New executives (part 3)

"Yeah yeah if you don't want me to tell mom about you beating up the school head, you forget everything you just saw." Daegun's had calmed as he felt he had leverage.

Gyun wouldn't lose however, "how much did you suckers tip for them to let you get away with that." Gyun took a sip of water, "well I'm pretty interested in how much my desperate younger brother and his friends paid to get ripped off."

Gyun leaned back, Daegun stayed silent, "if you don't say anything I'll tell mom and dad that your wasting your money and time to look at girls who will never be with you, that goes for you two as well. At least my fight stopped another guy from getting his arm broken." -stubborn bastard of a transfer-.

Daegun was silent, but one of his friends spoke up, "erm 200,000 won (160 USD) today in tips" he said scratching his head. Gyun choked on his water,

*cough cough "are you guys that desperate!?" Gyun wasn't even making fun of them anymore he truly pitied his brother. Gyun sighed "that's just sad, your not even ugly yet your wasting time here filling there pockets for a few looks at pretty girls in short skirts and short shorts. Just go watch some porn at least its free, goddamn. Forget it I'll find somebody else, you guys are pathetic just go get a girlfriend! It's not even that hard!" Gyun got up to leave, -fuck please god just let it be a phase!-

Daegun followed him out, "wait forget what, what did you want to talk about?"

Gyun scoffed as he turned to face Daegun, "I'm planning on moving out pretty soon, I need a roommate so I was going to ask you. But if your that down bad, I'm just going to put out an ad online or something."

"Your moving out!?"


"Where did you even find the money to pay for it you don't have a job?"

"No but I took all the collected money from Go which is enough to cover 5 months worth of living expenses of a small apartment." Gyun opted for a lie

"Jeez you took that much money from him?"

"Yeah, but since I told you here take this and shut your mouth I change my mind I'll just find someone else for a roommate" Gyun took out 200,000 won and handed it to Daegun

"But why do you even need a roommate if you have that much money?"

"Because mom and dad will start asking questions if I who've never worked a job suddenly has the money to move out, plus I can pay more of the rent and have them do the chores".

"Makes sense" Daegun scratched his head, "well hyung-nim do you want to have lunch, I'll buy". Gyun chuckled and smiled "sure" -yes this is what I couldn't have in murim even at my-


10 minutes later

Gyun was enjoying some galbitang soup, with a latte an odd combination but he liked both so he got them. Gyun had his hood up and was trying to avoid attention but it seemed news of him spread through the female employees. As there were an abnormally high amount of waitresses in the cafe portion of the PC cafe.

Daegun was enjoying a croissant with a cappuccino, they talked briefly about their high school lives. Daegun proposed something, "hey want to play some LOL with my friends," Gyun smiled "sure", Daegun pulled out his phone"let me just text them, oh what rank were you again?"

*cough "silver I think" Gyun said quietly he knew his old rank was around master but he hadn't played in almost a decade so he didn't want to raise their hopes. -Maybe my reflexes will help me a bit.


1 hour later, and 3 game losing streak

Gyun sat depressed in the chair watching blankly his screen that displayed that he'd been killed for the 12th time not even halfway into the match. -Fuck, my reaction speed is the only thing keeping me from dying any more then I already am.-

Gyun checked the time, 11:07 he could kill another 2 hours or so before he headed to the gym. Gyun had a thought of inspiration, "hey lets play some R6! I'm tired of losing in LOL."

Daegun and his friends smirked as the glanced at each other, "sure we can carry you"

Gyun under his calm face, was laughing internally - HAHAHA the one game I no lifed during middle school, combined with my almost non existent reaction time in a game where reaction speed is everything! I'll destroy you!-

They started with a public match since Gyun couldn't remember his account password so they couldn't play ranked. But once they started a game, Gyun who had no strategy in the game was wiping the floor solo with the other team, all the traps and camping didn't matter his monstrous reaction speed and hand eye coordination were enough to overcome some pub scrubs.

-You have been temporarily banned for suspected cheating

"fuck, it banned me" Gyun's voice was light even though he was raging on the inside, Daegun tried to comfort him. "well at least it was a new account, and its more a compliment then anything, but how are you so good, it really did seem like you were cheating I would think you were too if I hadn't seen you play in person."

"Well thats just because your tra-"

"Hey! did you just touch me you perv!"

"Hey I said get the owner down here now, he owes us 400,000,000 won"

"Move along, we're just collecting some debt"

Gyun nose wrinkled as he heard a voice across the cafe yell out, -how cliche there's no way anyo- Daegun and his friends stood up. -Fuck I forgot about the three musketeers-

Gyun grabbed his arm, "hey leave it be neither side's innocent, it's not our problem we don't need trouble."

"You should be the first to help! you can fight well can't you!" Daegun tried to escape his grip but couldn't even when he used his full weight. -what the hell is with this monstrous strength, Gyun were you always this strong-.

Gyun let go, "fine but I won't help you, just so you know"

"Fine! stay!"

Gyun watched Daegun storm off towards the other end of the PC cafe, -how dumb, it's not like they'll thank you for it or like you for helping, maybe whoever they are will knock some sense into them-.

Gyun sipped his latte, -fuck- he got up as heard the yelling escalate and he heard doors open and close, "I guess I'm already fighting again." he set down his cup on the table and left a 50,000 won bill to pay for their meals.



Daegun and his friends, Jungo and Jinsun were national level athletes so they were confident at first but when they saw what was going on their conviction was shook.

The owner a balding man in his 40's was being held by the collar by high school delinquents. But what intimidated them were the fact that there were well over a dozen of them, and a tall man with long hair who seemed to be in charge, he seemed particularly tough.

"I'm sorry I don't have the money right now! We only opened a month ago! I'll get you the money!"

"Old man you know how it works right? If we leave without getting paid, your 400,000,000 won debt becomes 460,000,000 won"

"Tha-! That's insane! That's daylight robbery!"

"Hey you signed the contract, don't complain."

The long haired man tossed him to the ground, "well since we invested so much our number 2 told us to collect at least 20,000,000 won. So pay up before things escalate any more then necessary."

"I-I, I don't have the money at the moment it's all tied up in the cafe!"

"So how do you recommend we get our money then" He said crouching down to look at the manager who was sitting up on the floor quivering. "I-I don't know"

The long haired man sighed, "take him outside boys give him a quick beating, don't rough him up to bad." Two of the delinquents grabbed the man and dragged through an exit door outside into the alley. The door closed, "ok boys now how do we get our payment" he said licking his lips, he looked at the frightened female employees. He approached the prettiest of the bunch and threw his arm around her, "hey why don't you and your friends accompany my friends upstairs and we can have some drinks and food, I promise it'll be fun." His hand slid down her back.

"Hey asshole!"

The long haired man turned as he took a vicious kick to the stomach, he folded over coughing, through his breaths. "B-beat this fucker!"