23 - New technique

"We did it!" Mika screamed as she ran through the house.

The little girl was so happy! Since she discovered Momo's Light Ring, she also wanted one, but since there was only one Light Ring, she just accepted it and wore it all day with Momo.

But tonight they managed to buy a Light Ring!

Since Mika's father was Jonin and her mother was Chunin, it wasn't difficult to get money to buy another ring, and since her parents had seen how much she wanted one of those rings, they talked to Momo's parents and agreed to buy Mika a new ring when the shop opened.

Mika was still afraid of not being able to buy the ring, but seeing the ring appearing with a golden light, she was extremely happy!

Momo was also happy for Mika, as this way the two could even talk without being near each other for the Light Forum!

"Hey Momo, what is this Light Web 2.0?" Mika asked confused.

Momo didn't understand and used her Light Ring to see.

The little girls' parents also looked at the two gold screens and perused the update notes.

[Light Web Version 2.0!]


- It is now possible to preview images in all apps!

- Visual enhancement of all apps.

- Light Forum:

– New pages were created.

– Users can create accounts.

- Light's Library:

– Books now have illustrated covers.

– Some books have visual representations.

– New books have been added.

- Temple of Light

– Illustrative images about short stories and poems.

– New short stories and poems have been added.

- Divine Store:

– Visual representation of items for sale.]

Momo and Mika who were very young didn't quite understand the explanation in the update notes, but when they saw that the books had pictures they were shocked.

Without thinking twice, the two little girls controlled the Light Web to open Light's Library.

Seeing the images on book covers, for children like them who are very visual, this was extremely shocking!

Many books that they didn't find interesting before, because they felt the title looked boring, after seeing the cover images became much more interesting to them.

With this change, Apollo was sure it would make the girls use the Light Web even more!

Seeing the reaction of the little girls, Apollo stopped to observe the reaction of the other users and was also very pleased.

Currently with the new rings he had 7 Light Web users.

- Uzumaki Momo, who earned him 0.5 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Uzumaki Mika, who earned him 0.5 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Satoru's mother, who earned him 0.5 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Satoru, who earned him 1 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Grand Elder Uzumaki, who earned him 2 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Uzumaki Akira, who earned him 2 Divine Power Points per hour.

- Uzumaki Shoichi, who earned him 3 Divine Power Points per hour.

All in all, Apollo was getting 9.5 Divine Power Points per hour! And considering an average use of 10 prayers a day, he would receive 95 Divine Power Points every day!

The next shipment of Light Rings at the Divine Store would be available in 15 days, that is, just following this speed Apollo could put 15 Light Rings on sale!

'With the speed at which the Divine Power is increasing, it will soon become a big snowball.' Apollo thought excited to see the progress.

While Apollo was excited among the clouds above Uzushiogakure, Uzumaki Akira was getting acquainted with the Light Web.

First he looked at the Light Forum and thought about the pros and cons of this "application", a word he learned today.

Although this Light Forum was very good, this was also public. If he wanted to use the Light Forum in a way to pass military orders or classified information, he needed to create encryption that only the Anbu of Uzushiogakure could understand.

In addition to the Light Forum, Akira was very interested in the Light's Library.

Especially when he saw something that left him quite amazed.

[Chakra, is there a limit that a Jutsu can handle?]

As a Jonin of the Uzumaki clan, Akira knows full well that the more chakra in a jutsu, the more powerful it will be, but there is a limit.

His clan has approximately 50 times more chakra than a civilian ninja of the same level, that is, a Jonin Uzumaki has the same chakra as at least 50 civilian Jonin.

But although this looks great on paper, as long as the civilian Jonin uses a very powerful Jutsu and kills the Jonin Uzumaki in a short time, even if the Jonin Uzumaki hasn't used even 10% of his Chakra, it won't do anything if he is dead.

That's why the members of the Uzumaki Clan always try to extend the battles for as long as possible, so that the opponent's Chakra runs out first and the Uzumaki can win afterwards.

Of course, if Jonin Uzumaki knows how to use very powerful ninjutsu, they will be machines of mass destruction in a war, but unfortunately their family has great talent in fuuinjutsu, but when it comes to destructive power, this is not enough.

But when he started to read that book, Akira felt that his heart was beating faster and faster.

Apparently there is a way to overload a jutsu with as much chakra as the caster wants, although this practice spends 10x more chakra to make the jutsu 2x more powerful, for Uzumaki family ninjas who have 50x more chakra this is irrelevant!

If they can spend 50x more chakra to make their jutsu 10x more powerful it will only make them spend chakra at the same rate as regular ninjas, but it will do 10x more damage in the short term.

This technique is perhaps not so valued by common ninjas, but in the hands of the Uzumaki family, this is practically a Kekkei Genkai!

Thinking of the war they would have to deal with in 3 months, Akira felt his blood boil and decided to study this technique as soon as possible.


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