the camera in his chest pocket, he unbuttoned his wrist buttons and rolled up his sleeves. He grabbed the broom and snapped the handle at the broom part making a long sharp stick.

-This will suffice for opponents of their level, they're just low level street thugs who got to ambitious,these idiots aren't professionals.-

Gyun knocked on the warehouse door, "knock knock" Gyun took a few practice stabs, he got a good feeling of the weight. -I think the best suited for this would be the Extreme God Spear art- the door opened. "Hey did-Ugh!" Gyun stabbed the man in the throat as he opened the door, he kicked the door the rest of the way open. " Mr and Mrs.Shin not to worry you'll get what you pay for, and you paid for the best."