10 - Returning to the Divine World.

The knowledge in this book was so deep for Satoru that it took him several minutes to read and understand just one page, then after he read just a few more pages the pop-up window appeared again.

But this time there was a notice saying he could pray more than once and the time would add up.

Seeing how practical this was, Satoru smiled excitedly as he prayed 10 times, thus generating 10 Divine Power Points for Apollo, who smiled even more excitedly flying over his house.

Satoru was so focused on reading that book that he didn't even notice that several hours had passed.

It wasn't until his mother was opening the bedroom door that he became alert.

With a thought, the golden screen disappeared and Satoru was on guard as he looked towards the door.

Seeing that it was his mother, Satoru became relaxed again and realized how much the event that happened today affected him, as he was on guard even with his mother returning to the room.

This only further fueled his conviction to get stronger, as he figured that if he was stronger, he wouldn't need to be so scared of any potential enemies.

Looking at the golden ring on his finger, Satoru smiled knowing that he had found how he would get stronger.

Apollo was watching this very happily.

Satoru's development was exactly as he had envisioned it. Using the knowledge about chakra that these common ninja didn't have access to was extremely advantageous.

To have power people can do unimaginable things.

Just like Hidan, a ninja who was part of Yugakure like Satoru, one day he deserted the village and went to follow the God Jashin just to get the immortality and power he dreamed of so much.

Thinking about it, Apollo was a little surprised.

"I remember that Hidan was always very devoted to Jashin, and considering that the Uzumaki clan is about to be destroyed, Kushina must be 10 years old today, Hidan is maybe a little younger than her…" Guessing Hidan's age, Apollo had a bold idea.

If Hidan, Jashin's best believer, became his believer in the future, wouldn't that be even better?

"With this medium I can not only make myself stronger, I can also make my enemy weaker!" Apollo got excited thinking about it.

In the world of Naruto, Apollo never saw these mortals as true opponents. Perhaps the only people who could pose any threat to him are those with the surname Otsutsuki or the Jashin God who has been trying to invade this world for several years now.

That's why Apollo still has a bit of a watch on the world, but he still maintains a more relaxed and relaxed attitude.

Seeing how excited Satoru was while reading the book he wrote with knowledge about Chakra, Apollo was happy and decided to get some rest.

Spending several hours developing the Light Ring, as he decided to call it, and then still making sure that Satoru developed as he planned, made Apollo's mental load very consuming.

So Apollo understood that he needed to leave this world for a while to rest in the real world.

'I believe that while I already have three believers who provide me with 2 Divine Power Points per day, other students of the University of Gods are still trying to connect to other worlds, far from getting their first divine power…' Apollo thought about the difference him to the other students and was quite proud.

Using the knowledge of his body's memory, Apollo was already able to understand himself in this world, understand how the structure worked and understand what could and what could not be said to other gods.

Now, feeling that he had become a new Apollo, who mixed the personality of the Apollo from his previous life, with the knowledge and powers of the Apollo that had previously owned that body, he was excited about what he could do in the other world as well!

Fortunately, even if Apollo was no longer in this world, with the setup he made for the Light Web, just using sunlight as a server, Momo, Mika, and Satoru could still continue using the Light Web normally.

Apollo felt that his body was heavier than before and a feeling of great fatigue was washing over him.

"The professor was right, the residual fatigue from connecting to a world the first time is really too strong…" Apollo sighed as he held his head.

Even though he had plans of things to do in the main world when he woke up, seeing how his body was feeling made Apollo leave that idea for the next day and lay down to sleep.

Seeing the date on his cell phone before going to bed, Apollo couldn't help but be shocked!

Considering the time it took him to get to know the world, develop the Light Web and the first ring, find a good candidate to be the first believer, up to the point that Satoru joined, it all added up to the 10 days he spent in the world of Naruto.

But looking at the date on his phone, only 1 day had passed in the real world!

"So 1 year in the Ninja world would be just over a month in the real world?" Apollo was even more surprised by this.

Considering that the gods have a very long life, it is normal for them to see worlds transform in a faster way than the humans of those worlds, mainly because the divine world is much more powerful than these small worlds of mortals, so the rate of time of worlds is always unbalanced.

Apollo teachers explained to him that different worlds have different rates of time.

But the more gods were in a world, the smaller the time flow difference to the real world.

The teacher even gave an example of the Exodus world, a giant world that had hundreds of gods vying for the attention of believers in that world, the time difference between the Exodus world and the Divine world was 1.5 to 1, that is, 24 hours in the real world would only be 36 hours in the Exodus world.

While this made it easier for the gods to protect their believers in that world in case something unforeseen happened, it also limited the development speed of the gods who had believers in that world, as the speed of belief they would receive would be very different.

On the other hand, worlds with few gods had absurd rates of time difference, being 15 times the highest rate that gods have ever encountered, which were in worlds that other gods had never entered.

The only exceptions to this are worlds where gods have managed to conquer the entire population, thus being able to control the time flow of the worlds at will.

Only being limited to 15 times the speed and 1 time the speed.

The Ninja world of Apollo having 10 times the speed was already a great number, and thinking of Jashin, Apollo discovered that he was the only God of that world.

But that also meant something else, when Jashin returned to the divine world and noticed the time flow difference from 15 times to 10 times, he would find that another god had invaded his world.

And that got Apollo a little excited.


Chapter 17 is already released on Patre on! (7 advanced chapters)

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