29 - Church?

"During the last 15 days my focus of study was the Light Temple. There I focused on learning about the past of the God of Light, in addition to his achievements. From what I learned in that time, my impression of the God of Light is someone very kind and with great compassion." Masahiro explained, which earned several elders nods.

"But our initial impression of the God of Light is that he is doing all this for us while we can't do much for him, but over time I came to realize that this was wrong." Masahiro explained patiently.

"From what I understand of Light Web, as the God of Light asks us to say a small 10-second prayer every 60 minutes, maybe this means that this prayer is little more than enough for 60 minutes of using Light Web and that can be a way to not charge high sacrifices like other evil gods we've heard of, while this prayer can provide a small profit for him with some other utility, after all, how good for a God would a small 10 second prayer be?" Masahiro explained, which earned the nods from the other elders.

"I also researched other gods around the world and only found information about an evil god in Hot Water country, but this evil God asks believers to live in the church and offer sacrifices all the time. When I compare this to the God of Light, it becomes the difference between one God and the other even clearer, so I thought of a way for us to thank the God of Light for providing us with the Light Web." Masahiro finally got to his point, which attracted listeners' attention even more.

"What do you suggest, Grand Elder?" Shoichi asked curiously, as the Grand Elder had not previously communicated this with him.

Masahiro smiled and continued. "I thought of creating a church for the God of Light in our Uzumaki Country!"

The others were astonished when they heard this, they never thought of creating a one God church in his country.

There were even some elders who were a bit resistant to this, as this was the first time they had heard about this Light Web, but Masahiro already guessed that it would be like that and continued on before anyone interrupted.

"I already carried out some experiments on this, we don't need to say clearly that we are making a church, but rather say that we are making a place to tell stories. The stories of the God of Light are very interesting, to the point that even my family expects me to tell them stories every night, and considering people don't have much to do for entertainment other than go out on the street to spend money, I believe it would be just as advantageous for us to please the God of Light in that way as it would be advantageous for the population who will have more entertainment and live happier that way." The Grand Elder finally finished saying what he had planned and sat down.

Everyone else was a bit stunned by these ideas, falling silent considering the things Masahiro said.

After a few seconds, the first to react was Shoichi, the Patriarch. "I agree with this idea. Just thinking about the benefits Akira found for our Uzumaki family is more than enough for us to show our gratitude to the God of Light, not to mention the benefits we haven't found in the Light Web yet, and considering that this too can improve people's lives, making people even happier, I can't even think of a reason to deny it."

After listening to the Patriarch's opinion, the other elders finally put their doubts aside and also approved the Grand Elder's idea.

"Grand Elder, I'll leave that matter to you to deal with." Shoichi finally concluded, which received the Grand Elder's excited nod in return.

Apollo, who was watching this meeting while floating in the sky, was pleasantly surprised. He already had an idea of how to suggest Masahiro to become a priest, or a Pope, but he hadn't considered how scarce entertainment is in this world, which made him feel that Masahiro's idea was even better than the idea. which he thought, causing Apollo to scrap his plans for that matter and just let Masahiro do the work.

"I believe that now Light Web will enter a period of high-intensity development." Apollo told himself excitedly.

Looking through the other Light Rings, Apollo saw that Satoru, who had already reached Chunin level strength, was beside his mother, from what they talked about, Apollo saw that they only intended to buy a single Light Ring and keep it safe in case emergency, as they didn't have that much money.

Already on Momo and Mika's side, the families of the two little girls were together again, apparently they wanted to buy 4 rings, so each one would have a Light Ring.

That way, there would still be 13 Light Rings left of the 18 that Apollo intended to distribute.

Thinking that Shoichi already had plans to develop the Uzumaki Clan and even send Light Rings to Konoha, Apollo felt he could relax and start improving his own strength starting next week, leaving the development of the rings to mortals for now.

In a few minutes the Light Ring stock was finally updated.

Just as Apollo imagined, everyone got the rings they wanted, leaving Satoru with 1, Momo and Mika with 4, and Shoichi with 13.

Everyone was satisfied with how many Light Rings they got.

"Okay, out of the 13 Light Rings we got, I intend to send 1 to Kushina and 1 to Lady Mito in Konoha. Among the other 11 rings, 5 will be distributed to the Anbu, 3 will go to the Grand Elder to develop his people to thank to the God of Light, while the other 3 rings will be distributed to other elders. Anyone who is interested can let me know, with the reason why you feel that the Light Ring will be useful in your hands for the development of our country." Shoichi explained neatly.

Upon hearing this, everyone got excited, feeling how magical this Light Ring was, everyone wanted one, the only thing they needed to think of was a suitable reason, as according to the Patriarch, the next shipment of Light Rings would only come in 15 days again.

Meanwhile, thinking that there were currently 22 Light Rings and that he could receive approximately 350 Divine Power Points every day, Apollo got even more excited.


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