Chapter II: Welcoming Party

It's been 2 hours since we dropped on our flight in Laguindingan airport and we're currently driving to Bukidnon, dad said that mother's birthplace doesn't really differentiate with those in big cities except they don't have big and complex buildings there and I've searched about it also a bit and I was looking forwards to its sceneries. There are lots of trees and I'm sure it'll be easy for me to adapt on my new environment since it'll be relaxing and if I remembered it correctly, my grand parents' house is near the forest and river.

Its quiet tiring during our flight here and now we're escorted by my uncle George, he's the one who welcomed us when we landed in the airport. It's been blurry, I can't remember him that much when even if I try to recall my memories of him. He's just there driving peacefully.

He noticed that I was looking at him through the driving mirror. I was seated on the back while dad's on the front passenger seat. I could see his gaze through the mirror. I could see his ruffled hair, maybe he was in a hurry to welcome us in the airport. Well dad called yesterday and said that we'll be coming here.

"You've grown so big Marko, I almost did not recognize you." He said while taking glances at me in the mirror.

I really don't want to speak as it's a bit awkward because it's been too long since that last time we've met but I got no choice.

"Yes Uncle, I also don't remember much being here and about you." I replied.

He chuckled and nodded. "Makes sense since its been twelve years, the last time you've came here." He replied.

I don't know what to respond and silence echoed inside the car, I can hear the passing vehicles.

This is a bit awkward. I thought. He finally broke the silence when suddenly started to bombard me with questions.

"So do you have a girlfriend now? I remembered you were crying when you were little because Natasha did not kiss you after you gave her a chocolate." He asked while grinning.

I felt my face slowly heating. That time, I really did cry so much because I liked that girl Natasha.

"haha, I really don't have a girlfriend right now uncle" I awkwardly replied.

"Haha okay, How about school? Did you got the chance to say proper farewell to your friends?" He asked again.

"Yeah sort of, I did not even know I was gonna transfer here until the other day." I replied.

"Figures, your dad's been like that ever since." He answered.

Huh so Uncle and dad used to be friends? or maybe even classmates before.. so he knew mom longer than I thought. When I used to ask mom she always say that she met dad during a festival. When I ask mom what festival was that, she'd just smile and say an extremely beautiful and wonderful night festival.

"Did that also live there... in the same place with mom?" I asked.

A moment of silence happened and I noticed uncle give dad a gaze before answering.

"No, your dad lives far from us. It's just that we go from same school before." He answered.

I really don't know but something's amiss when I heard his reply but I did not go over it. Maybe he was just concerned if dad hears us talking about mom. Dad..... He and I used to be so close but when that accident happened, he became a bit distant to me. Does he blame me for what happened to mom? I asked him before what happened on that day but he keeps on telling me that it's better if I don't remember and should not ask him about that incident.

I felt tired so I closed my eyes to rest. Maybe when I wake up later, we'd be home by that time..




I abruptly opened my eyes, someone was waking me up- it was uncle George. I stretched myself. It was quiet a tiring travel. He was outside the car, carrying our luggage. I looked in front the seat and I could not see dad. Maybe he went there already.

I got out of the car and slowly walked towards the house. As I explore the surroundings, it's quiet the tranquil one. Even though it's already evening, the moon's light illuminates the surroundings. I can also see some fireflies flying near the trees.

"Is this Marko hijo?" An old woman asked while she was staring at me.

"Yes mama." I heard dad replied behind her. I can see him in my peripheral vision, he's.... eating some snack.

"Good evening Lola." I greeted her, she smiled and hugged me tightly.

"Good evening too hijo" she replied. "Come and introduce yourself with your cousins. It's been twelve years since you came here." She said as she grabbed me to the living room. I can really feel their intense gaze towards me. Especially the three teenagers.

"Oh my gosh is that Marko!?" The girl asked.

"Yes yes hija, everyone this is Marko, maybe some of you my grandchild do not know him since the last time he's here was twelve years ago." Lola introduced.

'Do you remember us Marko?" The girl asked again while pointing to herself and two other guys beside her. I tried so hard to recall their names.

"Uhhhhm. Feby? Dran and Cedrick right?" I answered hesitantly.

"Dingding! correct. I almost did not recognize you! You're so handsome, does Manila have that kind of effect? I wanna go and live there too." She said.

"Oh no Feb they'll mistook you as witch there" a little guy suddenly said that made the family laugh.

"You're really naught huh natnat! I'm gonna eat you!" Feby ran towards natnat and tried to scare him which was quiet effective because the little guy ran towards the living room, shouting.

"Good to see you again Marko" My aunt greeted, They then introduced themselves to me as what lola instructed and then they left, leaving me together with Dran and Cedrick. It was awkward since it's been too long since I came here. We did not even had any communication through social medias.

Silence echoed in the room, I can hear the laughter outside made by the family. What do I do? I really don't know how to start a conversation with them.

"Why're you all quiet? y'all deaf or somethin'?" It was Feby.

"W-well it's a little bit awkward to talk to him, it's been long since we had any communications right Dran?" Cedrick answered as he looked at Dran which he responded with a nod.

"Come on you two, he's the one who came back here so we should welcome him warmly. I'm gonna go there ang get some foods for us to eat." Feby waved as she walks towards the dining room.

"H-hi Marko, welcome back." Dran greeted.

I mentally face slapped my self. It's really awkward right now.

"Hello Dran, thank you. by the way you all can still call me iko just like before." I answered. Their shy faces turned into smile which made me smile too, good thing I remembered my nickname when I was here.

"By the way Marko, what was it like in Manila? I heard there are tall ang extravagant buildings there!" Cedrick asked.

"Yeah there are lots of gigantic buildings in Manila malls too." I replied.

"Is it true that it's hot there?" Dran asked.

"Yeah, that's true but there are still parts where trees grow and I sometimes go to malls to freshen up." I replied.

It was quiet funny, the look in their faces, mixed reaction to what I said. Perhaps.

"I think its better here than there Dran." Cedrick said while holding his chin eyes closed. Dran on the other hand is nodding like crazy.

"yes, yes true." he replied.

"Anway Marko, what school did Uncle transferred you to?" Cedrick suddenly asked me.

"Ah well, it's CMU. Since there's a veterinary medicine course there." I replied.

"Wow I guess we'll all be going to same school then." Dran replied. "My course is Agriculture, animal science major while Cedrick here is, IT and feby is taking education, English Major." He continued.

Feby then arrived, brought foods for the four of us and sat beside me. We started eating the foods and started to talk about the past, reminiscing though most of them I forgot and they happily told me those forgotten memories of mine.

An hour passed and everyone was asleep. Me on the other hand isn't tired at all. Figures, I slept throughout the day coming here. I decided to stand up and go out. The cold breeze embraced my face as I stepped out of the house. There are really a lot of trees in here, I can also hear the crickets singing on the field, fireflies flying through trees. The moonlight illuminates the surrounding creating a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere here.

I walked towards the small pond, I can see my reflection also of the sky and the moon. I can also see the fish swimming since the water is bright and clear. Something got my attention when I heard the rustling sound coming from the bush ahead. I stared at and squinted my eyes to see it clearly since the shade coming from the tree darkens the surroundings there.

All of a sudden, a white squirrel-like animal came out from the bush. It stood there, staring... it seems like it was observing me too but wait, where there any squirrel here in this place? I heard nothing of it. To my curiosity, I approached it slowly and the animal stood still, observing me again. It doesn't seems like to be bothered by my walking towards it.

Maybe it got scared since I approached it- the animal ran towards the forest and I decided to follow it since it really piqued my interest. After walking a couple meters from there I heard it squeak so I looked behind the log and saw the squirrel-like animal there. Three of them actually! I grabbed my pocket to get my cellphone so that I could take a picture of these three cute things but my phone wasn't there. It seems I left it on the house. Well I shrugged, I can just take pictures next time.

They were running in circles and stopping for a sec then proceeds to run in circle again. It seems like they're playin. I'm extremely amazed by it and can't help thinking that there were such animals here in this place. Maybe they're rarely seen? I can't hide my excitement! Maybe I'm the first one to discover them here in this place! I'd better ask my cousins tomorrow because right now, I have to observe them first.

"So you're here after all."

"AH! Ghost!" I shouted. My body jolted, my heart raced as I was extremely surprised by the voice that came from behind so I looked back. I'm extremely scared right now. I just realized, I'm out of the woods, alone , at night.

I heard the voice laugh, it was a girl's voice.

"Don't be afraid I'm not a ghost. geez that's rude you know" she said.

"I-if you're not then come out in there!" I replied.

"Nah, I just want to talk like this at the moment. I'm really shy when I talk to other person you know" she replied.

"But we are talking right now." I said.

"Well I mean if I talk face to face. With this shade coming from the tree, I can't see your face and you can't see mine so I don't get nervous." She said.

"Well if you say so but can I see you even just for a moment?" I asked. I've gotta make sure that I'm not talking to a ghost right now. There were silence for a moment then I heard a rustling sound and she came out behind the tree.

I can see her green dress from the moonlight, she had a fair white skin.

"Why are you wearing a mask? you really are a ghost." I jokingly said.

"Well jokes on you, I'm not." She replied.

"Haha, okay okay I'll believe you" I said.

She then sat on the grass and just stared at me. Faintly, I can see her eyes even though it's a little bit dark.

"So what were you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I noticed some rustling sounds so I came here and I found you stalking those sp- animals there." She replied.

"What do you mean by sp?" I asked again.

"W-well they're special animals right? I know you haven't any of those before just this night." she replied. Well, it makes sense and I was right! these are rare animals here!

"So you've saw them before?" I asked.

'Of course I did. Many times.. too may times already. but.." she went silent after that.

"But what?" I asked.

"Nothing never mind, not important." she replied.

"Do you live near here?" I asked her again. I wanna make friends on people here so I guess it's better to start now.

"Sorta." her short reply.

"You're new here right?" She added.

"Yeah. I just got here from Manila. I'll be living here in Lola Rosita's house. Do you know her?" I said.

She nodded her head a few times. "Of course, no one here doesn't know who she is. I mean she's a famous herbalist here because her ointments are quiet effective." she replied.

Oh I remember back before when I was little, lola treated my wounds and for only two days the wound was gone and there was no scar.

"I guess we should have a welcoming party here for you." she suddenly spoke.

A welcoming party? just the two of us? doesn't that sound a bit weird?

"Just us?" I replied.

"Nah-ah. come here." She shook her head ang grabbed me by my hands. We were almost running.

"Here, we're here." She said as she moved a couple bushes and there it revealed a large pond. The water was being illuminated by the moonlight, there were also many fireflies flying around- it feels enchanted. There were many plants that illuminates, if felt like I was in a whole new world.

"Is it beautiful?" she asked.

"yeah." the only thing I replied as I was amazed by the place.

Out of nowhere she pulled out a flute and started to play it. The melody was soothing, it makes me relaxed. The wind blew and the cold breeze kissed my face. While she was playing the flute, she makes small steps and started to dance in front of the large pond. Every steps she makes are synchronized to the beat of the flute, her dancing skills were no joke, she was like a fairy- the moonlight compliments her fair skin, the reflection of the moon makes her black silky hair like glowing.

The moment she stopped playing the flute she gracefully bowed and smiled. "Was it good? did you enjoy my welcoming party?" she asked.

Even though she played and danced altogether, I can't sense any heavy breathing. It was like she did nothing. If I were that I'd be catching my breathe. I was in awe by her performance, mesmerizing, breathe taking and enjoyable.

"Yeah, it's beautiful thank you." I replied which she smiled after hearing that.

She suddenly looked up in the sky which I did too. "It's time already" she muttered.

"We should go back now." she added in which I agreed to.

We started to walk back the path until we've reach the exit of the forest. I can see lola's house from here. She suddenly stopped walking.

"Oh yeah. I should walk you home." I offered.

"No, I'm all good." she replied.

"No, I should walk you home" I insisted but she was still insisting not to and I can't do anything about it so I stepped outside the forests and waved at her and on which she did too.

I was about to walk back when I heard her say something.

"Farewell Marko, see you again soon" I looked back at her.

"How-" "MARKO" I did not finish my question as I heard someone calling my name behind me. I looked back and it was Feby, walking towards me.

"What are you doing here? it's late at night! lola's looking for you" She said.

"Wait I was just gonna ask her" I replied as I pointed on the girl.

"Who?" she looked puzzled as she asks.

I looked in front but the girl was nowhere to be seen. Did she run away? she got scared?

"Come on now it's freezing here I'm so cold." she said as she trembles from the cold wind and started to walk back the house. I walked behind her and I can't keep myself to take glances at the forest.

I hope I'll meet her again anytime soon.

// The girl peeked behind the tree she's hiding. She saw the boy taking glances at where she was before. She waved through the air-even though the boy could not see her. She walked back and took off her mask, she started to run and jumping at the same time. A smile carved on her face- she seemed delighted and happy. Her eyes glistened at the very thought she spent time with the young boy.//

-end of chapter II